Table Based jQuery Calendar & Schedule Plugin - TimeSheet

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Table Based jQuery Calendar & Schedule Plugin - TimeSheet

TimeSheet is a jQuery calendar & schedule plugin used to generate table based time sheets for time recording and tracking. 


  • Use the mouse to select time slots, individually or in a group.
  • Drag and drop with right click to deselect slots.

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library together with the jQuery timesheet plugin's stylesheet and JavaScript files on the html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="TimeSheet.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="TimeSheet.js"></script>

2. Create an empty table template for the time sheet.

  <tbody id="J_timedSheet">


3. Prepare your data for the time sheet.

var dimensions = [12,24];

var dayList = [

var hourList = [

var sheetData = [

4. Initialize the plugin to render a time sheet into the table element you just created.

  data: {
      dimensions : dimensions,
      colHead : hourList,
      rowHead : dayList,
      sheetHead : {name:"Date\\Time"},
      sheetData : sheetData
  remarks : {
      title : "Description",
      default : "N/A"

5. Default plugin options.

data: {},
sheetClass: "",
start: false,
end : false,
remarks : null

6. Public methods.

getCellState : function(cellIndex){
  return sheetModel.getCellState(cellIndex);

getRowStates : function(row){
  return sheetModel.getRowStates(row);

getSheetStates : function(){
  return sheetModel.getSheetStates();

setRemark : function(row,html){

clean : function(){

getDefaultRemark : function(){
  return sheetOption.remarks.default;

disable : function(){

enable : function(){



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lbbc1117. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.