Shows Glossary Definitions For Terms On Mouse Hover - Instant Definitions

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Shows Glossary Definitions For Terms On Mouse Hover - Instant Definitions

The Instant Definitions jQuery plugin automatically fetches glossary definitions from a JSON file and display them in a tooltip when hovering over the corresponding terms within the document.

More features:

  • Auto highlights terms within the document.
  • Custom underline & background of the highlighted terms.
  • Shows an error tooltip when there is no matched definition.
  • Auto hides on mobile devices or not.

See also:

How to use it:

1. To get started, include jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery Instant Definitions plugins' files on the html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/instant-definitions.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="js/instant-definitions.js"></script>

2. Set terms and definitions in a JSON file as follows:

// terms.json
var glossary = {
    "items": [{
      "term": "jQuery",
      "title": "jQueryScript.Net",
      "definition": "A JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation."
      "term": "JSON",
      "title": "What Is JSON",
      "definition": "An open-standard file format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and array data types"

3. Import the JSON file into the page.

<script src="terms.json"></script>

4. Add the CSS class idef to the terms and specify the definitions using the data-idef attribute as follows:

<p>The Instant Definitions <span class="idef" data-idef="jQuery">jQuery</span> plugin automatically fetches glossary definitions from a <span class="idef" data-idef="JSON">JSON</span> file and display them in a tooltip when hovering over the corresponding terms within the document.</p>

5. Initailize the jQuery Instant Definitions plugin and done.


6. Customize the styles of the highlighted terms.

  underlineText: false,
  underlineColor: "#00c7c7",
  underlineWeight: 2,
  backgroundColor: "#abfcab",
  backgroundOpacity: 0.4,
  highlightText: true,
  boldText: false,
  noStyle: false

7. Set the max width of the tooltip popup.

  maxSize: 350

8. Determine whether to show an error message when there is no matched definition.

  showErrors: true

9. Determine whether to display titles.

  showTitles: true

10. Enable/disable the plugin on mobile devices.

  hideMobile: true


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tawong. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.