Stylish Magnifying Glass Plugin - SergeLand Image Zoomer
File Size: | 435 KB |
Views Total: | 27720 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
SergeLand Image Zoomer is a jQuery zoom on hover plugin for zooming images with stylish and smooth magnifying glass effects.
- Custom image loader.
- Custom cursor on hover.
- Supports all major browsers and even IE8.
- Smooth animations.
- Inner zoom mode.
- Mousewheel to zoom in/out.
More Examples:
How to use it:
1. To use this plugin, you first need to load the Zoomsl plugin's script after jQuery.
<script src="" integrity="sha384-JUMjoW8OzDJw4oFpWIB2Bu/c6768ObEthBMVSiIx4ruBIEdyNSUQAjJNFqT5pnJ6" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <script src="zoomsl.min.js"></script>
2. Then attach the function imagezoomsl
to the image. That's it.
<img src="product.jpg" alt="Image To Zoom" class="example">
$(function(){ $(".example").imagezoomsl(); });
3. You can also define the large version of the image in the data-large
<img src="product.jpg" data-large="full.jpg" alt="Image To Zoom" class="example">
4. Add informational text to the image.
<img src="product.jpg" data-large="full.jpg" data-title="Tooltip Title" data-help="help Text" data-text-bottom="Bottom Text" alt="Image To Zoom" class="example">
5. Display a loading indicator while loading the large image.
$(".example").imagezoomsl({ // loading spinner loadinggif: 'loading.gif', // opacity loadopacity: 0.1, // background color loadbackground: '#878787' });
6. Customize the magnifier effect.
$(".example").imagezoomsl({ // shows the magnifying glass container cursorshade: true, // cursor type magnifycursor: 'crosshair', // background color of the magnifying glass container cursorshadecolor: '#fff', // opacity of the magnifying glass container cursorshadeopacity: 0.3, // border styles cursorshadeborder: '1px solid black', // z-index property zindex: '', // zoom step stepzoom: 0.5, // zoom range zoomrange: [2, 2], // start zoom level zoomstart: 2, // disables the scrolling of the document with the mouse wheel when the cursor is over the image disablewheel: true });
7. Customize the informational text.
$(".example").imagezoomsl({ showstatus: true, showstatustime: 2000, statusdivborder: '1px solid black', statusdivbackground: '#C0C0C0', statusdivpadding: '4px', statusdivfont: 'bold 13px Arial', statusdivopacity: 0.8, textdnbackground: '#fff', textdnpadding: '10px', textdnfont: '13px/20px cursive' });
8. Config the animation.
$(".example").imagezoomsl({ scrollspeedanimate: 5 , zoomspeedanimate: 7, loopspeedanimate: 2.5, magnifierspeedanimate: 350 });
9. Default CSS selectors.
$(".example").imagezoomsl({ classmagnifier: "magnifier", classcursorshade: "cursorshade", classstatusdiv: "statusdiv", classtextdn: "textdn", classtracker: "tracker" });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mtvphnx. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.