Sparkline (Inline Chart) Plugin With jQuery And SVG - inlineGraph

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License: MIT
Sparkline (Inline Chart) Plugin With jQuery And SVG - inlineGraph

inlineGraph is a lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery plugin used for generating SVG based inline graphs and charts (aka. sparklines) to present your data as heatmap, pie, boolean and angle.

Basic usage:

1. To get started, insert the JavaScript file inlinegraph.js after jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="inlinegraph.js"></script>

2. Create an element where you want to place the inline graph.

<div class="inlinegraph"></div>

3. The JavaScript to generate an inline graph inside the element.

  • values: numeric value.
  • attr: plugin settings.
  $('.inlinegraph').inlinegraph(values, attr)

4. All default attributes (settings).

$('.inlinegraph').inlinegraph(30, {

  // or 'heat', 'bool', 'angle'
  type: 'pie',

  // interception text
  interception: 'warn',

  // interception color
  interceptionColor: 'black',

  // height in pixels
  height: 16,

  // width in pixels
  width: 16,

  // pre-defined colors
  color: ['blue','red','yellow','purple','green','orange'],

  // border color
  borderColor: 'black',

  // border width in pixels
  borderWidth: 0,

  // rotation angle
  rotation: 0

5. You can also pass the attributes (settings) via data attributes as follows:

<div class="inlinegraph" 
     data-graph-attr='{"color": ["green"], "type": "angle"}'>
<div class="inlinegraph" 
     data-graph-attr='{"color": ["green"], "fullAngle": "24", "type": "angle"}'>
$('.inlinegraph').each(function() { 
  $(this).inlinegraph($(this).attr('data-graph'), $.parseJSON($(this).attr('data-graph-attr')));



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tmunz. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.