Clock-style Angle Picker Plugin - jQuery circlePoint

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License: MIT
Clock-style Angle Picker Plugin - jQuery circlePoint

circlePoint is a simple yet fully customizable angle picker plugin that enables your users to choose the desired angle by clicking on the corresponding point within a clock-style circle UI.

How to use it:

1. Add the jquery.circlepoint.js script to your page which has jQuery library loaded.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.circlepoint.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin to generate a basic angle picker on the page.

<div class="circlepoint"></div>

3. Get the currently selected angle in degrees.

  changeAction: function () {
    // $( this ).val()

4. Available plugin options.


  // number of points to generate
  nbPoint: 16,

  // width in px
  totalSize: 60,

  // input ID
  // false: disable the input field
  input: circlepoint_input,
  input_value: 0,
  input_fontSize: 15,

  // customize the points
  sizePointSup: 10, 
  sizePointInf: 6,
  sizePoint: 4,

  // rond or carre
  typePoint: "rond",

  // background colors
  bgdColorSup: "#333", 
  bgdColorInf: "#666", 
  bgdColor: "#999",
  bgdColorHover: "#FFCC00",

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by xmatox. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.