Top 100 jQuery Plugins For 2025
Our curated collection of the top 100 jQuery plugins from the past five years, handpicked to energize and enhance your web development projects in 2025.
Zoom Images On Click/Tap - image-zoom.js
- Zoom - 91740 ViewsA lightweight (1.8kb minified) and easy jQuery image zoom plugin that enables the visitor to zoom in/out images with mouse and touch events.
Multiple Select With Filter And Checkboxes Using jQuery
- Form - 61359 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts a select box into a filterable multi-select dropdown where your users are able to select one or more options by checking checkboxes.
Bootstrap 5/4/3 Date Time Picker With jQuery
- Time & Clock - 52240 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you create a highly customizable date & time picker in Bootstrap 5, Bootstrap 4, or Bootstrap 3 projects.
Load More Content On Scroll Down - Infinite Scroll Pagination
- Loading - 43230 ViewsAutomatically or manually loads more content from server via AJAX when continuously scrolling the content area to the bottom of the page.
Dynamic Event Calendar For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 40419 ViewsA minimal clean calendar component for Bootstrap 4 that dynamically displays events on a month view.
Lucky Spin (Random Wheel) In jQuery
- Other - 38934 ViewsA free online lucky spin wheel app (also called wheels of fortune) written in jQuery, HTML, and CSS/CSS3.
Magnify Images On Mouse Hover - jqZoom
- Zoom - 35594 ViewsA fast and small jQuery image zoom plugin that applies a mouse-over magnifying glass to any image within the document.
Full-featured WYSIWYG Editor For Bootstrap
- Text - 34269 ViewsThis is a full-featured, jQuery & Bootstrap based WYSIWYG editor for writing messages, comments, or articles on your blog or website.
Apply Filter To Each Column Of An HTML Table - Filter.js
- Table - 33033 ViewsA super tiny (less than 1kb) table filtering plugin to generate a search field for each column of your HTML table that enables the user to filter through your tabular data in a convenient way.
Easy Web PDF Viewer With jQuery And pdf.js - pdfjs-viewer
- Other - 27168 ViewsA jQuery Plugin that provides a simple way for your users to view PDF documents directly in their web browser.
Customizable 12h/24h Time Picker For Bootstrap - Timepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 25210 ViewsA tiny yet user-friendly and highly customizable time picker plugin to select specific hours and minutes from a dropdown list.
Collapsible Sidebar Navigation Using Bootstrap 4
- Menu - 24898 ViewsA mobile-friendly collapsible sidebar navigation system (off-canvas navigation) built on top of Bootstrap 4, jQuery, and CSS/CSS3.
Pick Hours of Availability For Each Day - Mark Your Calendar
- Time & Clock - 24720 ViewsA tiny jQuery scheduler plugin to create a calendar with week view where users can pick a single or multiple hours of availability for each day of the week.
Powerful Calendar Plugin With jQuery - Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 24539 ViewsA lightweight, fast, customizable, and easy-to-style calendar component built on top of jQuery.
Convert A Long Paragraph To Short Paragraphs - Paragraphier
- Text - 24007 ViewsA tiny jQuery based app for writers that converts/splits a long paragraph to short paragraphs for better readability.
Create Top/Bottom/Side Drawers Using Bootstrap Modal Component
- LightBox - 23412 ViewsA CSS extension to Bootstrap 4/5 framework that enables you to create top, bottom, and/or side drawers and fullscreen modal dialogs using the native Bootstrap 4/5 modal component.
Multi Item Carousel With Bootstrap 5 And jQuery
- Slider - 23142 ViewsA jQuery script to extend the Bootstrap 5 carousel component that allows multiple items per view.
Powerful Multilingual Date/Time Picker - Tempus Dominus
- Time & Clock - 22928 ViewsA powerful, fully customizable and lightweight date/time picker for Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. It is a zero dependency replacement for the native HTML5 date & time input type.
Dynamic Collapsible Tree View For Bootstrap 5
- Other - 22185 ViewsCreate a dynamic, collapsible/expandable tree view with the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.
Full Screen Modal Dialog In Bootstrap 4
- LightBox - 21996 ViewsA CSS extension to Bootstrap 4 framework that makes the modal component take up the whole screen when toggled.
Easy Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 21888 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery library that allows you to easily add time picker functionality for your Bootstrap projects.
Enhance HTML Table With Pagination Sorting Filtering - tableManager
- Table - 21575 ViewsA simple yet powerful jQuery table management plugin that provides an easy way to sort/filter/paginate tabular data in an HTML table.
Draggable Kanban Board App With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 21271 ViewsA user-friendly, drag and drop kanban board app to manage your work on the web. Written in jQuery, Bootstrap 4, and Material Design UI components.
Select Box With Searchable Options - jQuery Searchbox
- Form - 19580 ViewsTurn a select element into a styleable dropdown list where you can filter through options with a searchbox as well as add new options to the list.
Dynamic Tree View With Visual Connections - jsPlumbTree
- Chart & Graph - 19104 ViewsA jQuery plugin that renders a collapsible and expandable tree structure representing the hierarchical relationship between various nodes.
Event Calendar With Bootstrap 4 And Local Storage
- Time & Clock - 18940 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, monthly calendar component built with JavaScript (jQuery) and Bootstrap 4 framework.
Fully Featured Gantt Chart Component By IBM
- Chart & Graph - 17336 ViewsA JavaScript library that provides an easy way to implement a customizable, professional, full featured online gantt chart generator for scheduling your tasks on your modern web app.
Validate Password Complexity With jQuery Password Requirements
- Form - 17296 ViewsA small yet configurable password complexity validation jQuery plugin to enforce strong passwords on the web application.
Animated Calendar Plugin With Event Management - GC-Calendar
- Time & Clock - 17273 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that will easily help you in creating an animated and attractive calendar of your events by month.
Modern Multi Image Uploader For Bootstrap 4 - Images Loader
- Form - 16780 ViewsA Bootstrap & jQuery powered uploader plugin that provides a user-friendly and nice-looking interface for uploading multiple images to the web server.
Ultimate HTML Table Export Plugin With jQuery - tableExport.js
- Table - 16579 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes it easy to export tables to JSON, XML, CSV, TSV, TXT, SQL, DOC, XLS, XLSX, PNG, or PDF format.
HTML5 Form Validator For Bootstrap 5 - jbvalidator
- Form - 16311 Viewsjbvalidator is a fresh new jQuery based form validation plugin that is created for the latest Bootstrap 5 framework and supports both client side and server-side validation.
Dynamic Tree List Plugin For Bootstrap - BSTreeView
- Other - 16250 ViewsA tiny (less than 2kb minified) tree view plugin that dynamically renders a collapsible/expandable tree list using Bootstrap 4 list group component.
PDF Annotation And Drawing Markup Plugin - pdfannotate.js
- Other - 16118 ViewsAn online PDF Annotation jQuery plugin that allows your users to write comments, insert images, leave notes, and draw lines & shapes (like arrows, rectangles) on a PDF file.
Fullscreen Lightbox Gallery With Thumbnail Navigation - jQuery lightboxed
- LightBox - 15952 ViewsA jQuery plugin for displaying any content (images, videos, text, galleries) in a fullscreen lightbox.
Tiny User-friendly Time Picker In jQuery
- Time & Clock - 15948 ViewsA lightweight, user-friendly, jQuery based timer picker component that works perfectly with any popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwindcss.
Modern Dropdown Mega Menu In jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 15892 ViewsA responsive, stylish, mobile-friendly mega menu (multi-column dropdown menu) built using JavaScript (jQuery), CSS/CSS3, and nested HTML lists.
Feature-rich News Ticker With Controls - Acmeticker
- Animation - 15372 ViewsAcmeticker is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create horizontal or vertical news tickers with next/prev/play/pause controls.
Highlight Active Menu Item Based On Scroll Position - ScrollSpy
- Menu - 15133 ViewsA jQuery scrollspy plugin to highlight active menu items in the navigation based on the scroll position of the corresponding content within a container or the whole document.
Responsive Brand Logo Carousel In jQuery - RC Brand Slider
- Slider - 15092 ViewsA responsive, fully configurable, and simple-to-use jQuery slider/carousel plugin created for showcasing brand logos on the webpage.
Translate Web Content Using Google Translate API
- Text - 15032 ViewsA jQuery script that leverages Google Cloud Translation API to translate web content between languages.
Cross-platform Multi-level Dropdown Menu - Vegas Nav
- Menu - 14993 ViewsVegas Nav is a cross-platform navigation system to help you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, multi-level dropdown navbar for your web app.
Create Alert Notifications Using Bootstrap Toasts - Toaster
- Other - 14671 ViewsA Bootstrap Toast Generator that lets you quickly generate highly customizable alert notifications via Bootstrap Toasts component.
Animated Number Counter That Runs When Visible
- Animation - 14067 ViewsA tiny and configurable jQuery number counter plugin for counting up or counting down to the desired number when the counter element is scrolled into view.
Visualize JSON Or XML Data In A Tree - Data Tree
- Other - 13951 ViewsAn easy-to-use yet fully customizable jQuery tree view plugin used to visualize your JSON or XML data in a hierarchical tree structure.
Filter Table Rows By Multiple Columns - search-table
- Table - 13949 Viewssearch-table is a jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript table filter plugin that enables the visitor to filter specific table rows by multiple columns with a search field.
Cookie Consent Settings Modal With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 13846 ViewsShow a Privacy Settings modal popup that informs users how your site collects/uses their privacy data and allows them to accept/reject specific cookies.
Material Inspired Date & Date Range Picker - duDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 13727 ViewsA Material Design inspired JavaScript date picker plugin that makes it easy to select a date or a date range in a popup or inline fashion.
Before After Image Viewer In jQuery - beforeAfter.js
- Other - 13668 ViewsA jQuer based, fully configurable, mobile-friendly before after viewer that can be used to compare two images with a draggable & swipeable slider.
Custom Confirm Dialogs With Bootstrap 5 - PowerButtons
- Other - 13611 ViewsPowerButtons adds superpowers like confirmations and async loading to standard buttons. Integrates seamlessly with Bootstrap and jQuery.
Product Image Zoom On Hover - jQuery Zoom.js
- Zoom - 13585 ViewsA tiny image magnifier jQuery plugin that adds a zoom effect to any images like product images on eCommerical websites and featured images in blogs.
Auto Scrolling Data List With Pause On Hover - autoScroll
- Animation - 13219 ViewsautoScroll is a jQuery plugin to create a marquee effect that makes an HTML list automatically scroll along the vertical direction (from bottom to top) and auto disables the auto-scroll on mouse hover.
Simple Sidebar Navigation Template For Bootstrap 5/4
- Menu - 13062 ViewsA simple, responsive, easy-to-config, mobile-friendly sidebar navigation template built with Bootstrap framework and jQuery library.
Responsive Dashboard Sidebar Menu Templates - DashNav
- Menu - 12991 ViewsA set of responsive, mobile-friendly, multi-level sidebar navigation templates designed for dashboards & admin panels.
Play Youtube Videos In A Fullscreen Popup - Youtube Overlay
- LightBox - 12940 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows the visitor by clicking/tapping a trigger element to open and play a Youtube video in a fully responsive fullscreen popup.
Floating Labels For Bootstrap 5/4 Form Controls
- Form - 12919 ViewsA CSS/SCSS library that adds floating labels to Bootstrap 5 or Bootstrap 4 form controls like input, textarea, and select.
Easy Event Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 5 - jQuery bsCalendar
- Time & Clock - 12381 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create flexible, customizable, multilingual, and fully-featured event calendars using Bootstrap 5 framework and Font Awesome 6 iconic font.
Easy Alphanumeric Captcha Plugin With jQuery - captcha-lgh.js
- Other - 12368 ViewsA simple captcha plugin that creates a canvas-based alphanumeric captcha widget to test if your visitor is a bot or a human.
Minimal Event Countdown Timer Plugin - jQuery Multi Countdown
- Time & Clock - 12280 ViewsA minimal and simple jQuery countdown plugin that displays how many days/hours/minutes/seconds left until your next event.
Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs In Responsive Layout - scrollable-tabs.js
- Other - 11694 ViewsA JavaScript & jQuery plugin that makes Bootstrap tabs scroll horizontally when not enough space is available.
Display Your Instagram Feed Using The New Instagram API
- Social Media - 11654 ViewsA jQuery script that displays your Instagram feed on the webpage using the official Instagram Graph API and AJAX requests
Image Magnifier Glass Effect In jQuery - BUP.js
- Zoom - 11618 ViewsA really simple image zoom plugin that zooms in part of your image with a magnifying glass effect.
Autocomplete Suggestions For Inputs - Bootstrap Autocomplete
- Form - 11410 ViewsA full-featured autocomplete plugin for Bootstrap framework that displays suggestions in a dropdown list as users type something in your input field.
AJAX-enabled File Uploader With Live Preview - jQuery uploader.js
- Form - 11365 ViewsA lightweight and AJAX-enabled file uploader plugin that provides a convenient solution for uploading single or multiple files via AJAX.
Minimal User-friendly Date Time Picker - jQuery Dateandtime.js
- Time & Clock - 11301 ViewsA really simple and user-friendly jQuery datepicker plugin that turns a normal text input box into a date input and a time input.
Windows File Explorer Like Folder Tree In jQuery
- Other - 11140 ViewsA jQuery plugin to generate a multi-level folder tree that represents the folder hierarchy of your file system.
Pick Month And Year With jQuery UI - jQuery monthpicker.js
- Time & Clock - 10977 ViewsA month picker jQuery plugin that extends the jQuery UI's datepicker widget to allow the users to pick only months and years.
Sortable List View With jQuery - treeSortable
- Other - 10975 ViewsA minimal sortable tree jQuery plugin that enables the user to reorder items in a list tree via drag and drop. Based on jQuery UI's sortable function.
Sum/Count Values Of Checked Checkboxes & Radio Buttons
- Form - 10906 ViewsThis is a tiny jQuery script used to summate/count the values of all checked checkboxes and/or radio buttons.
Zoom Image On Hover Using jQuery
- Zoom - 10835 ViewsA tiny jQuery image zoom script that provides a nice magnifying glass effect when hovering over an image.
Loading Indicator For Bootstrap 5/4 Form Controls - Input Spinner
- Loading - 10584 ViewsA CSS/SCSS library that allows you to display an animated, customizable loading spinner/indicator inside Bootstrap form controls like input, textarea, and select.
Animated Number Counting Up In jQuery
- Animation - 10581 ViewsUse jQuery's animate() method to create an animated number counting up effect on the page.
Resize & Compress Images On Client Side - jQuery resizeImg
- Other - 10562 ViewsA jQuery plugin that resizes and compresses images on the client side and returns a Base64 string for further use.
Mobile-friendly Carousel/Slideshow With Lazy Loading - Square1 Slider
- Slider - 10539 ViewsA simple, customizable, responsive, and mobile-friendly image slider/carousel/slideshow plugin with support of responsive image delivery and image lazy loading for better performance.
Any Element Zoom & Pan Plugin - zoom.jquery.js
- Zoom - 10472 ViewsA highly customizable jQuery zoom & pan plugin for panning and zooming an element using mouse drag and mousewheel.
Advanced Multiselect Component - jQuery easySelect
- Form - 10463 ViewsAn easy, flexible, searchable jQuery multi select plugin that allows the user to select one or multiple options from a dropdown list in a convenient way.
Horizontal Scrollable Timeline Plugin - jTimeline
- Time & Clock - 10429 ViewsA tiny, responsive, SEO-friendly jQuery timeline plugin that generates a horizontal scrollable timeline from an HTML unordered list.
Simple Dashboard & Admin Panel Template With Bootstrap 4
- Other - 10407 ViewsA powerful, multi-purpose, jQuery and Bootstrap 4 based web templates & UI components for building professional, mobile-friendly dashboards & admin panels.
Small Responsive Masonry Grid In jQuery
- Layout - 10239 ViewsMasonry Grid is a tiny and responsive jQuery grid layout plugin that places elements of varying heights in a column-based fluid grid as you've seen on
Create Repeatable Form Groups - jQuery Repeater
- Form - 10208 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating repeatable form groups, which allows the user to duplicate and remove a repeatable group of fields in a form.
Animated Gradient Background Inspired By - stripe-gradient.js
- Animation - 10199 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that renders an animated gradient background on a Canvas element, inspired by
Responsive Image/Video Lightbox Gallery - jQuery LBT-Lightbox
- Gallery - 10142 ViewsA responsive and easy-to-use jQuery gallery lightbox plugin that provides a user-friendly way to showcase images and videos on your website or web application.
Create A Swipeable Bootstrap 4 Carousel With TouchSwipe Plugin
- Slider - 10005 ViewsA swipeable Bootstrap 4 carousel component that your visitors can navigate between carousel items on mobile devices using swipe events.
Animated Count Up Plugin With jQuery - countMe.js
- Animation - 9916 ViewsA lightweight and easy to use jQuery animated counter plugin that can be used to show social shares, how many views a page has received, or perhaps how many followers you have.
Speed Up Google reCAPTCHA With Lazy Load - Async Google reCAPTCHA
- Loading - 9779 ViewsA simple JavaScript solution to make Google reCAPTCHA human verification system load faster and improve page load experience.
Create A Stunning Product Carousel With Bootstrap 4
- Slider - 9683 ViewsA small jQuery script that makes uses of Bootstrap 4 Carousel component to create a responsive, mobile-friendly, automatic product slider for eCommerce websites and online stores.
Floating Whatsapp Click To Chat Button In jQuery - venom-button
- Social Media - 9659 ViewsThe venom-button jQuery plugin shows a floating and customizable Whatsapp button that enables your users to contact you through WhatsApp click to chat feature.
jQuery Plugin For Animating Numbers - rollNumber
- Animation - 9614 ViewsrollNumber is an easy and tiny jQuery plugin to create an animated counter that animates a numeric value from zero to a new one at a given speed.
Hierarchical Checkbox Tree With jQuery
- Other - 9594 ViewsA tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that takes a group of nested checkboxes and converts them into a hierarchical tree.
Create A Weekly Calendar For Displaying Events - pretty-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 9519 ViewsThis jQuery plugin allows you to create a nice looking calendar that displays your events in the current week.
Create Flexible Seating Layouts With jQuery - seatLayout.js
- Chart & Graph - 9478 ViewsA jQuery plugin to help developers create flexible, customizable seating layouts that can be useful in movie/theater/airline seat booking system.
Filter Elements With Checkboxes And Data Attributes - Demano
- Other - 9448 ViewsDemano is a simple jQuery filtering plugin to filter a group of elements with checkboxes and HTML data attributes.
Advanced Nepali Date Picker In jQuery
- Time & Clock - 9367 ViewsAn easy advanced jQuery date picker for Nepali that supports both single date selection and date range (multi-date) selection.
Image Modal With Zoom In/Out - jQuery image-popup.js
- LightBox - 9302 ViewsA lightweight and fast jQuery image lightbox plugin that displays images in a modal popup with zoom in and zoom out capabilities.
Hierarchical Tree & Multi-level Accordion Plugin - mgAccordion
- Accordion - 9258 ViewsmgAccordion is a lightweight, SEO-friendly jQuery content toggle plugin to generate a hierarchical tree or multi-level accordion menu from nested HTML unordered lists.
Easy Star Rating System With jQuery And Font Awesome - star-rating.js
- Other - 9125 ViewsA simple, lightweight, responsive, customizable, nice-looking star rating system built with jQuery and Font Awesome iconic font.
Small Custom Drag'n'drop File Upload Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 9113 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that improves your file uploading experience for users. Implement drag and drop, file previews and deletion.
Multiselect Dropdown With Checkbox & Radio Button - jQuery treeSelection
- Form - 9031 ViewsA treeview like multi-select jQuery plugin that allows the user to select single or multiple options using radio buttons or checkboxes.
Multiple Email Input Field In jQuery - multi-emails
- Form - 9023 ViewsA tiny email address management plugin that generates an email list by entering multiple email addresses separated by a comma character (,) in a single input field.
Responsive Image/Video Carousel Plugin - jQuery QCSlider
- Slider - 8996 ViewsA lightweight and responsive carousel slider jQuery plugin that supports various content types like images, HTML5 videos, and Youtube videos.