jQuery Plugin To Add Custom Events To Online Calendar Apps - AddCalEvent

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jQuery Plugin To Add Custom Events To Online Calendar Apps - AddCalEvent

AddCalEvent is a jQuery plugin which allows to add your custom events to a popular online calendar app picked from a dropdown list. By default the plugin supports Google calendar, Outlook calendar, Yahoo calendar, Hotmail calendar, and iCal calendar.

How to use it:

1. Add the jQuery AddCalEvent plugin and other required resources into your document.

<link href="src/AddCalEvent.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="src/AddCalEventZones.js"></script>
<script src="src/AddCalEvent.js"></script>

2. Create an element that will open a dropdown list which allows you to select a desired online calendar service.

<a class="demo">ADD TO CALENDAR...</a>

3. Call the plugin on the element you just created and create your event data using JS data object.

'data': {
  "title":"Event Title",
  "desc":"Event Description.", 
  "location": "My event",
  "url": "https://www.jqueryscript.net",
  "start":"March 12, 2014 14:00:00",
  "end":"march 13, 2014 15:30:00",
'ics': "http://url to ics generator"

4. Format of event data object:

title: '',
desc: '',
location: '',
url: '',         // only available in Yahoo calendars
organizer: {     // only available in Outlook
  name: '',
  email: ''
time: {
  start: '',    // 'month day, year 14:30:00'
  end: '',      // 'month day, year 14:30:00'
  zone: '',     // '+tt:tt' - plus or minus from UTC time zone (example: Pacific Daylight Time is '-07:00')
  allday: false

5. All parameters listed below are optional. However, if you want this to work for Outlook and iCal you must provide the url that will generate the ics file response.

onclick: false, // Open the dropdown on click rather than mouseover
apps: [], // Event data
ics: '', // Url that will generate the server-side ics response based on the event details.
preVal: true,
disabledClass: "dis",
linkText: [ // Array containing the applications available to the user. 
  'Outlook Calendar',
  'Google Calendar',
  'Yahoo Calendar',
  'Hotmail Calendar',
  'iCal Calendar'

6. You can also pass in the data event via Html5 data-ace as follows:

<a class="demo2" data-ace='{
"title":"Event 2",
"desc":"Event 2 description",
"location":"Location of Event 2",
"time":{"start":"Jan 12, 1999", "end":"Jan 13, 2019", "zone":"+07:00"}}'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sendlo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.