Create Rich Text Textarea Using Contenteditable Element - jQuery toTextarea.js

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Create Rich Text Textarea Using Contenteditable Element - jQuery toTextarea.js

toTextarea.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that converts a DIV element into a textarea-like rich-text editor using the contenteditable attribute.

The contenteditable element automatically resizes itself with the text. You can use Ctrl-B for bold, Ctrl-I for italics and Ctrl-U for underline. You can also insert images from your desktop via drag and drop.

How to use it:

1. Insert jQuery library and the jquery.toTextarea.js plugin into the webpage.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.toTextarea.min.js"></script>

2. Call the function toTextarea on the target DIV element and done.

<div id="textarea">
  ... Any HTML Content Here ...
$(function () {
    // options here

3. Determine whether or not to allow HTML content and images inside the content editable element. Default: false.

$(function () {
    allowHTML: false,
    allowImg: false,

4. Make the DIV element act like an input field.

$(function () {
    singleLine: true,

5. Paste text with or without styling as source. Default: true.

$(function () {
    pastePlainText: false,

6. Add placeholder text to the content editable element.

<div id="textarea" placeholder="Placeholder Text">
  ... Any HTML Content Here ...

<!-- OR -->
<div id="textarea" data-placeholder="Placeholder Text">
  ... Any HTML Content Here ...

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by UziTech. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.