Github Like jQuery Data Visualization Plugin - Glance Year

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License: MIT
Github Like jQuery Data Visualization Plugin - Glance Year

Glance Year is a jQuery data visualization plugin which helps you generate a Github contribution graph style calendar heatmap from a JS data array.

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library together with jQuery glance year plugin's stylesheet & script in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="glanceyear.css">

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.glanceyear.js"></script>

2. Create a DIV container for the calendar heatmap.

<div class="glanceyear-content" id="demo">

3. Create your data using JS array object as follow.

var massive = [
    {date: '2014-8-3', value:'1'},
    {date: '2014-8-4', value:'2'},
    {date: '2014-9-3', value:'3'},
    {date: '2014-10-14', value:'2'},
    {date: '2014-10-13', value:'8'},
    {date: '2014-7-3', value:'1'},
    {date: '2014-7-4', value:'2'},
    {date: '2014-7-7', value:'3'},
    {date: '2014-7-14', value:'2'},
    {date: '2014-6-3', value:'1'},
    {date: '2014-6-4', value:'2'},
    {date: '2014-6-5', value:'3'},
    {date: '2014-6-14', value:'2'}

4. Initialize the plugin to render a calendar heatmap into the DIV container you just created.


5. Default settings.

eventClick: function(e) { alert('Date: ' + + ', Count:' + e.count); },
months: ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],
weeks: ['M','T','W','T','F','S', 'S'],
targetQuantity: '.glanceyear-quantity',
tagId: 'glanceyear-svgTag',
showToday: false,
today: new Date()

Change logs:


  • New parameter "today";
  • Fix bug with first month.


  • Every instance fill your own data;
  • New parameter "showToday";
  • Fix bug with 54 weeks;
  • Added minified script.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Kraigo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.