Scaling Any Elements Responsively With jQuery - coverfit.js

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License: MIT
Scaling Any Elements Responsively With jQuery - coverfit.js

Yet another jQuery plugin that automatically scales, crop any elements to cover their parent container similar to the CSS background-size: cover attribute. Works with any elements such as images, videos, Youtube/Vimeo iframe based players and much more.

How to use it:

1. Import both jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery coverfit.js script into the html page.

<script src="" 
<script src="coverfit.js"></script>

2. Embed medias into your page as these:

<div class="box">
  <img src="" class="demo">

<div class="box">
  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen class="demo"></iframe>

3. Initialize the plugin and we're done.




4. If you want to scale the elements while keeping the aspect ratio.


    ratio: 1.3333


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by matsjoonas. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.