Top 100 Free jQuery Plugins 2017
Top Best 100 free jQuery plugins published in 2017.
Responsive HTML5 Video Popup Plugin With jQuery - videopopup.js
- LightBox - 20870 Viewsvideopopup.js is a lightweight video lightbox plugin which displays and plays your HTML5 video in a responsive, configurable modal popup.
Exporting Html Tables To CSV/XLS/XLSX/Text - jQuery TableExport
- Table - 20443 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that allows exporting html tables to XML spreadsheet (XLSX), Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (XLS), CSV tabular data and plain text.
Feature-rich Product Gallery With Image Zoom - xZoom
- Gallery - 20362 ViewsxZoom is a responsive, touch-friendly jQuery zoom gallery plugin designed for e-commerce websites, with thumbnail navigation and smooth image zoom support.
Dynamic Tree View Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 19224 ViewsA jQuery treeview plugin that helps you render a dynamic, checkable, filterable, collapsible, vertical hierarchical tree from a JSON schema.
Searchable Multi-select Dropdown Plugin With jQuery - Dropdown.js
- Form - 18794 ViewsThe Dropdown.js jQuery plugin converts the normal select box into a fast, performant, dynamic, multi-select dropdown list for better UX.
jQuery Circular Progress Bar With Text Counter
- Loading - 11684 ViewsJust another jQuery & HTML5 canvas based circular progress bar which visualizes the percent value in an animated circle with a custom counter.
Animated Number Counter Plugin For jQuery - animationCounter.js
- Animation - 11531 ViewsA really small jQuery plugin that enables you to count up or count down to a numeric value in an animated way, with configurable step size and animation delay.
Bootstrap Combo Box & Typeahead Plugin With jQuery
- Form - 10129 ViewsA simple, convenient jQuery dropdown plugin which converts the normal select element into a combo box with typeahead/autocomplete support.
Flexible Multi-item Carousel Plugin For Bootstrap - ResCarousel
- Slider - 9829 ViewsJust another jQuery extension for Bootstrap that allows to present multiple slide items in your responsive Bootstrap carousel component.
Excel-like Bootstrap Table Sorting And Filtering Plugin
- Table - 9319 Viewsexcel-bootstrap-table-filter.js is a jQuery plugin that creates multiple filters in your Bootstrap table columns to narrow down or re-sort the tabular data just like in the MS Excel.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Spreadsheet-like Data Grid - jExcel
- Table - 8659 ViewsjExcel is a powerful jQuery plugin which lets you dynamically generate a spreadsheet like data grid (table) from local JS data or even an external CSV file.
Easy Horizontal Timeline Generator With jQuery - Timeline.js
- Time & Clock - 8461 ViewsTimeline.js is a jQuery timeline generator which helps you render horizontal, scrolling, responsive bar & point/line style timelines (with event details) from dynamic data arrays/objects.
Simple Plain Donut / Pie Chart Plugin With jQuery And CSS3
- Chart & Graph - 8356 ViewsA jQuery plugin used for creating a donut or pie chart on the webpage that allows to dynamically update the chart's percent number and the CSS positioning of the progress bar.
Pretty Simple Responsive Dropdown Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 8162 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 based multi-level dropdown menu that automatically transforms the regular header navigation into an off-canvas hamburger menu on small screen devices.
Basic Schedule / Calendar Plugin With jQuery - Weekly Scheduler
- Time & Clock - 8133 ViewsWeekly Scheduler is a tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you render a customizable weekly schedule / calendar with event handlers called after selection and removal.
Mobile-friendly Drag'n'Drop Event Calendar Plugin - CalenStyle
- Time & Clock - 8080 ViewsCalenStyle is a robust jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, dynamic, mobile-friendly, draggable event calendar for both web and mobile applications.
Responsive Photo Gallery / Slider Plugin For jQuery - vit-gallery
- Gallery - 7958 Viewsvit-gallery is a jQuery gallery plugin which gives you the ability to showcase the photos in a responsive slider/slideshow interface with bullet or smoothly scrolling thumbnail navigation.
Basic Floating Action Button With jQuery And CSS - tiny-fab
- Menu - 7886 ViewsA small JavaScript (jQuery) script to create Material Design inspired Floating Action Buttons that floats above the UI to represent the most common actions.
Export Table & JSON Data To Excel With jQuery - ExportToExcel
- Other - 7797 ViewsA simple & cross-browser jQuery Excel Export plugin that allows to download HTML table and JSON data as an Excel .xls file.
AJAX-enabled Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - Bootstrap Calendar
- Time & Clock - 7589 ViewsBootstrap Calendar is a reusable jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create an AJAX-enabled, template-based, full-view event calendar for your web applications.
Dynamic Autocomplete Tag Input Plugin For jQuery - Tokenize2
- Form - 7529 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows to select multiple tags from a drop down list populated with suggestions defined in the select element and/or an external JSON file.
Responsive Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 7380 ViewsA jQuery responsive multi-level dropdown menu which will be automatically converted into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size is smaller than a breakpoint.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Touch-friendly Lightbox - imageLightbox
- LightBox - 7219 ViewsA simple, flexible, responsive, touch-friendly jQuery image lightbox/gallery plugin used for showcasing your images in an elegant way.
Dynamic Scrolling Timeline Plugin For jQuery - jTLine
- Time & Clock - 7115 ViewsjTLine is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you render a dynamic, horizontal, scrolling timeline from local JSON object or an external JSON file via AJAX requests.
Customizable JSON Based jQuery Timeline Plugin - Albe Timeline
- Time & Clock - 7087 ViewsAlbe Timeline is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery plugin that helps you render a responsive horizontal (or vertical) timeline from JSON data.
Minimal Gauge Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - cmGauge
- Chart & Graph - 7019 ViewscmGauge is a jQuery plugin which lets you create a minimal clean gauge widget to present the percentage value using pure JavaScript and CSS.
Responsive Justified Image Grid/Gallery Plugin - jQuery imagesGrid
- Gallery - 7006 ViewsimagesGrid is a super tiny jQuery plugin that helps you create a fully responsive image gallery with justified grid layout.
Material Design Wizard Form Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Form - 6987 ViewsMaterial Bootstrap Wizard is a jQuery plugin which converts a long html form into an elegant, Material Design-style, step-by-step wizard driven form with field validation support.
Tiny jQuery Pagination Widget For HTML Table - table.hpaging
- Table - 6924 Viewstable.hpaging is a lightweight jQuery pagination widget that allows you to paginate the large html table with a fixed number of rows per page.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Bootstrap 4 Nav With Smooth Scroll - navbar-fixed.js
- Menu - 6846 Viewsnavbar-fixed.js is a very small jQuery plugin used to extend the default fixed Bootstrap navbar component with scrollspy and smooth scroll support.
Touch-enabled Image Zooming And Panning Plugin With jQuery - imgViewer2
- Zoom - 6809 ViewsimgViewer2 is a jQuery plugin that provides Google Maps-style zooming and panning functionalities on an image using the jQuery UI and Leaflet libraries.
Responsive Multi-slide Carousel Plugin With jQuery - Multislider
- Slider - 6762 ViewsMultislider is a responsive, customizable, dynamically-resized jQuery slider/carousel plugin that allows for any content types and supports multiple items in a slide.
Minimal Rich Text Editor With jQuery And FontAwesome - RichText
- Text - 6538 ViewsJust another jQuery implementation of the WYSIWYG rich text editor that uses Font Awesome Iconic Font for the editor icons.
Interactive Moving Background Plugin With jQuery - backgroundMove.js
- Animation - 6506 ViewsbackgroundMove.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating an interactive moving background that reacts to your cursor.
Customizable Datetime And Date Range Picker Plugin - Gemini DatePicker
- Time & Clock - 6440 ViewsA cross-browser, highly customizable jQuery date picker plugin that enables the user to select times, dates, months, years and date ranges from a well-designed calendar popup.
Off-canvas Push Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Push.js
- Menu - 6341 ViewsPush.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which adds left or right off-canvas sidebar push menus to your Bootstrap projects.
Dynamic Weekly Scheduler With jQuery - Schedule.js
- Time & Clock - 6318 ViewsSchedule.js is small jQuery plugin for rendering a dynamic weekly scheduler that allows setting schedules (time periods) for recurring weekly tasks.
Simple Responsive Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - jquery-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 6166 ViewsThe jquery-calendar.js plugin helps you create responsive, nice-looking calendars with support for variable colors and custom events.
Basic Hamburger Navigation Menu With jQuery And CSS/CSS3
- Menu - 6054 ViewsA simple, lightweight, responsive, jQuery/CSS based Hamburger Navigation system.
Full Featured Photo Gallery Plugin For jQuery - nanoGallery 2
- Gallery - 6049 ViewsnanoGallery 2 is powerful yet easy-to-use jQuery plugin used for generating a responsive, mobile-friendly photo gallery & lightbox on the webpage.
Animated Touch-friendly Slider With jQuery And CSS3 - Touch Slider
- Slider - 6041 ViewsA fully responsive, mobile-friendly, cross-platform jQuery slider carousel plugin that features CSS3 animations, custom breakpoints, thumbnail preview on hover and more.
HTML List Based Scroller / Ticker Plugin With jQuery - simpleTicker
- Animation - 6010 ViewsA lightweight, fast, cross-browser jQuery plugin which lets you generate an auto scrolling/fading/sliding scroller from an html unordered list.
Responsive Sliding Sidebar Navigation Plugin With jQuery - crbnMenu
- Menu - 5903 ViewscrbnMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating an accordion-style collapsible sidebar navigation with sub menus on your webpage.
Drag And Drop Mega Menu Builder For Bootstrap - Menu Editor
- Menu - 5862 ViewsThe jQuery Menu Editor enables you to dynamically create a drag'n'drop, multi-level menu builder/creator/generator for your Bootstrap project.
Horizontal/Vertical Carousel With Slide/Fade Animations - jqCarousel
- Slider - 5847 ViewsjqCarousel is a simple CSS-less jQuery carousel plugin that allows to rotate horizontally or vertically through a sequence of images with sliding or cross-fading effects.
Multi-column Dropdown Selector Plugin For jQuery - Inputpicker
- Form - 5772 ViewsInputpicker is a simple jQuery plugin that converts the normal text field into a filterable, multi-column dropdown select box for convenient option selection.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Dropdown With Checkboxes - dropdownCheckboxes
- Form - 5535 ViewsjQuery dropdownCheckboxes is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that helps you create a multi-select dropdown list with checkboxes using Bootstrap styles.
Cross-browser Date & Time Selector For jQuery - dateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 5497 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create cross-browser and fully configurable date & time picker for input fields.
Minimal Responsive Gallery With Thumbnail Nav - jQuery Gallery.js
- Gallery - 5429 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a minimal responsive gallery/slider where you can specify how many items to show for different screen sizes.
Responsive Lightbox Gallery Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - Modallery
- Gallery - 5394 ViewsModallery is a lightweight, responsive jQuery/Bootstrap lightbox gallery plugin which display a group of images in a Bootstrap modal with arrow/keyboard/thumbnail navigation.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Loading Modal With Progress Bar - waitingFor
- Loading - 5374 ViewswaitingFor is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a loading indicator popup using Bootstrap modal and progress bar components.
Animated Organization Chart & Tree Diagram Plugin - Stiff Chart
- Chart & Graph - 5323 ViewsStiff Chart is a simple, plain jQuery plugin used for generating an animated, well-designed chart to represent the relationships between HTML DOM elements.
Sticky One Page Scroll Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 5170 ViewsMakes use of jQuery, CSS3 animations and flexbox model to create a sticky top navigation for your one page scroll websites, with support for scrollspy and smooth scroll.
Fully Configurable jQuery Date Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 5143 ViewsA jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that lets you create multi-language, highly customizable date picker, date range picker, inline calendar for your Bootstrap powered web project.
Create A Smart Chat Bot From An Html Form - convForm
- Form - 5141 ViewsconvForm is a fancy jQuery plugin to create a smart, interactive live chat bot from a normal html form that you can define your own questions for each form field using conv-* attributes.
Product Zoom On Hover Plugin For jQuery - imgZoom.js
- Zoom - 5119 ViewsimgZoom.js is a jQuery product image zoom plugin which allows to display the part of zoomed (enlarged) image next to the shrinked image on mouse hover and move.
Confetti Animation Effect With jQuery And Canvas - Confetti.js
- Animation - 5104 ViewsConfetti.js is a small jQuery plugin which makes uses of HTML5 canvas to create a fullscreen, great-looing confetti falling effect on the webpage.
Responsive 3D Image Slider Plugin For jQuery - MWslider
- Slider - 5077 ViewsMWslider is a pretty simple jQuery plugin for creating a responsive 3D slider that enlarges the current image when it's rotated into the center of the screen.
Fixed Sidebar Navigation For Bootstrap
- Menu - 5010 ViewsAn easy-to-use extension for the Bootstrap framework that allows you to create sidebar navigation (side menu) from regular Bootstrap fixed top navbar component.
Stylish jQuery Accordion / Content Toggle Plugin - ziehharmonika
- Accordion - 4985 Viewsziehharmonika is a lightweight yet customizable jQuery plugin that helps you create responsive, stylish accordion / content toggle interfaces with ease.
Pretty Bootstrap-style Datetime Picker Plugin - Perfect-DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 4977 ViewsA simple, pretty nice, Bootstrap-style, jQuery based datetime picker plugin with support for custom date/time format, year/month/time view, date range selection and much more.
Responsive jQuery Progress Bar With Steps - Progressbar.js
- Form - 4962 ViewsProgressbar.js is a very small jQuery plugin that helps you render a responsive progress bar with custom dynamic steps for multi-step sign up forms.
Responsive Filterable And Draggable Grid System - Muuri
- Layout - 4906 ViewsMuuri.js is a powerful jQuery plugin used to generate a responsive, dynamic, animated, sortable, filterable grid layout for your modern web projects.
Configurable Smooth Parallax Scroll Effect In jQuery - parallax-background.js
- Animation - 4687 ViewsYet another parallax scrolling jQuery plugin used to apply smooth parallax effects on any background images, with support for all directions and configurable animation speed.
Easy Table Pagination Plugin For Materialize - jQuery pageMe
- Table - 4665 ViewsA simple, customizable jQuery table pagination plugin for Materialize CSS framework that allows for paginating your large HTML table to improve content readability.
Collapsible Tree View With Checkboxes - jQuery hummingbird-treeview
- Other - 4638 Viewshummingbird-treeview is a jQuery plugin that transforms nested html lists into an expandable, collapsible, searchable, checkable, hierarchical tree structure.
jQuery Inline Editor For Bootstrap 3/4 Tables - Table Editor
- Table - 4578 ViewsTable Editor is a lightweight jQuery/Bootstrap plugin which provides an inline editing functionality for table cells on single click. Supports both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4.
Responsive Background Image Slider Plugin - jQuery sliderResponsive
- Slider - 4516 ViewssliderResponsive is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a fully responsive background image carousel/slider/slideshow with animated captions and pagination/navigation controls.
Horizontal Hierarchical Tree View Plugin For jQuery - hortree
- Other - 4505 Viewshortree is a small and easy jQuery plugin that helps render a horizontal treeview-like diagram from hierarchical data you specify in a JSON file.
Interactive Parallax Tilt Effect Using jQuery - Tilt.js
- Animation - 4502 ViewsTilt.js is a tiny jQuery plugin which applies tvOS poster-like, multi-layer parallax tilt effect to any HTML elements using requestAnimationFrame and CSS3 3D transforms.
Material Floating Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery - collapzion.js
- Menu - 4405 Viewscollapzion.js is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Material Design inspired floating navigation button on the webpage.
Mobile-friendly Custom Scrollbar Plugin With jQuery - NiceScroll
- Other - 4372 ViewsNiceScroll is an easy yet robust jQuery plugin that allows to append pretty nice, touch-enabled and highly customizable scrollbar to any scrollable area such as browser window,
Create A Circular Html5 Audio Player With jQuery - Player.js
- Other - 4370 ViewsPlayer.js is a small, simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to create minimal, clean, circular HTML5 audio players for your music and audio files.
Minimal Customizable jQuery Progress Bar Plugin - LineProgressbar
- Chart & Graph - 4367 ViewsLineProgressbar is a super tiny jQuery plugin that helps you create horizontal, animated, line chart-style progress bars with or without percentage values.
Minimal Image Cropping Plugin With jQuery And Canvas - iEdit
- Other - 4355 ViewsiEdit is a canvas based jQuery image cropping plugin which allows you to select/crop photos within a draggable area and then output the result as a normal image on the client side.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Image Maps - image-map.js
- Other - 4282 Viewsimage-map.js is a responsive image map plugin for jQuery which makes clickable areas within the image map auto resize depending on the current viewport size.
Inline Table Editing With jQuery And PHP - Tabledit
- Table - 4278 ViewsThe Tabledit jQuery plugin provides the inline editing/removing functionality on table cells and sends resulting changes via AJAX.
Easy Digital Countdown Clock Plugin With jQuery
- Time & Clock - 4276 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating an easy-to-style digital clock to count down from a specific date on your coming soon/under construction pages and event landing pages.
Circular Progress Bar And Countdown Timer With jQuery - circlebars
- Loading - 4206 ViewsThe jQuery Circle Bars plugin makes it easier to draw animated, customizable, circular progress bars and/or countdown timers using pure CSS/CSS3.
Mobile-first 0ffcavas Side Menu With jQuery - gab-mobilemenu
- Menu - 4201 Viewsgab-mobilemenu is a jQuery plugin used to create an offcanvas sidebar navigation for mobile and small screen devices (screen size < 1024px).
Responsive Mobile-first Image Viewer - jQuery SmartPhoto
- Gallery - 4169 ViewsThe jQuery version of the SmartPhoto library which lets you create an accessible, responsive, mobile-friendly image viewer where the users are able to view all images in an easy-to-navigate modal popup.
Animated Circles Loading Spinner With jQuery - g-spinner
- Loading - 4132 Viewsg-spinner is a super small jQuery plugin to display an CSS3 animated, Google style circles loading/busy/waiting indicator when your web content is loading.
Customizable File Input Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - FileStyle
- Form - 4113 ViewsFileStyle is a lightweight jQuery plugin for Bootstrap which allows to beautify the normal file upload input with Bootstrap button styles.
Tiny Time Selection Popover Plugin With jQuery - Timepicker.js
- Time & Clock - 4027 ViewsA simple, clean, mobile-friendly jQuer time picker plugin which allows the users to select hours and minutes in a popover using mouse and finger.
Mobile-friendly Navigation Plugin With jQuery - Ace Responsive Menu
- Menu - 4003 ViewsA lightweight, flexible, cross-browser, multi-level, mobile-friendly jQuery responsive menu plugin for your modern web project.
Simplest Ajax Loader With jQuery And CSS3 - jmspinner
- Loading - 4002 Viewsjmspinner is a really simple jQuery plugin that shows a CSS3 powered loading indicator while data in specific area is loading via AJAX requests.
Responsive Off-canvas Sidebar Plugin For Bootstrap - sidebar.js
- Menu - 3992 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin used to create a responsive off-canvas sidebar/navigation for your Bootstrap project.
Lightweight Youtube Popup Player With jQuery - SimpleYouTubePlayer
- LightBox - 3965 ViewsA simple Youtube player plugin for jQuery that enables you to display/play Youtube videos in a modal-like popup box.
Elegant Customizable jQuery & PHP File Uploader - Fileuploader
- Form - 3951 ViewsFileuploader is a flexible, powerful jQuery & PHP file uploader that turns any standard file input into a high customizable file selection field with validators and previews.
Smooth Wave/Liquid Animation With jQuery, GSAP And SVG
- Animation - 3890 ViewsjQuery Waves.js is a fancy jQuery plugin used for creating smooth, responsive and configurable wave/liquid animations using SVG and GSAP's TweenMax library.
Responsive Mobile Toggle Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 3795 ViewsA fully responsive site navigation that uses JQuery and media queries to switch between dropdown navigation and mobile-friendly toggle menu depending on the current screen size.
User-friendly Multi-select List Plugin With jQuery - multi-list
- Form - 3789 ViewsA convenient jQuery multiple select plugin that transforms any unordered list into a filterable select list with checkboxes for easier item selection.
Stunning Animated Select Element Replacement - jQuery dom-selectizing
- Form - 3779 Viewsdom-selectizing is a simple, tiny jQuery plugin that allows to beautify and enhance the default select element with cool animations and variable colors.
Basic jQuery Slider With Animated Image Captions - miniSlider
- Slider - 3760 ViewsminiSlider is a small, responsive and cross-browser jQuery slider plugin which automatically slides through a sequence of images with animated image captions.
Responsive User-friendly Datetime Picker For jQuery - DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 3755 ViewsDateTimePicker is a responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery datatime picker plugin which allows to select dates, times and datetimes from a picker popup.
Responsive Pinterest-style Layout Plugin For Bootstrap - Bootstrap-waterfall
- Layout - 3722 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to render a responsive, dynamic, fluid grid layout as you seen in, based on Bootstrap's List group component.
Mobile-friendly Sliding Mega Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 3700 ViewsThe Mobile Mega Menu jQuery plugin will automatically converts your nested html list into a mobile-friendly, drill down nav-style mega menu for your content-rich website.
Lightweight HTML5 WYSIWYG Editor Plugin For jQuery - Trumbowyg.js
- Text - 3686 ViewsTrumbowyg.js is a lightweight, customizable, extendable, semantic, cross-browser and jQuery based HTML5 WYSIWYG rich text editor for modern web/mobile applications.
Infinite Any Content Slider Plugin For jQuery - infiniteSlider2
- Slider - 3646 ViewsinfiniteSlider2 is a responsive, infinitely scrolling slider / carousel plugin for jQuery that works with any types of web content.
Horizontal/Vertical Parallax Scrolling Effects In jQuery - paroller.js
- Animation - 3629 Viewsparoller.js is a jQuery plugin that applies horizontal/vertical parallax scrolling effects to background or foreground of any DOM elements.