Top 100 Free jQuery Plugins 2022
Top Best 100 free jQuery plugins published in 2022.
Multi Item Carousel With Bootstrap 5 And jQuery
- Slider - 14446 ViewsA jQuery script to extend the Bootstrap 5 carousel component that allows multiple items per view.
Animated Calendar Plugin With Event Management - GC-Calendar
- Time & Clock - 5837 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that will easily help you in creating an animated and attractive calendar of your events by month.
Animated Count Up Plugin With jQuery - countMe.js
- Animation - 4542 ViewsA lightweight and easy to use jQuery animated counter plugin that can be used to show social shares, how many views a page has received, or perhaps how many followers you have.
Scrolling Bootstrap Tabs In Responsive Layout - scrollable-tabs.js
- Other - 4410 ViewsA JavaScript & jQuery plugin that makes Bootstrap tabs scroll horizontally when not enough space is available.
Touch-enabled Vertical Carousel With Bootstrap 5
- Slider - 4057 ViewsA tiny jQuery script that helps you create a fully responsive, mobile-friendly, vertical carousel using the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.
Easy Star Rating System With jQuery And Font Awesome - star-rating.js
- Other - 3975 ViewsA simple, lightweight, responsive, customizable, nice-looking star rating system built with jQuery and Font Awesome iconic font.
Powerful Multilingual Date/Time Picker - Tempus Dominus
- Time & Clock - 3852 ViewsA powerful, fully customizable and lightweight date/time picker for Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. It is a zero dependency replacement for the native HTML5 date & time input type.
Easy Time Picker Plugin For Bootstrap
- Time & Clock - 3701 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery library that allows you to easily add time picker functionality for your Bootstrap projects.
Minimal User-friendly Date Time Picker - jQuery Dateandtime.js
- Time & Clock - 3429 ViewsA really simple and user-friendly jQuery datepicker plugin that turns a normal text input box into a date input and a time input.
Animated Gradient Background Inspired By - stripe-gradient.js
- Animation - 3147 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that renders an animated gradient background on a Canvas element, inspired by
Responsive Carousel Plugin With jQuery - Riot Slider
- Slider - 3087 ViewsA brand new jQuery slider/carousel plugin for presenting your content in any type of way you'd like.
Create A Weekly Calendar For Displaying Events - pretty-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 2941 ViewsThis jQuery plugin allows you to create a nice looking calendar that displays your events in the current week.
AJAX-enabled File Uploader With Live Preview - jQuery uploader.js
- Form - 2785 ViewsA lightweight and AJAX-enabled file uploader plugin that provides a convenient solution for uploading single or multiple files via AJAX.
Mobile-friendly Multi-level Dropdown Navigation With jQuery
- Menu - 2773 ViewsA simple yet customizable jQuery plugin for creating a responsive multi-level dropdown menu on your site.
Expand & Collapse Text Using Read More/Less links - Expander
- Text - 2433 ViewsA simple, customizable jQuery text truncation plugin that allows you to quickly and easily add expand & collapse functionality to any content.
Visual Page Preloader In jQuery - Percent-Preloader
- Loading - 2104 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery visual preloader plugin that displays the loading progress of the current page in percentage.
Add Magnifying Glass Style Zoom Functionality To Images - mooZoom
- Zoom - 2046 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable image zoom jQuery plugin for magnifying images on the page.
Play Youtube Videos In A Responsive Modal - jQuery YT Player
- LightBox - 2037 ViewsA fast and minimalistic video player that allows the user to play any Youtube Video in a modal popup.
Floating Whatsapp Chatbox With jQuery - whatsapp-chat.js
- Social Media - 2011 ViewsA small, flexible, and customizable Whatsapp chatbox jQuery plugin that keeps floating on top of the page even when the user scrolls down.
Responsive Dynamic Quiz Plugin With jQuery - quiz.js
- Other - 1976 ViewsA jQuery plugin that lets you create responsive and beautiful quizzes on the page.
Zoom In/Out Text With A Range Slider - Content Zoom Slider
- Text - 1947 ViewsA tiny & easy accessibility tool that allows you to zoom in or out of web pages by simply dragging a range slider.
Cool Reverse Scroll (Split Scroll) Effect In jQuery
- Animation - 1895 ViewsA pretty reverse scroll effect written in jQuery and CSS, which means that users can scroll through multiple columns of content with different scroll directions.
Customizable Client Side Table Pagination Plugin With jQuery
- Table - 1881 ViewsA lightweight yet customizable table paginator that lets you divide a large number of table rows into pages to enhance the visibility of your large HTML table.
Easy Rich Text Editor With jQuery And Font Awesome
- Text - 1847 ViewsA rich text editor with jQuery and Font Awesome. This plugin provides you the simplest rich text editor to any textarea. Get things done quickly.
Progressive Enhancement Timeline Plugin - jQuery Timestack
- Chart & Graph - 1757 ViewsA responsive, flexible, progressive enhancement timeline plugin used to display your project events in chronological order.
Customizable Bootstrap Icon Picker With jQuery And Bootstrap 5
- Other - 1736 ViewsA fully customizable jQuery that uses Bootstrap 5 popover component to create a filterable icon picker interface, which offers an easy way to select icons from over 1,600 Bootstrap SVG icons.
Mobile-friendly Sketch Pad With jQuery And Canvas - Sketchpad.js
- Other - 1724 ViewsA simple and touch-enabled jQuery drawing plugin that allows you to create a sketch pad where you can draw and paint in the browser using mouse and touch gestures.
Multi Checkbox Select Plugin In jQuery & Vanilla JS
- Form - 1639 ViewsA JavaScript library for beautifying and enhancing the native select elements. Compatible with both jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript.
Basic Continuous Image Carousel With jQuery
- Slider - 1599 ViewsA continuous image carousel (aka slider) that provides a great way to showcase multiple images on your website.
Fast Multilingual Autocomplete Plugin For Bootstrap 5 - Autofill.js
- Form - 1589 ViewsA simple, fast, and customizable jQuery autocomplete & typeahead plugin for the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.
Multi-column Dropdown Select With jQuery And Bootstrap 5
- Form - 1586 ViewsA nice and fancy multi-column dropdown select plugin built with jQuery and Bootstrap 5.
Select Single Or Multiple Rows In HTML table - jQuery SelectRows.Js
- Table - 1572 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to use checkboxes to select single or multiple rows in an HTML table.
User-friendly Time Picker With Autocomplete - jQuery timeAutocomplete
- Time & Clock - 1565 ViewsWith this user-friendly time picker jQuery plugin, a visitor will be able to pick an hour in custom steps as well as minutes and seconds. The autocomplete function will suggest closest match from the previously input values.
Fade & Slide Elements Into View While Scrolling - jqFuwatto
- Animation - 1559 ViewsA blazing fast AOS (Animate On Scroll) jQuery plugin that fades or slides elements into view while scrolling to help create a smooth and seamless user experience.
Realistic Snow Falling Animation With jQuery And GSAP
- Animation - 1543 ViewsA tutorial on how to create a realistic falling snow effect with the combination of jQuery and GSAP's TweenMax library.
Zoom Image On Hover Using jQuery
- Zoom - 1501 ViewsA tiny jQuery image zoom script that provides a nice magnifying glass effect when hovering over an image.
Responsive High Performance Content Scroller - SuperMarquee
- Animation - 1458 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that works to provide you with a highly aesthetic animated content scroller similar to the traditional marquee scrolling effect.
Draggable Kanban Board Plugin With jQuery And jQuery UI
- Other - 1440 ViewsA tiny jquery plugin for creating a draggable kanban board with 2 or more columns.
Sticky Expanding Sidebar Navigation Plugin - jQuery ssMenu
- Menu - 1356 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a modern sticky expanding sidebar navigation menu on your site.
Easy One Page Scroll Navigation - jQuery serialscrolling
- Menu - 1335 ViewsThe serialscrolling jQuery plugin enables a nav to smoothly scroll between page sections and automatically applies the 'Active' class to the corresponding link depending on which section is visible.
Tiny & Fast Tags Input Plugin For jQuery - pstagger
- Form - 1295 ViewsA lightweight and fast jQuery tags input plugin that enables the user to insert multiple tags into an input field quickly.
Convert HTML Tables Into Interactive Data Tables - jQuery ztables
- Table - 1294 ViewsA lightweight & feature-rich jQuery plugin that turns your HTML tables (or JSON data) into interactive data tables with advanced features.
Simple Star Rating Input Plugin - jQuery rating.js
- Form - 1280 ViewsA really simple and lightweight jQuery star rating plugin that stores the rating value in a hidden input field.
Animated Tags Input Based On Multi Select Box
- Form - 1260 ViewsA jQuery script that converts the regular multi select box into an animated tags input field.
Mobile-friendly Exit Intent Popup With jQuery And Bootstrap 5
- LightBox - 1252 ViewsA very elegant jQuery script to create a user-friendly exit intent popup using the Bootstrap 5 modal component. Compatible with both desktop and mobile.
Tab Style Testimonial Slider With jQuery
- Slider - 1241 ViewsA testimonial slider written in jQuery and CSS, which showcases author images, each of them containing a quote and the testimonial text.
Tree-style Expanding JS Object Viewer/Editor In jQuery - Expando
- Other - 1231 ViewsA tiny jQuery-powered JS Object Viewer/Editor that helps developers creates a very nice expandable tree hierarchy of your data.
Smooth Responsive Tabs/Accordion UI With jQuery
- Accordion - 1184 ViewsUse the jQuery Responsive Tabs script to turn the tabs into an accordion interface on small screens like mobile devices.
Toast Notifications With Auto Redirection Support - jQuery Notifications
- Other - 1177 ViewsA tiny yet customizable toast notification jQuery plugin that allows to automatically redirect the current page to another URL when the countdown ends.
Sliding Time Picker Popup Plugin - jQuery nj-timepick
- Time & Clock - 1145 ViewsA simple, lightweight, and user-friendly time picker plugin designed for improving the user experience of picking and inputting a time.
Touch-enabled Image/Iframe/Gallery Lightbox - jQuery NSB Box
- LightBox - 1136 ViewsA flexible, responsive, and mobile-friendly lightbox that supports single image, image galleries, and even iframes.
Drag'n'drop List Reordering Plugin - jQuery DraggableNestableList.js
- Other - 1112 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that allows the user to drag an item (or a sublist) from one position to another position in the list while maintaining its nesting level.
Slide Up/down Content & Switch Between Images Just Like An Accordion
- Accordion - 1041 ViewsA modern jQuery accordion that has good looking and clean UI, easy to customize and extend.
Generate Tables From JSON Arrays & Objects - jQuery JSONtoTable
- Table - 1038 ViewsA lightweight yet powerful jQuery JSON to Table plugin that quickly generates HTML tables from JSON arrays or JSON objects you provide.
Parallax & Slide-in Effects On Scroll - Swift.js
- Animation - 1027 ViewsA jQuery scroll animation plugin that applies a subtle parallax effect to backgrounds and slides in element when users scroll down the webpage.
Advanced Copy To Clipboard jQuery Plugin - Copy On Click
- Text - 1013 ViewsA lightweight and flexible jQuery plugin that makes it possible to copy any content (HTML or plain text) defined in a data attribute or in another DOM to the clipboard.
Animated Rich-text Tooltip & Popover Plugin - jQuery serialtip
- Tooltip - 984 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for easily creating animated, customizable, rich-text tooltips and popovers that appear on-hover or on-click, on any HTML element.
jQuery Plugin To Add Social Sharing Buttons To Your Site - Socialjs
- Social Media - 966 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create social sharing buttons for popular social media networks right on your website or blog.
Touch-enabled Progressive Enhancement Range Slider - jQuery Quinn
- Form - 964 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a straightforward method of creating custom, touch-enabled, progressive enhancement range sliders
Image Parallax/Blur/Scale Effects In jQuery - Parallax
- Animation - 963 ViewsA fresh new jQuery parallax plugin that applies a configurable and smooth parallax scrolling animations to images on scroll, plus blur and scale effects.
Crop Multiple Parts Of An Image - jQuery areaSelect.js
- Other - 959 ViewsA small jQuery image crop plugin that allows you to select multiple areas of an image and crop them simultaneously.
Growl-style Alert Box Plugin With jQuery - Alert.js
- Other - 931 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for creating OS X inspired growl notifications that auto dismiss after 5 seconds.
Transform Checkbox Into Toggle Switch - jQuery switchify
- Form - 923 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that transforms the regular checkbox input into iOS style toggle switches with a single JS call.
Morphing Fullscreen Site Search Box With jQuery And CSS3
- Form - 921 ViewsA search box that makes full use of the webpage and all the real estate it has to offer, showcasing the search functionality with some really cool full screen effects.
Create Impressive One Page Scrolling Experience With jQuery
- Animation - 918 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates an impressive, smooth, and configurable horizontal or vertical one page scrolling experience on your web apps or landing pages.
Pretty Cool Animated Cursor With jQuery - serialCursor
- Animation - 916 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a mouse pointer effect with a perpetual animation.
Full-featured Responsive Lightbox Plugin - jQuery rbox
- LightBox - 910 ViewsA jQuery lightbox plugin that allows you to create various types of popups, such as image lightboxes, video popups, lightbox galleries, or any other custom popups.
Countdown Timer In jQuery That Help You Improve Efficiency
- Time & Clock - 902 ViewsA dead simple countdown timer plugin written in JavaScript (jQuery). Useful for displaying how long is left before an event starts or when a specific time is due.
Simple Content Slider/Carousel With Smooth Crossfade Effect
- Slider - 876 ViewsA jQuery based slideshow/slider/carousel with a super smooth crossfade effect. It uses CSS3 transitions to animate between slides.
Fullscreen Slideshow With Circular Thumbnail Rotator
- Slideshow - 876 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, fullscreen background slideshow that comes with a circular rotator control where you can switch between images by clicking/tapping the thumbnails.
Minimal jQuery Infinite Scrolling Plugin - scroll4ever
- Loading - 868 ViewsA super tiny jQuery infinite-scrolling plugin that loads more content from other HTML files automatically as the user scrolls down the page.
Shuffle Images With Fade In/Out Animations - jQuery serialshuffle
- Animation - 845 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to randomly shuffle images in a grid with fading in/out animation effects.
Offcanvas Push Menu Component For Bootstrap 5/4
- Menu - 832 ViewsA Bootstrap 5/4 component that enables a hamburger button to toggle an offcanvas sidebar nav while pushing the main content from side to side
JSON Based Hierarchical Tree Plugin - Simple TreePicker
- Other - 829 ViewsA jQuery plugin for displaying JSON data as a collapsible, expandable, selectable, and hierarchical tree structure.
Responsive Vertical Bootstrap 5 Tabs/Pills With jQuery And CSS
- Other - 800 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, vertical tabs/pills component built with jQuery, CSS/CSS3, and Bootstrap 5 framework.
Animate Scrolling To The Top Of The Page - jQuery backtothetop.js
- Animation - 793 ViewsA jQuery back to top plugin that enables users to smoothly scroll back to the top of any page on your website using a highly customizable button
Beautiful Responsive Modal Dialog Plugin - jQuery XSAlert
- LightBox - 791 ViewsA simple but highly customizable plugin for creating beautiful, responsive, themeable Alert/Confirm/Prompt dialog boxes with pretty CSS3 animations.
High Performance Single/Multiple Select Plugin - jQuery pqSelect
- Form - 785 ViewsA jQuery plugin that can be used to convert regular select elements into customizable, high performance dropdown select widgets.
Responsive Customizable Line Chart Generator - jQuery Graphiq
- Chart & Graph - 783 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easier to generate responsive, customizable, scalable SVG line charts using plain JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
Slide-out Fullscreen Navigation With jQuery And GSAP
- Menu - 769 ViewsA super smooth modern fullscreen navigation that slides from the left edge of the page when toggled.
Create Toast Notifications With Countdown Bars And Smooth Animations
- Other - 765 ViewsFree and open-source plugin to create Android-like toast notifications with countdown bars and smooth slide animation.
Cascading Selection Box Plugin With jQuery - Cascader
- Form - 764 ViewsThis jQuery plugin generates a user-friendly, multi-column cascading dropdown list from an array of JS objects and allows you to append it to any text field within the document.
Fast Realtime Content Filtering Plugin - jQuery liveSearch
- Other - 762 ViewsA lightweight, fast and AJAX-enabled jQuery plugin that can be used to filter out any kind of content like plain text, list items, table rows, and many more.
Powerful Data Table Plugin For JavaScript & jQuery - Datatable.js
- Table - 758 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that generates a feature-rich data table that supports any data type such as static HTML table, JS arrays, JS objects, and Ajax JSON data.
Simple Calculator App Styled With Bootstrap 5
- Other - 755 ViewsA simple online calculator app styled with the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.
Create Rich Text Textarea Using Contenteditable Element - jQuery toTextarea.js
- Form - 739 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that converts a DIV element into a textarea-like rich-text editor using the contenteditable attribute.
Replace Native Selects With Customizable Dropdowns - jQuery Dropzie
- Form - 728 ViewsA jQuery Custom Select plugin that replaces native select boxes with customizable and filterable dropdown lists & menus.
Add Label Inside Select Box With Custom Text - jQuery serialselect
- Form - 728 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin that simply adds a label element inside the select box with custom text.
Circle Loading Animation In jQuery & CSS3 - shCircleLoader
- Loading - 728 ViewsA jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 animations to create customizable and animated circle loading animations.
3D Cube Page Slider With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 727 ViewsA fullscreen 3D cube page slider made with jQuery and CSS3 transforms & transitions.
Enhance Select Boxes And Make Options Searchable - jQuery iv-select
- Form - 715 ViewsA jQuery plugin that provides you with custom select boxes and a series of features to enhance the interaction between user and browser.
Performant Data Grid Plugin For jQuery - Huge Grid
- Table - 708 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin used to generate a fully responsive, high-performance, feature-rich, and highly customizable data table/grid from large amounts of data.
Beautiful Subscription Modal Dialog In jQuery
- LightBox - 694 ViewsA responsive, animated, beautiful, customizable subscription modal dialog to increase conversion rate.
Limit & Count Characters In Text Field - jQuery input_limit
- Form - 693 ViewsA super easy jQuery solution to limit and count the number of characters typed in a text field (textarea or input).
Editable Selectable Tree View Plugin - jQuery TreeEditor
- Other - 684 ViewsA jQuery tree plugin to dynamically generate an editable, checkable, and hierarchical tree structure from a JavaScript array.
Create Customizable Notification Bars Using Bootstrap 5 Alerts
- Other - 674 ViewsA jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to dynamically create notification bars using the Bootstrap 5 alerts component.
Responsive Animated Column Chart Plugin - Draw Bar Chart
- Chart & Graph - 672 ViewsA responsive and animated jQuery bar (column) chart plugin for drawing single-bar or stacked-bar charts on the page.
Image Gallery With In-place Zoom Functionality
- Gallery - 670 ViewsA jQuery-powered image gallery that comes with an in-place zoom functionality using CSS3 transforms.
Random Hex Color Picker With jQuery
- Other - 653 ViewsA simple random color picker with hex code made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Animate Characters In Text Blocks While Scrolling - serialeffect
- Animation - 652 ViewsA high-performance text animation jQuery plugin that allows you to animate characters within the text blocks while they are being scrolled.