Subway Map Creator With jQuery And Canvas - subwayMap

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License: MIT
Subway Map Creator With jQuery And Canvas - subwayMap

subwayMap is a jQuery plugin that uses HTML5 canvas to draw a dynamic, customizable, metro map-style graphs and infographics on the web page.

Basic usage:

1. Include the latest version of JQuery JavaScript library and the jquery.subwayMap.js script on the web page.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.subwayMap-0.5.0.js"></script>

2. Create a container for the legend to help readers understand the map data.

<div id="legend"></div>

3. Add your own nodes and routes to the Subway Map using following data attributes:

  • data-columns: The number of columns.
  • data-rows: The number of rows.
  • data-cellSize: The width and height of each cell in pixels.
  • data-legendId: The ID of the map legend.
  • data-textClass: The CSS class to use for text labels.
  • data-grid: show or hide a grid that is useful during map construction.
  • data-gridNumbers: True or false, to show or hide numbers on the grid.
  • data-lineWidth: The width in pixels for each line. 
  • data-color: The color of the line.
  • data-label: The label for the line that will be displayed in the legend.
  • data-outline: doubles each line with a white one to get an outline effect
  • data-coords: The X,Y coordinate pair where the line should be drawn to from its last location .
<div class="subway-map" data-columns="12" data-rows="10" data-cellSize="40" data-legendId="legend" data-textClass="text" data-gridNumbers="true" data-grid="false" data-lineWidth="8">
  <ul data-color="#ff4db2" data-label="jQuery Widgets" data-outline="true">          
      <li data-coords="2,2" data-marker="interchange"><a href="">Accordion</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="4,2"><a href=""><a href="">Auto\ncomplete</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="5,3" data-dir="E"></li>  
      <li data-coords="5,7" data-marker="@station" data-labelPos="W"><a href="">Slider</a></li> <!-- marker-only node -->  
      <li data-coords="6,4" data-dir="S" data-marker="interchange" data-markerInfo="h5"><a href="">Date\npicker</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="7,4"></li>  
      <li data-coords="7.15,8" data-marker="@station" data-labelPos="E"><a href="">Dialog</a></li>  <!-- marker-only node, moved to the right by 0.15 -->
      <li data-coords="8,3" data-dir="E"></li>  
      <li data-coords="8,2"></li>  
      <li data-coords="9,1" data-dir="N"></li>  
      <li data-coords="10,2" data-dir="E" data-marker="interchange" data-labelPos="E"><a href="">Button</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="10,5"></li>  
      <li data-coords="9,6" data-dir="S" data-marker="station"><a href="">Progress\nbar</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="6,9"></li>  
      <li data-coords="5,8" data-dir="W"></li>  
      <li data-coords="5,7"></li>  
      <li data-coords="4,6" data-dir="N"></li>  
      <li data-coords="2,6"><a href="">Tabs</a></li>  

  <ul data-color="#00ff00" data-label="jQuery Interactions" data-shiftCoords="0,-1">      
      <li data-coords="2,6"></li> 
      <li data-coords="2,5.9" data-marker="@interchange"> </li> <!-- marker-only node, moved up by 0.10 -->
      <li data-coords="5,6" data-marker="@station" data-labelPos="N"><a href="">Selectable</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="6,6"></li>  
      <li data-coords="7,3" data-marker="@station" data-labelPos="W"><a href="">Resizeable</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="7,5" data-dir="E" data-marker="station" data-labelPos="E"><a href="">Droppable</a></li>  
      <li data-coords="7,1" data-marker="interchange" data-labelPos="W"><a href="">Draggable</a></li>  


4. Render the subway map on the web page.




  • Replaced offset w/ position in text layer for more predictable behaviour


  • improved legend for dotted lines


  • added new 'outline' option : doubles each line with a white one to get an outline effect

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by techbubble. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.