jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Loading Modal With Progress Bar - waitingFor

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jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Loading Modal With Progress Bar - waitingFor

waitingFor is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a loading indicator popup using Bootstrap modal and progress bar components.

Useful to show a customizable loading/busy indicator while ajax call is running.


$ npm install bootstrap-waitingfor

# Bower
$ bower install bootstrap-waitingfor

How to use it:

1. Load the main JavaScript file bootstrap-waitingfor.js after jQuery & Bootstrap libraries.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap-waitingfor.js"></script>

2. The JavaScript to show a default loading modal.

waitingDialog.show('Loading Something...');

3. Hide the loading modal when the ajax call stops.


4. Customize the loading modal using the following options.

waitingDialog.show('Loading Something...',{

  // if the option is set to boolean false, it will hide the header and "message" will be set in a paragraph above the progress bar.
  // When headerText is a not-empty string, "message" becomes a content above the progress bar and headerText string will be set as a text inside the H3;
  headerText: '',

  // this will generate a heading corresponding to the size number
  headerSize: 3,

  // extra class(es) for the header tag
  headerClass: '',

  // bootstrap postfix for dialog size, e.g. "sm", "m"
  dialogSize: 'm',

  // bootstrap postfix for progress bar type, e.g. "success", "warning";
  progressType: '',

  // determines the tag of the content element
  contentElement: 'p',

  // extra class(es) for the content tag
  contentClass: 'content'


5. Available show/hide callback functions.

waitingDialog.show('Loading Something...',{

  // after the modal was hidden
  onHide: null, 

  // after the modal was shown
  onShow: null 



v1.2.9 (2021-08-27)

  • Update for Bootstrap 5

v1.2.8 (2019-10-23)

  • Fixed Bootstrap 4 hide not working if invoke immediately after show


  • Add support for Bootstrap 4.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ehpc. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.