Easy Dynamic Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - tempust

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License: MIT
Easy Dynamic Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - tempust

Tempust is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a dead simple dynamic event calendar UI where the user can select months and years from header dropdowns. The event detail will be revealed with a sliding effect as you click on the date.

How to use it:

1. Load the jQuery Tempust plugin's main CSS file in the header of the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/style.css">

2. Create a container in which you want to generate the event calendar.

<div id="tempust"></div>

3. Initialize the plugin to generate a default calendar in the container you just created.


4. Add your own events to the calendar.

  events: {
    "2017/12/24": $("<div>Event on today</div>")

5. More options to customize the event calendar.

  date: new Date(),
  offset: 1

6. The event handler which will be fired on each date change:

$("#tempust").on("changeDate", function (event) {
  // do something

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by semirix. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.