Dynamic Word Definition Plugin With jQuery - Underlined Definitions

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Dynamic Word Definition Plugin With jQuery - Underlined Definitions

The Underlined Definitions jQuery plugin automatically adds underlines to matched words within the document and displays pre-defined definitions in a tooltip (using title attribute) when hovering on.

Click on the word to search the keyword on Google, Wiki, or Yandex.

Also available as a vanilla JavaScript version.

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library and the jQuery Underlined Definitions plugin to the html page.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js" 
<script src="js/jquery.underline-def.min.js"></script>

2. Define you own words and Definitions in the JavaScript as follows:

let words = ["JavaScript", "AJAX"],
    definitions = ["JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language.", "Ajax is a set of Web development techniques using many Web technologies on the client side to create asynchronous Web applications."];

3. Initialize the plugin by calling the function underlineDef on the target text conent.

<div class="text">
  <p>JavaScript is an event-based imperative programming language (as opposed to HTML's declarative language model) that is used to transform a static HTML page into a dynamic interface. JavaScript code can use the Document Object Model (DOM), provided by the HTML standard, to manipulate a web page in response to events, like user input.</p>

  <p>Using a technique called AJAX, JavaScript code can also actively retrieve content from the web (independent of the original HTML page retrieval), and also react to server-side events as well, adding a truly dynamic nature to the web page experience.</p>
  words: words,
  definitions: definitions

4. Apply your own CSS styles to the underlines.

.customUnderline {
  border-bottom: 1px dashed #333;
  cursor: help;

5. Specify the wrapper element for the matched words..

  words: words,
  definitions: definitions,
  tagName: 'span'

6. Specify the HTML attribute to hold the definition.

  words: words,
  definitions: definitions,
  attr: 'title'

7. Specify the search engine you want to use. Default: false.

  words: words,
  definitions: definitions,
  search: 'wiki' // or 'google', 'yandex'

8. Change the default class of the matched words.

  words: words,
  definitions: definitions,
  underlineClass: 'underline-definitions'

9. Decide whether to stop the default action.

  words: words,
  definitions: definitions,
  preventDefault: true

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ckkz-it. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.