Windows File Explorer Like Folder Tree In jQuery

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License: MIT
Windows File Explorer Like Folder Tree In jQuery

A jQuery plugin to generate a multi-level folder tree that represents the folder hierarchy of your file system and allows the user to browse folders and files in a Windows File Explorer like interface.


  • Fetch file/folder information via AJAX.
  • Custom connector scripts.
  • Draggable/resizable column view.

See Also:

How to use it:

1. Load the needed jQuery and Split.js (for split view) in the document.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/cdn/split.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container in which you want to generate the folder tree.

<div id="fileexplorer-example"></div>

3. Initialize the plugin and specify the path/label of the root.

  root: "/",

4. Specify the URL (or a function) that responds with folder/file information.

  script: getPath

  script: ""

5. The data structure should look as follow.

function getPath(data)
    return [
        label: 'C:',
        path: 'C:',
        isDrive: true,
        isFolder: true,
        hasSubfolder: true,
        subitems:['Total: 300,000', 'Free: 100,000']
        label: 'D:',
        path: 'D:',
        isDrive: true,
        isFolder: true,
        hasSubfolder: true,
        subitems:['Total: 100,000', 'Free: 80,000']
  else if(data.path=='C:')
    return [
        label: 'Windows',
        path: 'C:/Windows',
        hasSubfolder: true,
        isFolder: true,
        label: 'Temp',
        path: 'C:/Temp',
        hasSubfolder: true,
        isFolder: true,
        lastModified: '1/1/2021'
        label: 'FolderWithoutSubfolder',
        path: 'C:/FolderWithoutSubfolder',
        hasSubfolder: false,
        isFolder: true,
        subitems: ['1/3/2021']
        label: 'File1',
        path: 'C:/File1.pdf',
        isFolder: false,
        ext: 'pdf',
        subitems: ['2/2/2021', '123,433']
  else if(data.path.endsWith("/FolderWithoutSubfolder"))
    return [
        label: 'file1.pdf',
        path: data.path+"/file1.pdf",
        ext: 'pdf',
        isFolder: false,
        subitems: ['2/2/2021', '123,234']
        label: 'file2.jpg',
        path: data.path+"/file2.jpg",
        ext: 'jpg',
        isFolder: false,
        subitems: ['2/2/2021', '123,234']
    return [
        label: 'FolderWithSubfolder',
        path: data.path+"/FolderWithSubfolder",
        hasSubfolder: true,
        isFolder: true,
        subitems: ['1/1/2021']
        label: 'FolderWithoutSubfolder',
        path: data.path+"/FolderWithoutSubfolder",
        hasSubfolder: false,
        isFolder: true,
        subitems: ['1/1/2021']
        label: 'file1.pdf',
        path: data.path+"/file1.pdf",
        ext: 'pdf',
        isFolder: false,
        subitems: ['2/2/2021', '123,234']
        label: 'file2.jpg',
        path: data.path+"/file2.jpg",
        ext: 'jpg',
        isFolder: false,
        subitems: ['2/2/2021','123,234']

6. Specify a function or a URL to handle the file when getting clicked.

  fileScript: function(file){""+file.path);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by edmlin. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.