Multi-column Dropdown Selector Plugin For jQuery - Inputpicker

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Multi-column Dropdown Selector Plugin For jQuery - Inputpicker

Inputpicker is a simple jQuery plugin that converts the normal text field into a filterable, multi-column dropdown select box for convenient option selection.

Supports both local data (data array) and remove data source (JSON) via AJAX requests.

How to use it:

1. Download and put the jQuery inputpicker plugin's files into the webpage which has jQuery library loaded.

<link href="jquery.inputpicker.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.inputpicker.js"></script>

2. Create a standard input field on the webpage.

<input class="form-control" id="demo" value="jQuery">

3. Initialize the plugin to generate a basic dropdown select box.

  data:[ "jQuery", "Script", "Net" ]

4. Define your complex data in multiple columns.

    {value:"1",text:"jQuery", description: "This is the description of the text 1."},
    {value:"2",text:"Script", description: "This is the description of the text 2."},
    {value:"3",text:"Net", description: "This is the description of the text 3."}
  headShow: true,
  fieldText : 'text',
  fieldValue: 'value'

5. Load your dataset from an external data source:

  url: 'sample.json',

6. Enable the live search functionality on the inputpicker.

  url: 'sample.json',
  filterOpen: true

7. All default plugin options.

 * Width , default is 100%
width: '100%',

 * Default Height
height: '200px',

 * Selected automatically when focus
autoOpen: false,

 * Press tab to select automatically
tabToSelect: false,

// Allow user creates new value when true,
creatable : false,    

 * The action after pressing 'tab'
 * restore: Use the previous value, the change event is not raised.
 * active: Use the active option
 * new: Use the current keyword,
 * null : Set the word is null
selectMode : 'restore',

 * True - show head
 * False
headShow : false,   // true : show head, false: hide

 * Support multiple values
multiple : false,

 * Tag
tag : false,

 * Delimiter for multiple values
delimiter: ',',

 * Data
data: [],

 * Fields
 * Store fields need to been shown in the list
 * (Sting) - 'value'
 * (Object) - {name:'value', text:'Value'}
fields: [],

 * The field posting to the field
fieldValue: 'value',

 * The field shown in the input
 * Will use fieldValue if empty
fieldText :'',

// filter Setting

 * True - filter rows when changing the input content
 * False - do not do any spliation
filterOpen: false,

 * Choose the method of filtering
 * 'start' - start filtering from the beginning
 * others - all content matches
filterType: '',  // 'start' - start from beginning or ''

 * Choose the fields need to be filtered
 * (String)'name' - one field
 * (Array)['name', 'value'] - multiple fields
filterField: '',

 * Limit number
limit: 0,

// --- URL settings --------------------------------------------
url: '',    // set url

urlCache: false,

 * Set url params for the remote data
urlParam: {},

 * If search interval is too short, will execute
urlDelay: 0,

 * pagination
pagination: false,   // false: no

pageMode: '',  // The Pagination mode: '' is the default style; 'scroll' is the scroll dragging style

pageField: 'p', // Page File Name for request

pageLimitField: 'limit', // Page Limit Field name for request

// pageLimit: 10,  // Page limit for request -- deprecated due to replication with the 'limit' field

pageCurrent: 1, // Current page

pageCountField: 'count',
pageCount:0,    // System uses

listBackgroundColor: '',
listBorderColor: '',
rowSelectedBackgroundColor: '',
rowSelectedFontColor : '',

// Un-necessary - Use Pagination
// pagination: false,

// All the result match keywords will highlight, only
highlightResult : false,

responsive: true,

_bottom: ''

8. Destroy the instance.


9. Available events.

// triggered after updating the input
  // do something

// triggered after changing highlight option in the dropbox
$('#demo').on('change_highlight.inputpicker', function(input){
  // do something



  • Added change_highlight.inputpicker event


  • Turn off debug mode in normal use


  • Add custom style on fields paramater with object, it is used for create custom style of table column will added


  • Add disable/enable status


  • Fix Right Arrow wrong position


  • Add Headers for json request


  • Fix the bug that empty the selected option in the empty selectMode


  • Add the 'selectMode' option, remove the 'creatable' option


  • Add 'creatable' parameter


  • Add auto responsive


  • Add Highlight option


  • Trigger change when the content is empty and press tab


  • Add the pagination feature


  • Change the element() function to support selecting element by specific field


  • Add 'destroy' method


  • Add 'getting element object'


  • Fixed bugs.


  • Remove tabindex for 'x' in multiple options
  • Add multiple values support


  • Add cache for loading remote url


  • Fix some bugs in events
  • Add events

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ukalpa. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.