Simple Image Hover Zoom Plugin With jQuery - spzoom

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License: MIT
Simple Image Hover Zoom Plugin With jQuery - spzoom

spzoom is a really simple jQuery image hover zoom plugin which displays zoomed image next to the original one with support of caption bar and image loading indicator.

How to use it:

1. Load the required CSS file jquery.spzoom.css in the head section of your html document.

<link href="jquery.spzoom.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Insert a thumbnail image on the webpage and wrap it into an a link pointing to the full-size image.

<a href="large.jpg" title="Image Caption Here" data-spzoom>
  <img src="thumb.jpg" alt="thumb">

3. Load jQuery library and the JavaScript file jquery.spzoom.js at the end of the document so the page loads faster.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.spzoom.js"></script>

4. Call the function to active the plugin.


5. Configuration options available.


  // Zoom window width in pixels
  width: 250,             

  // Zoom window height in pixels
  height: 250,            

  // top, right, bottom, left
  position: 'right',      

  // Zoom window margin (space)
  margin: 20,             

  // Whether to display image title
  showTitle: true,        

  // top, bottom
  titlePosition: 'bottom' 

Change log:


  • Fixed bug in default options

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by spajak. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.