Lightweight & Powerful jQuery Image Lazy Load Plugin - lazyload
File Size: | 1.08 MB |
Views Total: | 4850 |
Last Update: | |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
lazyload is a simple, lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin that provides image lazy load functionality on your web page with following features:
- Easy to implement.
- Works with jQuery or Zepto.
- Supports local images, ajax images and background images.
- Lots of options to customize.
- Cross browser. Supports IE6/7.
Basic Usage:
1. Include the jQuery library and the jQuery lazyload plugin' script at the bottom of your web page.
<script src="//"></script> <script src="lazyload.js"></script>
2. Insert images you wish to lazy load in your web page. Use data-original
attribute to define the sources of your images.
<img class="lazy" data-original="demo-1.jpg" width="" height="" alt="Demo"> <img class="lazy" data-original="demo-2.jpg" width="" height="" alt="Demo"> <img class="lazy" data-original="demo-3.jpg" width="" height="" alt="Demo"> ...
3. Call the function on images to enable the plugin.
4. Options and defaults.
threshold : 0, failure_limit: 0, event : 'scroll', // jquery events effect : 'show', // show or fadein effect_params: null, container : w, data_attribute : 'original', skip_invisible : true, appear : emptyFn, load: emptyFn, vertical_only: false, minimum_interval: 300, use_minimum_interval_in_ios : false, url_rewriter_fn : emptyFn, no_fake_img_loader : false, placeholder_data_img : '', // for IE6\7 that does not support data image placeholder_real_img : 'placeholder.png'
- bugfix
- bugfix
- update and bugfix.
- update and bugfix.
- Fixed.
- Fixed.
- Fixed.
- fixed for zepto.js
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jieyou. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.