Free jQuery Resize Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Resize' are listed here.
Track Element Resizes With Precision Using jQuery Resize Plugin
- Layout - 193 ViewsEasily detect element resizes with before/after size details using this small jQuery plugin.
Auto-resize Element's Width Based On Its Content - jQuery dynamicWidth.js
- Other - 292 ViewsA dead simple jQuery resize plugin that dynamically resizes the width of any element according to its content length.
Resize & Compress Images On Client Side - jQuery resizeImg
- Other - 10557 ViewsA jQuery plugin that resizes and compresses images on the client side and returns a Base64 string for further use.
Drag and Resize HTML Table Columns - jQuery resizable-columns
- Table - 5941 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to resize HTML table columns by mouse dragging.
Create Rich Text Textarea Using Contenteditable Element - jQuery toTextarea.js
- Form - 2136 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that converts a DIV element into a textarea-like rich-text editor using the contenteditable attribute.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Elements - oyoresizer
- Other - 248 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery resizable plugin that allows you to resize an element by dragging its right border.
Resizable, Draggable, Rotatable jQuery Plugin - Box Modeling
- Other - 6499 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes a DIV element resizable, rotatable, and moveable using jQuery UI and CSS3 transforms.
Detect Element Size On Window Resize - jQuery sizespy
- Other - 162 ViewsA jQuery based size spy plugin that displays a size monitor inside your element, showing the current height/width of the element when the window is resized.
Auto Grow Textarea While Typing - jQuery Autobox
- Form - 1618 ViewsAutobox is a lightweight jQuery textarea resize plugin which automatically adjusts the height and width of the regular textarea element to match its content while typing.
Draggable & Resizable Elements With Alignment Guides - Smart Guides
- Other - 2084 ViewsA jQuery extension to jQuery UI library for creating draggable and resizable elements with smart visual guides while dragging and resizing.
Auto Expand Textarea When Exceeding Character Limit - jQuery textpandable.js
- Form - 427 ViewsA jQuery expanding textarea plugin that automatically inserts a new row to the textarea when its content exceeds a certain number of characters.
JavaScript Plugin For Fitting Text To Its Container - textFit
- Text - 7922 ViewsA simple and fast JavaScript plugin that automatically scales the text to fit the width or height of its container.
Auto Stretch Textarea To Fit Its Content - jQuery autoResize
- Form - 2167 ViewsA jQuery textarea resize plugin that automatically increases and decreases the height of your textarea element to fit its content.
Draggable & Resizable Focus Box In jQuery - stageItem.js
- Other - 1324 ViewsA tiny jQuery & jQuery UI plugin that helps you create draggable and resizable focus boxes as you've seen in drag and drop website builder.
Execute Functions Within Certain Breakpoints - jQuery Breakpoints
- Other - 4191 ViewsThe jQuery Breakpoints plugin keeps tracks of breakpoint changes and executes JS functions within certain breakpoints on window resize.
jQuery Plugin For Draggable Resizable Table Columns - colResizable
- Table - 25603 ViewscolResizable is a small yet useful jQuery plugin which allows the users to responsively & dynamically change the width of the table column via drag and drop (and even touch gesture events).
Auto Adjust Parent Width Based On Child Widths - Wrapper Resizer
- Layout - 397 ViewsWrapper Resizer is a jQuery element resize plugin that automatically resizes parent/wrapper/container width so that all children are covered.
Set Correct Font Size To Fit Container Width - jQuery fit_font
- Text - 1791 Viewsfit_font is a small and configurable responsive text solution that calculates and sets the correct font size to fit the width of the parent container.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Resizable DOM Elements - Resizable
- Layout - 6429 ViewsResizable is a very small and touch-enabled jQuery plugin for creating resizable DOM elements with custom drag/resize handles.
jQuery Plugin For Resizable Table Columns - ResizableColumns
- Table - 16109 ViewsResizableColumns is an ultra-light weight jQuery plugin which allows the user to resize columns in an HTML table using mouse drag.
Create Resizable DOM Elements With jQuery - simple-resize
- Other - 1093 ViewsA simple and lightweight jQuery resizer plugin for handling custom resizing of DOM elements within the document.
jQuery Auto Grow Plugin For Input Fields - input-autogrow
- Form - 2218 Viewsinput-autogrow is a dead simple yet very useful jQuery plugin which automatically and horizontally expand the input fields as you type in.
Auto Resize Textarea When Typing - auto-resize.js
- Form - 971 ViewsA lightweight yet configurable textarea resize jQuery plugin that dynamically adjusts the visible height of textarea elements while typing.
jQuery Plugin To Create Draggable, Resizable And Sortable Elemenets - Clayfy
- Other - 9886 ViewsClayfy is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin which enables draggable, resizable and sortable functionalities on DOM elements.
Make Textarea Height Fit Its Content - jQuery autoSized
- Form - 2236 ViewsA dead simple yet fully configurable jQuery textarea resize plugin which makes the textarea element to grow vertically with its content while typing.
Auto Grow Textarea Vertically To Fit Content - textAdjust
- Form - 1478 ViewstextAdjust is a small yet customizable jQuery auto grow plugin for textarea element that automatically adjusts the height of your textarea to fit the content while typing.
Fit Images Within Their Parent Container - sameSize.js
- Layout - 1050 ViewssameSize.js is a jQuery plugin that automatically scales, shrinks, crops and re-aligns images to fit within their parent containers.
Custom Resize Event For Elements - jquery.resize.js
- Other - 688 ViewsA Cross-browser resize element plugin that provides custom resize jQuery event with handling of default window resize.
Crop & Resize Images To Fit Containers - resizeAndCrop
- Other - 4287 ViewsA jQuery image resize & crop plugin that automatically resizes, crops and re-positions an image to fit its container while maintaining the regular aspect ratio.
Scaling Any Elements Responsively With jQuery - coverfit.js
- Layout - 760 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that automatically scales, crop any elements to cover their parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover attribute.
Smart Resize And Scroll Events Detection In jQuery
- Other - 2474 ViewsThe SmartResizeAndScroll jQuery plugin combines the resize() and scroll() functions into a smartresize() function with debounce support.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing Text - textfill
- Text - 7791 Viewstextfill is an useful jQuery text plugin that automatically resizes your text within a container to make the font size of the text as big as possible.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Resizing Of Text Field - rubber.js
- Form - 1453 Viewsrubber.js is a small yet useful jQuery plugin that dynamically stretches and shrinks an input field based on the text length while typing.
Resize Block Elements To Fit Parent Container - jQuery nite-cropper
- Layout - 1418 ViewsThe jQuery nite-cropper plugin automatically stretches, shrinks and crops any block elements to fit their parent container depending on the viewport size.
jQuery Based Resize Observer - hwt.jquery.resizeobserver.js
- Other - 1175 ViewsA really simple, cross-browser, jQuery based Resize Observer for developers that observe and react to any change of the viewport’s dimensions.
jQuery Plugin To Scale An Element According Window Size - fitToParent
- Layout - 1387 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that responsively and dynamically stretches and shrinks an element to fill its parent container while still maintaining the original aspect ratio.
Make Any Element Fill Or Fit Its Parent Container - jQuery fillContainer
- Other - 1346 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to make any elements (images, videos, etc) fill (or fit) the available space in their parent containers for responsive layouts.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Element Resizing - Resizable
- Other - 1708 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating resizable element that allows horizontal and/or vertical resizing of a DOM element using mouse drag event.
Resize Images To Fit In A Container - imgLiquid
- Gallery - 35950 ViewsimgLiquid is a jQuery Plugin which can be use to resize images to fit in a container.
Adaptive Text Font Resize Plugin For jQuery - fontSizeAdapter.js
- Text - 1200 ViewsJust another responsive text plugin for jQuery that automatically adjusts the font size of your text to fill its parent container.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Text To Fit Within Input Field - inputfit.js
- Form - 1194 Viewsinputfit.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin that dynamically scales text to fit inside a fixed width input field.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Grow Of Textarea On Typing - autoresize
- Form - 2531 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for auto scaling textareas that dynamically adjust the height of the normal textarea element to fit its content.
jQuery Plugin To Trigger Resize Event On Multiple Elements - ResizeTriggering
- Other - 1059 ViewsResizeTriggering is a jQuery plugin to handle 'resize' event which allows to be sent to any containers when the size of the elements change.
jQuery Plugin For Automatic Growing of Textareas - ns-autogrow
- Form - 1591 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for auto-grow textarea that allows dynamic resizing of textarea height and/or width based on visitor input.
jQuery Plugin To Fire Events When The Window Hits Specific Breakpoints - Glassjs
- Other - 388 ViewsGlassjs is a tiny and cross-browser jQuery plugin which handles window resize event and fires events when the browser hits specific breakpoints.
jQuery Plugin To Fit An Elements Within Its Container - fittable
- Layout - 458 Viewsfittable is a jQuery plugin that automatically scales, crops and re-positions an element (e.g. images and videos) to fit within its parent container.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Elements To Fit Browser Viewport - fitScreen
- Layout - 1086 ViewsfitScreen.js is a jQuery plugin that resizes elements to fit the width and height of the browser view-port.
jQuery Plugin For Setting Responsive Fullscreen Size To Elements - toFullScreen.js
- Layout - 1254 ViewsA jQuery plugin which responsively renders an element full screen to make it as large as possible while preserving the original aspect ratio.
jQuery Plugin To Trigger Events or Alter Classes On Window Resize - widthWatch.js
- Other - 708 ViewswidthWatch.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that dynamically changes the CSS classes or executes a specific callback events when the window's size changes.
jQuery Plugin To Fire Events On Window Resize - Respond
- Other - 605 ViewsRespond.js is a jQuery plugin that automatically detects browser resizing and fires events when the windows's size reaches a specified breakpoint (xs, sm, md, lg).
Minimal Auto Growing Input Field Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 1495 ViewsautoGrowInput is a minimalist jQuery plugin which automatically adjusts the width of your input field while typing.
jQuery Plugin For Handling Window Resize Events - resizeend & resizestart
- Other - 757 ViewsjQuery Plugins (resizeend and resizestart) that listens to the browser window resize events and performs a callback function on resize start and resize end.
jQuery Plugin To Handle End of Window Resize Event - ResizeEnd
- Other - 2941 ViewsResizeEnd is a cross-browser jQuery plugin for capturing the end of window resize event so that you can do something after a window resize has been completed.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Auto-expanding Textarea - autoexpand
- Form - 1980 Viewsautoexpand is a jQuery plugin used to dynamically & vertically expand a textarea so that it grows as based on visitor input.
Google Keeper-like Auto Text Resize Plugin For jQuery - textboxfit.js
- Text - 842 Viewstextboxfit.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that automatically & dynamically adjusts the size of your text to fill fixed size container.
jQuery Plugin To Create Resizable Elements - resizeablex
- Other - 1160 Viewsresizeablex is a jQuery plugin that helps you create draggable and resizable DOM elements just like the Photoshop's resize tool.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Resize Elements Responsively - ConstrainP
- Layout - 1491 ViewsConstrainP is a very small jQuery plugin that proportionately and responsively enlarges/shrinks Html elements (images, videos, etc) to fit the parent container.
Dynamic Textarea Resizing Plugin with jQuery - autosize
- Form - 13146 Viewsautosize is a useful jQuery Plugin that allows dynamic resizing of textarea height, so that it grows as based on visitor input.
jQuery Plugin To Make Images Fit Into Any Container - Fit Image
- Other - 2106 ViewsFit Image is a jQuery responsive image solution which allows to resize & centralize an image to fit any size container.
jQuery Plugin To Resize & Crop Image To Fit Any Wrapper - Fill Box
- Other - 5739 ViewsFillBox is a tiny yet useful jQuery plugin to automatically stretch, crop and center an image so that it will fit into any container.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Resize Images For Responsive Design - Image Fit Window
- Layout - 8712 ViewsImage Fit Window is another jQuery responsive image resolution to automatically resize image to fit within its parent container while the window's size changed.
Super Tiny jQuery Text Resize Plugin - Squishy.js
- Text - 1799 ViewsSquishy.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for responsive web design that automatically resizes the text to exactly fit the container when window size changed.
jQuery Plugin For Aligning Elements As A Mosaic - jMosaic
- Layout - 12839 ViewsjMosaic is a intelligent jQuery plugin for automatically resizing and aligning your elements of your page as a Mosaic, without changing the proportions of the elements, to fit the overall layout of your website.
Super Simple jQuery Responsive Text Resize Plugin - textStretch.js
- Text - 1384 ViewsJust another jQuery text resize plugin for responsive website, textStretch.js allows to dynamically resize the text as big as possible to fit the width of its parent container.
Simple jQuery Dynamic Textarea Resizing Plugin - Expandify
- Form - 10025 ViewsExpandify is a dead simple jQuery plugin that automatically resizes & expands textarea height to make the textarea grow as based on newlines in the user's input.
JS Library For Auto Resizing Text and Line-Height - FlowType.JS
- Text - 1783 ViewsFlowType.JS is a web typography javascript library that automatically adjusting the font size and line-height property of your text to fit the container's width.
jQuery Plugin For Adjusting Element Heights On Window Resize - NewHeights
- Layout - 1160 ViewsNewHeights is a jQuery plugin for responsive web design that automatically sets all html elements in a set to the same height on / after window resize.
jQuery Plugin for Client Side Image Resizing - canvasResize
- Layout - 41145 ViewscanvasResize is a plugin works both with jQuery and Zepto that allows to auto resize/rotate client side images using HTML5 canvas tag.
Dynamic Image Resizing Plugin with jQuery
- Layout - 14006 ViewsA lightweight (~490 byte minified) and simple jQuery plugin that allows to dynamically resize the images without distorting the proportions.
WideText - Responsive Text Resize Plugin
- Text - 3099 ViewsWideText is a compact jQuery plugin that allows you to create fully responsive text elements that will resize accordingly to the width of the browser window.