jQuery Google Calendar Event List Widget - gCalFlow

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License: MIT
jQuery Google Calendar Event List Widget - gCalFlow

gCalFlow is a customizable jQuery plugin for creating a google calendar feeds widget that fetches and displays your Google Calendar Events on your website. 

Basic Usage:

1. Include jQuery library and jQuery gCalFlow on the webpage

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.gcal_flow.js"></script>

2. Include gCalFlow CSS to style the widget

<link href="jquery.gcal_flow.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

3. Create a container for your google calendar feeds widget

<div id="demo"></div>

4. Call the plugin with options

<script type="text/javascript">
calid: '[email protected]' // google calendar id

5. Options

calid: 'YOUR GOOGLE CALENDAR IE',	//Google Calendar ID (required if feed_url is missing)
mode: 'upcoming',	// 'upcoming' for upcoming events, or 'updates' for events ordered by last modified.
feed_url: ,	// Any Atom feed URL compatible with google's. If this option is specified, 'calid' and 'mode' are ignored.
maxitem: 15,	// Limit for max number of events. You can set any number, but Google may ignore large numbers.
date_formatter: ,	// This function will be called with two arguments: Date instance and "all day flag".
daterange_formatter: , //	This function will be called with three arguments: start date, end date and "all day flag".
auto_scroll: true,
scroll_interval: 10 * 1000,	// in milliseconds
link_title: true,	// enable link on calendar title
link_item_title: true,	// enable link on item title
link_item_description: false, // enable link on item description
link_target: '_blank',	// target attribute of auto-generated links
callback: ,	// callback function when finish rendering. In this function, a jQuery object contains target node is assigned to 'this'. This is useful to chain other jQuery method or plug-in (e.g. callback: function() { this.effect("highlight") })
globalize_culture: ,//Culture string for Globalize
globalize_fmt_datetime: 'f',	// Format string of Globalize for date and time
globalize_fmt_date: 'D',	// Format string of Globalize for date
globalize_fmt_time: 't',	// Format string of Globalize for time
globalize_fmt_monthday: 'M',	// Format string of Globalize for month and day

Change Logs:


  • Fix error when enabling location link. 

v3.0.1 (2013-11-21)

  • Fix logging function (it breaks all by js error)
  • Updates to use Google Calendar API v3
  • Timezone fix (show event date in browser local timezone)
  • Add link_item_location option

v1.2.7 (2013-07-18)

  • Set futureevents and singleevents to true on updates mode.

v1.2.5 (2013-07-18)

  • Fix timezone issue on all day event.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sugi. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.