Customizable Year Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 4

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Customizable Year Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 4

A simple-to-use jQuery plugin used for creating a responsive, highly customizable, multi-language year calendar (with range picker support) for Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 projects.

For Bootstrap 3, check out our Bootstrap Year Calendar plugin.

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and Bootstrap 4 framework on the page.

<!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
      integrity="sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm" crossorigin="anonymous">
<!-- Javascripts -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""
<script src=""

2. Include the Bootstrap 4 Year Calendar's JavaScript and CSS files on the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.bootstrap.year.calendar.css">
<script src="jquery.bootstrap.year.calendar.js"></script>

3. Create a container element for the calendar.

<div class="calendar"></div>

4. The JavaScript library to generate a default calendar inside the container.


5. Customize the calendar with the following options.


  // shows calendar headers
  showHeaders: true,

  // start year
  startYear: currentDate.getFullYear(),

  // max/min year
  maxYear: null,
  maxDay: null,
  maxMonth: null,
  maxDayMessage: 'You can not choose day from future',
  minYear: null,
  minDay: null,
  minMonth: null,
  minDayMessage: 'You can not choose day from past',

  // Bootstrap version
  boostrapVersion: 4,

  // for custom layout
  cols: 12,
  colsSm: 6,
  colsMd: 4,
  colsLg: 3,
  colsXl: 3,

  // max days to choose
  maxDaysToChoose: false,
  maxDaysToChooseMessage: 'Maximum days to choose is: ',

  // classic or rangepicker
  mode: 'classic',

  // adds class to day on click
  addUniqueClassOnClick: false,

6. Localize the year calendar.


  i10n: {
    jan: "January",
    feb: "February",
    mar: "March",
    apr: "April",
    may: "May",
    jun: "June",
    jul: "July",
    aug: "Augst",
    sep: "September",
    oct: "October",
    nov: "November",
    dec: "December",
    mn: "Mn",
    tu: "Tu",
    we: 'We',
    th: 'TH',
    fr: 'Fr',
    sa: 'Sa',
    su: 'Su'

7. Event handlers available.

$('.calendar').on('jqyc.changeYearToPrevious', function (event) {
  // triggered when year is chaned to previous

$('.calendar').on('jqyc.changeYearToNext', function (event) {
  // triggered when year is chaned to next

$('.calendar').on('jqyc.changeYear', function (event) {
  // triggered when year is changed

$('.calendar').on('jqyc.dayChoose', function (event) {
  // triggered when day is clicked

$('.calendar').on('jqyc.notMinDayChoose', function (event) {
  // triggered when day out of range is choosen

$('.calendar').on('jqyc.notMaxDayChoose', function (event) {
  // triggered when day out of range is choosen

8. API methods.

// Appends text to a specific day
$('.calendar').calendar('appendText', ext(string (also accepts html)), year(integer), month(integer), day(integer), classes(string));

// Clears text
$('.calendar').calendar('clearText', year(integer), month(integer), day(integer), classes(string));

// Clears all text

// Recalcs tables height, in case of columns mismatch

// Adds a date range
$('.calendar').calendar('addRange', startYear(integer), startMonth(integer), startDay(integer), endYear(integer), endMonth(integer), endDay(integer));



  • addRange function


  • bug fixes


  • added range picker


  • added API.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by zatorck. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.