AJAX-enabled Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - Bootstrap Calendar

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License: MIT
AJAX-enabled Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - Bootstrap Calendar

Bootstrap Calendar is a reusable jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create an AJAX-enabled, template-based, full-view event calendar for your web applications.

More features:

  • Based on Twitter Bootstrap framework.
  • Year, month, week and day views.
  • Fully styleable via LESS.
  • i18n supported.


npm install bootstrap-calendar

# Bower
bower install bootstrap-calendar

Basic usage:

1. Place the following CSS styles in the head section of the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/calendar.css">

2. Load the following JavaScript files at the bottom of the webpage.

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="underscore-min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="jstz.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/calendar.js"></script>

3. Create an empty container to hold your event calendar.

<div id="calendar"></div>

4. Setup the event calendar with the following options.

var options = {
    events_source: 'events.json.php',
    view: 'month',
    tmpl_path: 'tmpls/',
    tmpl_cache: false,
    day: '2013-03-12',
    // more options here

5. Initialize the event calendar.


6. The event data should be like this:

	"success": 1,
	"result": [
			"id": "293",
			"title": "This is warning class event with very long title to check how it fits to evet in day view",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-warning",
			"start": "1362938400000",
			"end":   "1363197686300"
			"id": "256",
			"title": "Event that ends on timeline",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-warning",
			"start": "1363155300000",
			"end":   "1363227600000"
			"id": "276",
			"title": "Short day event",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-success",
			"start": "1363245600000",
			"end":   "1363252200000"
			"id": "294",
			"title": "This is information class ",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-info",
			"start": "1363111200000",
			"end":   "1363284086400"
			"id": "297",
			"title": "This is success event",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-success",
			"start": "1363234500000",
			"end":   "1363284062400"
			"id": "54",
			"title": "This is simple event",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "",
			"start": "1363712400000",
			"end":   "1363716086400"
			"id": "532",
			"title": "This is inverse event",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-inverse",
			"start": "1364407200000",
			"end":   "1364493686400"
			"id": "548",
			"title": "This is special event",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-special",
			"start": "1363197600000",
			"end":   "1363629686400"
			"id": "295",
			"title": "Event 3",
			"url": "http://www.example.com/",
			"class": "event-important",
			"start": "1364320800000",
			"end":   "1364407286400"

7. All default configuration options.

// Container to append the tooltip
tooltip_container : 'body',
// Width of the calendar
width: '100%',
// Initial view (can be 'month', 'week', 'day')
view: 'month',
// Initial date. No matter month, week or day this will be a starting point. Can be 'now' or a date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
day: 'now',
// Day Start time and end time with time intervals. Time split 10, 15 or 30.
time_start: '06:00',
time_end: '22:00',
time_split: '30',
// Source of events data. It can be one of the following:
// - URL to return JSON list of events in special format.
//   {success:1, result: [....]} or for error {success:0, error:'Something terrible happened'}
//   events: [...] as described in events property description
//   The start and end variables will be sent to this url
// - A function that received the start and end date, and that
//   returns an array of events (as described in events property description)
// - An array containing the events
events_source: '',
// Static cache of events. If set to true, events will only be loaded once.
// Useful if response is not constrained by date.
events_cache: false,
// Set format12 to true if you want to use 12 Hour format instead of 24 Hour
format12: false,
am_suffix: "AM",
pm_suffix: "PM",
// Path to templates should end with slash /. It can be as relative
// /component/bootstrap-calendar/tmpls/
// or absolute
// http://localhost/component/bootstrap-calendar/tmpls/
tmpl_path: 'tmpls/',
tmpl_cache: true,
classes: {
  months: {
    inmonth: 'cal-day-inmonth',
    outmonth: 'cal-day-outmonth',
    saturday: 'cal-day-weekend',
    sunday: 'cal-day-weekend',
    holidays: 'cal-day-holiday',
    today: 'cal-day-today'
  week: {
    workday: 'cal-day-workday',
    saturday: 'cal-day-weekend',
    sunday: 'cal-day-weekend',
    holidays: 'cal-day-holiday',
    today: 'cal-day-today'
// ID of the element of modal window. If set, events URLs will be opened in modal windows.
modal: null,
//  modal handling setting, one of "iframe", "ajax" or "template"
modal_type: "iframe",
//  function to set modal title, will be passed the event as a parameter
modal_title: null,
views: {
  year: {
    slide_events: 1,
    enable: 1
  month: {
    slide_events: 1,
    enable: 1
  week: {
    enable: 1
  day: {
    enable: 1
merge_holidays: false,
display_week_numbers: true,
weekbox: true,
//shows events which fits between time_start and time_end
show_events_which_fits_time: false,
// Headers defined for ajax call
headers: {},

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// CALLBACKS. Events triggered by calendar class. You can use
// those to affect you UI
// ------------------------------------------------------------
onAfterEventsLoad: function(events) {
  // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance
onBeforeEventsLoad: function(next) {
  // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance
onAfterViewLoad: function(view) {
  // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance
onAfterModalShown: function(events) {
  // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance
onAfterModalHidden: function(events) {
  // Inside this function 'this' is the calendar instance
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------
events: [],
templates: {
  year: '',
  month: '',
  week: '',
  day: ''
stop_cycling: false

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Serhioromano. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.