Calendar Heatmap Plugin With jQuery And Moment.js - CalendarHeatmap

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Calendar Heatmap Plugin With jQuery And Moment.js - CalendarHeatmap

CalendarHeatmap.js is a jQuery plugin used to generate a dynamic, interactive, configurable calendar heatmap for representing time series data.

Hover over the time slots to show details for each of the days on demand. Inspired by Github’s commit calendar graph.


$ npm install calendarheatmap --save

# Bower
$ bower install calendarheatmap --save

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery JavaScript library and Moment.js (optional) on the web page.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/cdn/moment.min.js"></script>

2. Include the minified version of the jQuery CalendarHeatmap.js plugin after jQuery and moment.js.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.CalendarHeatmap.css">
<script src="jquery.CalendarHeatmap.min.js"></script>

3. Create a placeholder element for the generated calendar heatmap.

<div id="heatmap-demo"></div>

4. Prepare the data you want to present in the calendar heatmap.

var data = [
    {count: 2, date: "2017-09-23"},
    {count: 1, date: "2017-10-23"},
    {count: 4, date: "2017-11-11"},
    {count: 5, date: "2017-11-13"},
    {count: 3, date: "2017-11-21"},

5. Visualize the data in the calendar heatmap.

$("#heatmap-demo").CalendarHeatmap(data, {
  // options here

6. All default options to customize the calendar heatmap.

$("#heatmap-demo").CalendarHeatmap(data, {

  // title of the calendar heatmap
  title: null,

  // the number of months to display
  months: 12,

  // the first day of the week: 1 is Monday
  weekStartDay: 1,

  // or rounded, circle
  tiles: {
    shape: "square"

  // last month
  lastMonth: moment().month() + 1,

  // last year
  lastYear: moment().year(),

  // color gradients
  coloring: null,

  // custom labels
  labels: {
    days: false,
    months: true,
    custom: {
      weekDayLabels: null,
      monthLabels: null

  // custom legend
  legend: {
    show: true,
    align: "right",
    minLabel: "Less",
    maxLabel: "More",
    divider: " to "

  // custom tooltips
  // requires Bootstrap
  tooltips: {
    show: false,
    options: {}

7. API methods.

// get currently selected dates

// update data
$("#heatmap-demo").CalendarHeatmap("updateDates", data);

// append additional data
$("#heatmap-demo").CalendarHeatmap("appendDates", data );

// get options

// update options
$("#heatmap-demo").CalendarHeatmap("updateOptions" {
  // options here


v1.3.1 (2021-03-09)

  • With this release, moment.js is no longer required
  • Moment.js or any other library can be used to format labels
  • Fix for heatmaps that cover multiple years

v1.2.0 (2021-03-09)

  • New: getDates and getOptions can be used to receive the current list of dates with counts and options from the heatmap
  • New: updateDates and appendDates functions are added to allow for changing, or adding dates to the heatmap
  • New: updateOptions added to allow for changing heatmap options
  • Update: New functions with examples are available in the demo
  • Update: All dependencies are updated to their latest versions
  • Fix: The heatmap bins and colors have been redone and should be assigned correctly now

v1.1.0 (2020-01-10)

  • Update: Tiles in the calendar can be rounded or circles now
  • Update: Future days are indicated by lighter colors
  • Update: Demo is using Bootstrap 4.x now
  • Update: All dependencies are updated to their latest versions
  • Fix: Cases with low counts per day, where the maximum is not shown on the map
  • Fix: Start day works properly now
  • Fix: Unix timestamps get now properly parsed when using the object notation

v1.0.1 (2019-05-15)

  • Updated dependancies


  • Complete rewrite on generating heat maps


  • Bugfixed.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by SeBassTian23. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.