Touch-enabled Image Zooming And Panning Plugin With jQuery - imgViewer2
File Size: | 1.4 MB |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
imgViewer2 is the upgraded version of the imgViewer plugin that provides Google Maps-style zooming and panning functionalities on an image using the jQuery UI and Leaflet libraries. Zoom in and out using the mouse wheel, +/- controls, double click/tap or hold the shift key and drag out a rectangle. Left mouse click and drag to pan. On touch-enabled devices pinch gestures can be used to zoom in and out and tap and drag to pan around.
Install the plugin via NPM:
npm install imgviewer2
Basic usage:
1. Include jQuery, jQuery UI, Leaflet and imgViewer2 plugin's files on the html page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="leaflet.css"> <script src="leaflet.js"></script> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script src="lib/imgViewer2.js"></script>
2. Embed an image into the webpage.
<img id="image" src="demo.jpg">
3. Call the function on the image and done.
4. Plugin's default options and callback functions.
$("#image").imgViewer2({ // zoom step zoomStep: 0.5, // the limit on the maximum zoom level of the image zoomMax: undefined, // is zoomable zoomable: true, // is draggable dragable: true, // callbacks onClick: $.noop, onReady: $.noop });
5. To add a custom note to the image:
$.widget("wgm.imgNotes2", $.wgm.imgViewer2, { options: { addNote: function(data) { var map =, loc = this.relposToLatLng(data.x, data.y); L.marker(loc).addTo(map).bindPopup(data.note); } }, import: function(notes) { if (this.ready) { var self = this; $.each(notes, function() {, this); }); } } }); $("#image1").imgNotes2({ onReady: function() { var notes = [ {x: "0.5", y:"0.5", note:"AFL Grand Final Trophy"}, {x: "0.322", y:"0.269", note: '\ <center><b>Brisbane Lions Flag</b><br/>\ <img src=""/></center>\ <a href="" target="blank">The Brisbane Lions</a> \ is an <a href="" target="blank">Australian rules football club.</a>' }, {x: "0.824", y: "0.593", note: "Fluffy microphone"}]; this.import(notes); } });
- v1.2.0
- v1.1.0: Add support for multiple images
- fix logic in panTo so zoom does not change
- Replace depreciated jQuery img.load event trigger
- Fixed for mobile view
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by waynegm. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.