Free jQuery Calendar Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Calendar' are listed here.
Github-like Interactive Data Heatmaps using jQuery - Heatmap.js
- Chart & Graph - 100 ViewsTransform your time-series data into interactive calendar heatmaps with this jQuery plugin. Perfect for visualizing user activity, contributions, and temporal patterns.
10 Best JavaScript Calendar Plugins For Scheduled Events (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 164133 ViewsWant a calendar plugin to manage and share events? Check out this list of 10 best, carefully selected jQuery and PURE JavaScript calendar plugins.
Pick Dates Effortlessly with the agjCalendar jQuery Plugin
- Time & Clock - 2753 ViewsA full-featured jQuery date picker plugin for easy, intuitive selection of dates.
Easy Event Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 5 - jQuery bsCalendar
- Time & Clock - 12387 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create flexible, customizable, multilingual, and fully-featured event calendars using Bootstrap 5 framework and Font Awesome 6 iconic font.
Event Calendar With Bootstrap 4 And Local Storage
- Time & Clock - 18941 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, monthly calendar component built with JavaScript (jQuery) and Bootstrap 4 framework.
Feature-rich And Draggable Event Calendar Plugin - FullCalendar
- Time & Clock - 161219 ViewsFullCalendar is a lightweight yet powerful and developer-friendly JavaScript library to create flexible, draggable event calendars on the modern web app.
Clean Calendar Interface for Web - jQuery evk_calendar
- Time & Clock - 1387 ViewsA simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easy to integrate a clean and user-friendly calendar interface into your web project.
9 Best Github Style Calendar Heatmap Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 5321 ViewsCheck out these 9 best and open-source JavaScript plugins to create Github-style calendar heatmaps for your next project.
Animated Calendar Plugin With Event Management - GC-Calendar
- Time & Clock - 17279 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that will easily help you in creating an animated and attractive calendar of your events by month.
Fully Configurable jQuery Date Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 39041 ViewsA jQuery/Bootstrap plugin that lets you create multi-language, highly customizable date picker, date range picker, inline calendar for your Bootstrap powered web project.
Innovative Calendar jQuery Plugin - Verbose Calendar
- Time & Clock - 979 ViewsA simple and experimental jQuery calendar plugin that provides a comprehensive list of all the dates of the year, sorted by month and ready for easy browsing.
Convenient Calendar & Date Picker Component -
- Time & Clock - 7360 ViewsAn easy-to-use, user-friendly, multi-language, highly customizable calendar, time/date/month/year picker, and date range picker component implemented in jQuery or Vanilla JS.
jQuery Ajax-enabled Month Calendar Plugin with Bootstrap - Zabuto Calendar
- Time & Clock - 58978 ViewsZabuto Calendar is a jQuery calendar plugin working with twitter's bootstrap that allows you to create a monthly calendar with ajax data events support on your web page.
Create A Weekly Calendar For Displaying Events - pretty-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 9527 ViewsThis jQuery plugin allows you to create a nice looking calendar that displays your events in the current week.
Dynamic Event Calendar For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 40420 ViewsA minimal clean calendar component for Bootstrap 4 that dynamically displays events on a month view.
Powerful Calendar Plugin With jQuery - Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 24541 ViewsA lightweight, fast, customizable, and easy-to-style calendar component built on top of jQuery.
Animated Event Calendar In jQuery - Simple Calendar
- Time & Clock - 40491 ViewsA simple, lightweight, dynamic, animated event calendar plugin where you can view the details of the event in a popup by clicking a date slot.
Calendar Heatmap Plugin With jQuery And Moment.js - CalendarHeatmap
- Chart & Graph - 15438 ViewsCalendarHeatmap.js is a jQuery plugin used to generate a dynamic, interactive, configurable calendar heatmap for representing time series data.
Persian (Jalali) Calendar & Data Picker Plugin With jQuery - kamaDatepicker
- Time & Clock - 64539 ViewskamaDatepicker is a customizable jQuery Jalali (Shamsi) calendar plugin for jQuery that makes it easier to select Persian(Jalali) dates with lots of useful options.
Tiny Calendar With Month View - jQuery huicalendar
- Time & Clock - 4560 ViewsA simple and tiny jQuery plugin to create a monthly calendar where you can specify which days of the month should be enabled.
jQuery Plugin For Github Style Heatmap Calendar - Contribution Graph
- Chart & Graph - 6009 ViewsA jQuery plugin that renders a Github style, SVG based calendar heatmap for user profiles to represent time series data. Inspired by Github's contribution calendar graph.
Minimalist Navigatable Calendar In jQuery
- Time & Clock - 5076 ViewsA minimal, clean, and responsive calendar UI component that enables the user to switch between months with prev/next buttons.
Minimal Multilingual Calendar Component For Bootstrap - calendarJs
- Time & Clock - 2960 ViewsA tiny and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that helps you generate a minimal, clean, multilingual calendar component in Bootstrap projects.
Github Style Calendar Heatmap In jQuery
- Chart & Graph - 4273 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that dynamically renders a calendar heatmap (year view) to visualize time series data (like activities, contribution) similar to Github contribution graph.
Pick Hours of Availability For Each Day - Mark Your Calendar
- Time & Clock - 24721 ViewsA tiny jQuery scheduler plugin to create a calendar with week view where users can pick a single or multiple hours of availability for each day of the week.
Flexible Event Calendar In jQuery - evo-calendar
- Time & Clock - 59316 Viewsevo-calendar is a flexible event calendar plugin to display events in a responsive, modern-looking calendar interface.
Create A Monthly Calendar For Date Picking - jQuery Osmanli Calendar
- Time & Clock - 5852 ViewsOsmanli Calendar is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin to generate a clean-looking, HTML table based monthly calendar for data picking.
Basic Localizable Calendar In JavaScript - iCalendar
- Time & Clock - 6103 ViewsiCalendar is a really simple jQuery plugin to generate a basic, localizable, navigatable calendar widget on the web page.
jQuery Plugin To Display Google Calendar Feeds On Website
- Social Media - 6811 ViewsA jQuery Google calendar widget that retrieves event data from your Google calendar and displays them in a fully customizable list.
Basic Multilingual Calendar & Date Picker Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 10987 ViewsA small jQuery plugin to create a basic yet customizable calendar widget where you can customize the month names and trigger an event when a date is selected.
jQuery Calendar Plugin Using HTML Templates - CLNDR.js
- Time & Clock - 53433 ViewsCLNDR.js is a jQuery plugin based on moment.js and underscore.js that allows you to create a calendar with event support using HTML template.
jQuery Plugin for World Calendars - calendars
- Time & Clock - 18860 Viewscalendars is a powerful jQuery plugin which provides implementations of various world calendars and additional functionality such as conversion between calendars, parsing and formatting dates, and a datepicker.
Pretty Responsive Calendar In jQuery - Nao Calendar
- Time & Clock - 13902 ViewsNao Calendar is a jQuery plugin to render a fully responsive, pretty clean calendar widget (with support for date selection) on the webpage.
Elegant Calendar & Date Selector In jQuery - Calender.js
- Time & Clock - 7786 ViewsAn ultra-lightweight jQuery plugin to generate an inline calendar on the webpage that allows the user to picker a date and gets the selected day for further use.
Beautiful Multifunctional Calendar Plugin For jQuery - PIGNOSE Calender
- Time & Clock - 58992 ViewsPIGNOSE Calender is a jQuery plugin used for creating a beautiful, responsive, mobile-friendly calendar on the webpage.
Super Simple Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - dnCalendar
- Time & Clock - 37100 ViewsdnCalendar is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds a simple yet customizable event calendar to your web application.
Customizable Year Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 33691 ViewsA simple-to-use jQuery plugin used for creating a highly customizable, multi-language year calendar for Bootstrap 4 projects.
Simple Calendar and Date Picker Plugin - PickMeUp
- Time & Clock - 58408 ViewsPickMeUp is yet another Vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating a customizable date picker embedded within an input filed that will pop up when the input is focused.
Table Based jQuery Calendar & Schedule Plugin - TimeSheet
- Time & Clock - 22608 ViewsTimeSheet is a jQuery calendar & schedule plugin used to generate table based time sheets for time recording and tracking.
Pretty Bootstrap-style Datetime Picker Plugin - Perfect-DateTimePicker
- Time & Clock - 30554 ViewsA simple, pretty nice, Bootstrap-style, jQuery based datetime picker plugin with support for custom date/time format, year/month/time view, date range selection and much more.
Scrollable jQuery Week Picker And Calendar Plugin - scrollableCalendar
- Time & Clock - 9828 ViewsscrollableCalendar is a simple, fast jQuery plugin used to create a smoothly scrollable calendar for easier week selection.
Minimal Clean Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 7735 ViewsThis is a minimal clean event calendar jQuery plugin which dynamically fetches events from a JavaScript array containing event titles, dates and links.
Dynamic Horizontal Calendar With Events - jQuery RESCalendar
- Time & Clock - 16388 ViewsRESCalendar is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive, dynamic, scrolling, multi-language calendar interface that arranges the date slots on a horizontal line.
Simple jQuery Schedules & Events Plugin - graspSchedule.js
- Time & Clock - 24858 ViewsgraspSchedule.js is a simple jQuery calendar plugin used to visualize complex schedules & events loading from JSON data, a little similar to the timeline.
Responsive Calendar For Bootstrap 4 - calendarJS
- Time & Clock - 46851 ViewscalendarJS is a jQuery plugin lets you create a basic responsive calendar component for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.
Ultra Simple Calendar With onClick Callback - jQuery jsRapCalendar
- Time & Clock - 7962 ViewsjsRapCalendar is a really simple jQuery plugin to generate a basic calendar widget on the webpage without 3rd dependencies, e.g. moment.js.
Mobile-friendly Calendar and Schedule Plugin - jQuery Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 31806 ViewsCalendar.js is a powerful, responsive, dynamic, mobile-friendly calendar & scheduling tool for your business.
Simple Responsive Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - jquery-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 23287 ViewsThe jquery-calendar.js plugin helps you create responsive, nice-looking calendars with support for variable colors and custom events.
Minimal Event Calendar Plugin With jQuery - mini-event-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 13002 ViewsA minimal, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to embed a compact monthly calendar with custom events into your web page.
Calendario - Flexibel and Transparent Calendar Plugin
- Time & Clock - 13323 ViewsCalendario is a jQuery Calendar Plugin that allows you to create beautiful and Transparent Calendar for your website or Application.
Minimal Monthly Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - pbcalendar
- Time & Clock - 18675 Viewspbcalendar is a minimal jQuery plugin that lets you render a monthly calendar on the webpage and allows you to dynamically schedule events on specific dates.
Basic Responsive Event Calendar Plugin - jQuery Equinox
- Time & Clock - 16352 ViewsThe Equinox jQuery plugin lets you create a minimal, clean, dynamic fully responsive event calendar widget in a container element you specify.
Minimalist Calendar Plugin For jQuery - Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 3042 ViewsThe Calendar.js jQuery plugin makes it easier to embed a simple calendar widget into the webpage.
Basic Year Calendar Generator With jQuery - full-year-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 9735 Viewsfull-year-calendar.js is a really simple jQuery plugin used for generating a year calendar where you can specify start/end months and add custom events/holidays.
Customizable Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 18970 ViewsCalendar.js is a highly customizable jQuery event calendar plugin which lets you create, schedule, and display dynamic or static events on a year, month, week or day view.
Pretty jQuery Date Picker & Monthly Calendar Plugin
- Time & Clock - 13703 ViewsA really simple jQuery plugin to create a nice clean monthly calendar for easy & quick date selection.
Responsive Event Calendar & Date Picker jQuery Plugin - Monthly
- Time & Clock - 65951 ViewsMonthly is a jQuery plugin that provides responsive and easy-to-customize event calendar and date picker for your web application.
Simple jQuery Calendar and Date Picker Plugin - DCalendar
- Time & Clock - 57255 ViewsDCalendar is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which helps you create a monthly calendar or a nice clean date picker appending to your text field.
Easy Dynamic jQuery 24 Hours Schedule Calendar Plugin - Skeduler
- Time & Clock - 20593 ViewsSkeduler is a very small jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to generate a dynamic timesheet-style 24-hour schedule calendar on the webpage.
Dynamic Daily Event Calendar Plugin With jQuery - Layoutday
- Time & Clock - 13391 ViewsLayoutday is a simple, lightweight jQuery Daily Event Calendar plugin that you can dynamically add as many events onto a daily schedule.
Multipurpose jQuery Date/Time/Range Picker Plugin - tinyDatePicker
- Time & Clock - 14403 ViewstinyDatePicker is a simple, flexible and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating date / time / month / range pickers and inline event calendars with minimal effort.
Easy Dynamic Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - tempust
- Time & Clock - 10869 ViewsTempust is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a dead simple dynamic event calendar UI where the user can select months and years from header dropdowns.
Mobile-friendly Drag'n'Drop Event Calendar Plugin - CalenStyle
- Time & Clock - 27551 ViewsCalenStyle is a robust jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, dynamic, mobile-friendly, draggable event calendar for both web and mobile applications.
Pretty Event Calendar & Datepicker Plugin For jQuery - Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 44289 ViewsCalendar.js is highly customizable jQuery plugin that helps you create inline event calendars and date pickers for your website or web application.
Basic Schedule / Calendar Plugin With jQuery - Weekly Scheduler
- Time & Clock - 21808 ViewsWeekly Scheduler is a tiny and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you render a customizable weekly schedule / calendar with event handlers called after selection and removal.
Simple Year Calendar Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 27171 ViewsBootstrap Year Calendar is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin that helps you render a responsive, navigatable year calendar on your Bootstrap based web project.
AJAX-enabled Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - Bootstrap Calendar
- Time & Clock - 20369 ViewsBootstrap Calendar is a reusable jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create an AJAX-enabled, template-based, full-view event calendar for your web applications.
Create A Simple Event Calendar with jQuery - e-calendar
- Time & Clock - 61699 Viewse-calendar is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery plugin that helps you to create an intuitive event calendar widget on your website.
Creating A Pretty Event Calendar with jQuery
- Time & Clock - 32012 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin used to create an event calendar that shows activities with a bullet point on the date and when the date is picked.
jQuery Google Calendar Event List Widget - gCalFlow
- Other - 8307 ViewsgCalFlow is a customizable jQuery plugin for creating a google calendar feeds widget that fetches and displays your Google Calendar Events on your website.
Simple Responsive Availability Calendar Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 47528 ViewsA lightweight, responsive jQuery availability calendar plugin used to display booking availability with dates highlighted on a navigatable monthly calendar.
Basic Lightweight jQuery Calendar Plugin - Yacal
- Time & Clock - 5624 ViewsYacal is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to embed a nice-looking calendar component with basic functionality in your webpage.
Create A Basic Weekly Schedule with Hour Selector Using jQuery
- Time & Clock - 47539 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin which provides a simple way to generate a weekly schedule with 7 columns for each day of the week and various rows for each hour of the day.
Flexible and Multi-Language jQuery Calendar & Datepicker Plugin - Ion.Calendar
- Time & Clock - 14910 ViewsIon.Calendar is a jQuery plugin based on Moment.js that allows to create a Flexible and Multi-Language Calendar widget on your web page
jQuery Yearly Calendar & Date Range Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 6442 ViewsCalendar By Year is a lightweight jQuery yearly calendar plugin which allows for multi-day selection with multi-year display.
Simple Clean jQuery Calendar & Date Picker Plugin
- Time & Clock - 7640 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for quickly creating a calendar widget and an input based date picker on your web page.
Easy Weekly Calendar Plugin For jQuery - easycal
- Time & Clock - 24994 Viewseasycal is a simple jQuery plugin used to display events, scheduled tasks in a table based weekly calendar.
jQuery Plugin To Display Google Calendar Feeds On Your Website
- Social Media - 14986 ViewsA jQuery plugin that formats and displays public Google calendar feeds as an event list by using Google Calendar API V3.
Github Like jQuery Data Visualization Plugin - Glance Year
- Chart & Graph - 9058 ViewsGlance Year is a jQuery data visualization plugin which helps you generate a Github contribution graph style calendar heatmap from a JS data array.
Simple jQuery Calendar and Schedule Plugin For Bootstrap - Bic Calendar
- Time & Clock - 64449 ViewsBic Calendar is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to create a simple and nice Calendar & Schedule with ajax event support using twitter bootstrap.
jQuery Plugin To Add Custom Events To Online Calendar Apps - AddCalEvent
- Time & Clock - 16654 ViewsAddCalEvent is a jQuery plugin which allows to add your custom events to a popular online calendar app picked from a dropdown list.
jQuery Plugin To Create A Modern Calendar - Sharp Calendar
- Time & Clock - 4801 ViewsSharp Calendar is a jQuery plugin used to create a modern, animated and highly customizable calendar widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Date Range Selector - Range Calendar
- Time & Clock - 23834 ViewsRange Calendar is a nice jQuery plugin which allows you select a date range in a fully customizable calendar layout with months.
Animated jQuery Event Calendar Plugin - Pretty Calendar
- Time & Clock - 10863 ViewsPretty Calendar is a lightweight jQuery plugin that loads data from a Javascript array object to create an event calendar widget with a smooth expand/collapse transition effect.
Simple Animated jQuery Calendar Plugin with Bootstrap - SuperCal
- Time & Clock - 14862 ViewsSuperCal is a jQuery and Boostrap based plugin for creating a calendar widget with transition effects when the month changed.
Creating A Responsive Flat Event Calendar with jQuery Kalendar Plugin
- Time & Clock - 27272 ViewsKalendar is jQuery plugin to create a responsive, flat styled and highly customizable event calendar that supports both multi-day events and your google calendar events.
Easy jQuery Based Flat Calendar Widget - Flat Calendar
- Time & Clock - 13665 ViewsFlat Calendar is a simple and fast jQuery plugin for implementing a flat styled and responsive calendar with events support.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Your Google Calendar Events - myEvents
- Social Media - 7345 ViewsmyEvents is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a neat business events widget on your website. This widget will fetch and display your google calendar events using Google API key and calendar ID.