Top 100 Free jQuery Plugins 2018
Top Best 100 free jQuery plugins published in 2018.
Customizable Date/Time Picker Component For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 34252 ViewsThis is a useful and highly customizable date/time picker component for Bootstrap 4 framework that uses Font Awesome icons instead of Bootstrap 3 Glyphicons.
GDPR Compliant Cookie Consent Popup Plugin - jQuery ihavecookies.js
- Other - 23054 Viewsihavecookies.js is a lightweight, easy-to-style jQuery plugin to inform your users that your site has cookies and to make your website comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and EU cookie law.
User-friendly Multi Select Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - BsMultiSelect
- Form - 16927 ViewsJust another multi select plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework that converts a multi-select list into an easy to use dropdown with checkboxes.
Dynamic Autocomplete Dropdown For Bootstrap - jQuery Autocomplete.js
- Form - 15590 ViewsThis is a lightweight jQuery plugin which applies a fast and dynamic autocomplete functionality to an input field styling with the Bootstrap framework.
Responsive Horizontal/Vertical Timeline Plugin For jQuery
- Time & Clock - 14267 ViewsA responsive, flexible, animated, scrollable and high-performance jQuery (Vanilla JavaScript) timeline plugin that automatically switches between horizontal and vertical layouts depending on the current screen size.
Customizable Year Calendar Plugin For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 13955 ViewsA simple-to-use jQuery plugin used for creating a highly customizable, multi-language year calendar for Bootstrap 4 projects.
Beautiful Datetime Picker With jQuery And Moment.js
- Time & Clock - 12695 ViewsYet another date & time picker plugin which appends a pretty nice, multi-language date and time selection popup to a hidden input field using jQuery and moment.js JavaScript libraries.
Responsive Smooth Card Carousel With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 12088 ViewsA simple, responsive card slider/carousel component written in JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS/CSS3. It enables the user to slide through a group of cards by clicking slides or pressing left & right arrow keys.
Flexible Multiple Select Widget For jQuery UI - multiSelect.js
- Form - 11078 ViewsmultiSelect.js is a jQuery plugin (jQuery UI) to create a flexible, multi-language, user-friendly multiple select dropdown with support for checkboxes, check/uncheck all, live filtering and on/close animations.
Off-Canvas Menus and Sidebars For Bootstrap 4
- Menu - 10811 ViewsThe Bootstrap4C Slidebars jQuery plugin makes use of adchsm's Slidebars plugin to create mobile-friendly off-canvas push menus and sidebars for Bootstrap 4 framework.
Powerful Dynamic Tree Plugin With jQuery - jsTree
- Other - 10540 ViewsjsTree is a powerful jQuery plugin used to generate dynamic, interactive tree views (for example folder tree) with support for inline editing, drag'n'drop, checkboxes, keyboard navigation and more.
Filterable Bootstrap 4 Gallery With Lightbox Integrated - mauGallery
- Gallery - 10525 ViewsmauGallery is a jQuery photo gallery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that lets you create a responsive, filterable photo gallery with image lightbox support.
Mobile-friendly Calendar and Schedule Plugin - jQuery Calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 9472 ViewsCalendar.js is a powerful, responsive, dynamic, mobile-friendly calendar & scheduling tool for your business.
Tree-style Multi Select Dropdown Plugin For Bootstrap - DropdownTree
- Form - 9261 ViewsDropdownTree is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Bootstrap dropdown component to create a dynamic, multi-level, multi-select dropdown with checkboxes similar to the tree structure.
Country Calling Code Picker With Flags - jQuery ccpicker.js
- Form - 9247 Viewsccpicker.js is a lightweight Country Code Picker plugin which enables the user to select International Calling Codes from a flag dropdown list.
Responsive Image Zoom Slider/Slideshow With jQuery
- Slider - 8809 ViewsThis is a responsive, fullscreen, dynamic, and automatic image slider/slideshow/carousel plugin that fades through an array of images with zoom in/out effects.
Feature-rich Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap 4/3/2
- Table - 8721 ViewsBootstrap Table is a responsive, dynamic, extendable, multifunctional, and highly-customizable jQuery data table plugin for Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2.
Bootstrap 4 Audio Player With Playlist - jQuery audioPlayer.js
- Other - 8695 ViewsThis is a minimal, clean Audio player plugin with playlist support, built using jQuery library, Bootstrap 4 framework, Material Icons and jQuery UI slider widget.
Multi-Select Drop Down Tree Plugin With jQuery - Combo Tree
- Form - 8428 ViewsCombo Tree is a jQuery plugin to render a single or multi-select dropdown list from JSON data that enables the user to select one or multiple options from a hierarchical, collapsible tree view with checkboxes.
Basic Responsive Event Calendar Plugin - jQuery Equinox
- Time & Clock - 8192 ViewsThe Equinox jQuery plugin lets you create a minimal, clean, dynamic fully responsive event calendar widget in a container element you specify.
Convenient Bootstrap 4 Form Validator - jQuery validator.js
- Form - 8081 ViewsA lightweight and simple to use Bootstrap 4 validator that validates commonly used form field and display custom validation errors in an HTML form. Works with native HTML5 form attributes.
Responsive Mega Menu Plugin With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 7968 ViewsA jQuery based responsive mega menu that automatically collapses the regular multi-level dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu in mobile view.
Sticky Header Navigation With Smooth Scroll
- Menu - 7938 ViewsA sticky, responsive, mobile-friendly header navigation concept that automatically shrinks itself on scroll down and features smooth scroll functionality which makes it possible to scroll through page sections by clicking on nav links.
Stackable Multi-level Sidebar Menu - HC-MobileNav
- Menu - 7761 ViewsHC MobileNav is a jQuery plugin for creating multi-level, mobile-first, off-canvas side navigation that supports endless nesting of submenu elements.
Fancy Dynamic Multiple Select Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - paraia-multi-select
- Form - 7715 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap 4 multi select plugin which transforms a normal input field into a flexible, dynamic, filterable multi-select dropdown for convenient tags/tokens/options selection.
Minimal Monthly Event Calendar Plugin For jQuery - pbcalendar
- Time & Clock - 7559 Viewspbcalendar is a minimal jQuery plugin that lets you render a monthly calendar on the webpage and allows you to dynamically schedule events on specific dates.
Drag And Drop Form Builder With Bootstrap And jQuery
- Form - 7485 ViewsAn easy-to-implement Bootstrap form creation plugin which makes it easy to create a complex form with unlimited amount of fields using drag and drop.
Dynamic Animated Timeline Slider With jQuery - Roadmap
- Time & Clock - 7451 ViewsYet another timeline slider plugin with jQuery that dynamically displays events in a responsive, scrollable, horizontal/vertical slider with a subtle fadeIn animation.
Simple Countdown Timer Plugin With jQuery - simple.timer.js
- Time & Clock - 7391 Viewssimple.timer.js is a simple jQuery countdown timer plugin with the ability to execute a callback function for custom behavior on timeout.
Powerful Data Grid Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Bootgrid
- Table - 7215 ViewsBootgrid is a lightweight yet flexible, powerful jQuery plugin used to render a dynamic, AJAX enabled, highly customizable data grid for Bootstrap pages.
Convenient Price Range Slider With jQuery UI
- Form - 7208 ViewsA simple jQuery and jQuery UI based price range slider for eCommerce websites that enable the customers to filter product list by a price range specified in the min/max value fields or by dragging the slider handlers.
Powerful Gallery Popup Plugin With jQuery - LC Lightbox
- Gallery - 7177 ViewsLC Lightbox is a responsive, flexible, powerful, mobile-friendly jQuery image viewer & gallery lightbox plugin for modern web design.
Minimal Event Calendar Plugin With jQuery - mini-event-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 7092 ViewsA minimal, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to embed a compact monthly calendar with custom events into your web page.
Dynamic Multi-select Dropdown Plugin - jQuery Multi Select
- Form - 7050 ViewsYet another jQuery multi select plugin which dynamically generates a pretty, highly customizable dropdown list for multiple selections with check markers.
Crop Images Before Uploading - jQuery FineCrop
- Form - 7010 ViewsFineCrop is an easy image cropping jQuery plugin which provides a convenient interface to zoom/move/crop local images before uploading. Heavily based on HTML5 canvas API.
Animated Radial Progress Bars With jQuery, SVG And CSS3
- Loading - 6615 ViewsjQuery, SVG and CSS3 based radial progress bars that automatically activate the progress animation on scroll.
Draggable Event Timeline Slider With jQuery - Timespace
- Time & Clock - 6593 ViewsTimespace is a jQuery plugin for creating a dynamic, responsive, horizontal, draggable timeline to display custom events in a slider manner.
Filterable Multi Select Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Select Dropdown
- Form - 6522 ViewsSelect Dropdown is a jQuery plugin that converts the regular Bootstrap select element into a select dropdown with extra functionalities such as fuzzy search, multiple select, custom styles and more.
Minimal Background Slideshow With Image Lazy Load - jQuery Slide
- Slideshow - 6461 ViewsThis is a minimal, responsive, flexible jQuery background image slideshow/carousel plugin that has the ability to load background images on demand.
Create Touch-enabled Bootstrap 4/3 Carousel With Swipe Carousel
- Slider - 6357 ViewsSwipe Carousel is a jQuery plugin to create mobile-friendly Bootstrap carousels by adding smart touch support to the native Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 3 carousel component.
Customizable Time Picker For jQuery UI Datepicker - Timepicker-Addon
- Time & Clock - 6218 ViewsTimepicker-Addon is a jQuery plugin which adds a highly customizable, multi-language time picker to the regular jQuery UI datapicker widget.
Customizable Date & Time Picker For Bootstrap 4
- Time & Clock - 6181 ViewsA simple-to-implement and highly customizable jQuery date & time picker plugin for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework.
Floating WhatsApp Message Button - jQuery Floating WhatsApp
- Social Media - 5971 ViewsFloating WhatsApp is a jQuery plugin that adds a customizable WhatsApp message button to the webpage.
AJAX Autocomplete & Live Search Plugin With jQuery And PHP
- Form - 5946 ViewsThis is a jQuery and PHP powered autocomplete library which adds the performant, configurable, AJAX-enabled live search functionality to your text input.
Dynamic Interactive Tree Table Plugin For Bootstrap - GTreeTable 2
- Table - 5585 ViewsGTreeTable 2 is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap framework that dynamically renders interactive hierarchical tree tables with support for drag'n'drop, data sorting & caching, live editing and more.
Dynamic CRUD Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Quickgrid
- Table - 5549 ViewsA powerful jQuery data grid plugin which dynamically parses and presents your JSON data (or JS arrays/objects) in a filterable, editable, sortable and paginatable CRUD data table.
Easy Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - InputSpinner.js
- Form - 5538 ViewsAn easy yet customizable input spinner plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework that enables the users to increment/decrement a number by using +/- buttons.
Powerful File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery FileUpload
- Form - 5420 ViewsA simple yet powerful and configurable jQuery file uploader plugin styling with the Bootstrap framework.
Simple Clean HTML5 Audio Player With jQuery
- Other - 5419 ViewsA minimal, clean, jQuery based HTML5 audio player plugin which allows you to split the audio into several chapters (great for long songs and audiobooks).
Polygonal Particles Background With jQuery And Canvas - polygonizr
- Animation - 5356 Viewspolygonizr is a jQuery plugin which uses JavaScript and HTML5 canvas to draw an animated, customizable, polygonal particles system on the webpage.
Client Side Table To Excel Export Plugin - jQuery ExcelGen
- Other - 5330 ViewsYet another Table To Excel generator for jQuery that allows you to export and download your HTML table as an MS Excel file.
Basic Flow Chart Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - simple-flow
- Chart & Graph - 5319 ViewsA simple, lightweight flow chart plugin which uses Bootstrap grid system to create a minimal, responsive workflow with SVG based connection lines and arrows on the web page.
Lightweight jQuery Input Mask Plugin For Phone Numbers
- Form - 5281 ViewsThis is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery input mask plugin to mask and validate US (or international) phone numbers in standard input fields.
Animated Radial Progress Bar With jQuery And CSS3
- Loading - 5237 ViewsA customizable, circular, CSS3 animated progress bar plugin for jQuery that can be used to display progress, completion, percentage, loading status, etc.
GDPR Cookie Compliance Plugin With jQuery - gdpr-cookie
- Other - 5146 ViewsYet another jQuery GDPR plugin for cookie policies that displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Notice popup with the ability to opt-in and opt-out of the various types of cookies.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Image Hotspot - hotSpot.js
- Other - 5144 ViewshotSpot.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin which can be used to annotate images with custom, animated, responsive hotspots.
Cookie Consent Notice Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - cookieAlert.js
- Other - 5117 ViewscookieAlert.js is a jQuery Cookie Consent Notice plugin which allows your web app to comply with the EU cookie law by alerting users that your site has cookies.
Paginate, Sort, Filter Dynamic Data In A Table - Table Sortable
- Table - 5117 ViewsThe Table Sortable jQuery plugin helps you render a customizable dynamic data table from JSON or JavaScript objects, with paginate, liver search, and data sort capabilities.
Dynamic Invoice Generator Plugin With jQuery - Invoice
- Other - 5058 ViewsThis is a jQuery plugin to generate a dynamic, editable invoice/receipt/checkout page for your eCommerce website that supports live/real time calculation.
Beautiful JSON Viewer And Editor With jQuery - JSON Editor
- Other - 5043 ViewsA lightweight, simple, beautiful JSON viewer and editor plugin helps the developers to render JSON objects in HTML with collapsible/expandable navigation just like a tree view.
Lightweight Dynamic Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Raytable
- Table - 4943 ViewsRaytable is a lightweight yet feature-rich jQuery data table / data grid plugin styling with the popular Bootstrap framework.
Disable Chrome Autofill & Autocomplete With jQuery - disableAutoFill
- Form - 4911 ViewsdisableAutoFill is a lightweight jQuery plugin for disabling autofill and autocomplete functionalities in Google Chrome browser.
Growl-style Notification Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Hullabaloo.js
- Other - 4892 ViewsThe jQuery Hullabaloo.js plugin makes uses of Bootstrap 4 alerts component to create growl- and toast-like notifications on the web app.
Drag'n'drop Form Builder For Bootstrap 4
- Form - 4877 ViewsThis is a flexible, convenient, drag-and-drop form builder for the latest Bootstrap 4 framework. Depends on jQuery JavaScript library.
JSON & Canvas Based Time Table Generator - jQuery TimeTable.js
- Time & Clock - 4862 ViewsA jQuery plugin helps you create a dynamic time table (time sheet) containing canvas based bars and click-triggered tooltips to visualize scheduled tasks and opening/working times.
Filterable Country & Continent Picker For jQuery - niceCountryInput
- Form - 4824 ViewsA convenient country picker plugin that enables the user to select countries, continents, regions from a filterable dropdown list, with support for country flags and ISO codes.
Simple Step-by-step Wizard Modal For Bootstrap - modal-steps.js
- Other - 4777 Viewsmodal-steps.js is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you create an interactive wizard modal to display any information (typically form fields, site features, etc) step by step.
Dynamic Table Sorting & Pagination Plugin - smpSortableTable
- Table - 4741 ViewssmpSortableTable is a jQuery plugin which provides user-friendly pagination and sorting functionalities on your large HTML table.
Responsive Multi-level Navigation For Bootstrap 4 - k-responsive-menu
- Menu - 4664 Viewsk-responsive-menu is a simple, responsive, multi-level, cross-platform and mobile-friendly navigation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework.
Touch-friendly Image Zoom Plugin For jQuery - Enlarge.js
- Zoom - 4625 ViewsEnlarge.js is a responsive, mobile-friendly image zoom jQuery plugin that supports both mouse and touch events.
Custom Loading Spinner With Sprite Animations - jQuery Preloaders.js
- Loading - 4595 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating sprite sheet based animated loading spinners that can be appended to any elements such as modals, buttons, containers, etc.
Scrolling Timeline Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap 4- Vertical Timeline
- Time & Clock - 4510 ViewsA lightweight and configurable jQuery timeline plugin which displays a sequence of events in a responsive, vertical timeline interface styling with Bootstrap 4 framework.
Alert/Confirm Dialog Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - jQuery bootstrap-alert.js
- Other - 4496 Viewsbootstrap-alert.js is a small jQuery popup box plugin which makes uses of Bootstrap 4's alert and modal components to create alert and confirmation dialog boxes on the webpage.
Responsive Any Content Lightbox & Popup Plugin - jQuery Flashy
- LightBox - 4489 ViewsFlashy is a brand new jQuery popup & gallery lightbox plugin created for showcasing your content in a responsive, touch-enabled slider/carousel popup. With focus on performance and effects.
Quill Rich Text Editor For Bootstrap 4
- Text - 4478 ViewsThis is a powerful, beautiful, easy-to-use WYSIWYG rich text editor built with Bootstrap 4, Quill editor and SVG icons.
Export JavaScript/JSON Data To Excel (XLSX) - JHXLSX
- Other - 4477 ViewsJHXLSX is a jQuery dependent JavaScript library to download or create Excel XLSX spreadsheets using JavaScript (JSON).
Responsive Multi-level Mega Menu Plugin - jQuery dmenu
- Menu - 4437 Viewsdmenu is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, multi-level and multi-column mega menu that hides the overflowing navigation items in a vertical dropdown with a toggle control.
AJAX Autocomplete Plugin For Bootstrap Select
- Form - 4436 ViewsAjax Bootstrap Select is a jQuery extension for the popular Bootstrap select plugin that enables the AJAX autocomplete (live search) functionality on the dropdown select.
Scrollable Event Timeline Plugin With jQuery - eventline.js
- Time & Clock - 4434 ViewsThe eventline.js plugin helps you to create a horizontal, slider-style event timeline using jQuery, Moment.js and Font Awesome iconic font.
Off-canvas Push And Overlay Menus With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 4420 ViewsThis project provides 2 navigation patterns (push menu and overlay menu) to create mobile-friendly, off-canvas navigation menus using jQuery, HTML and CSS/CSS3.
Add A Clear Button To Bootstrap 4 Input Fields - input-clearer
- Form - 4416 ViewsThe input-clearer plugin creates inline clear buttons inside Bootstrap 4 text fields that enable the users to clear away the current value.
Flexible Dynamic Tree Generator With jQuery - Bonsai.js
- Other - 4374 ViewsYet another jQuery tree view plugin that lets you create a flexible, dynamic, expandable and collapsible tree control from nested html lists or hierarchical JSON data.
Justified Grid Gallery With Lightbox Support - grid-gallery
- Gallery - 4370 ViewsA small grid gallery jQuery plugin to generate a responsive, justified grid layout for showcasing your photos in an elegant way.
Parallax Hover Tilt Effect With jQuery And CSS3 - universal-tilt.js
- Animation - 4352 Viewsuniversal-tilt.js is a jQuery plugin to create performant, interactive parallax tilt effects that react to mouse movement and touch events.
Horizontal Timeline With Milestones - jQuery milestones
- Chart & Graph - 4337 Viewsmilestones a jQuery timeline plugin that uses the Bootstrap progress bar component to generate a horizontal timeline with custom milestones.
Elegant Dynamic Slideshow/Carousel Plugin - jQuery slideWiz
- Slideshow - 4325 ViewsslideWiz is an elegant, dynamic jQuery slideshow/carousel plugin that enables you to flip or fade through a collection of images (with descriptions, titles and action buttons) passed in a JavaScript array.
Drag-and-drop Email Builder With jQuery And PHP
- Other - 4309 ViewsThis is an easy-to-use jQuery & PHP email builder/creator/designer which helps you create responsive, cross-platform email templates for your email marketing.
Simple Family Tree Generator With JavaScript - jQuery Tree.js
- Chart & Graph - 4247 ViewsA lightweight, simple and semantic jQuery family tree plugin which helps you to draw complex family tree diagrams from nested HTML unordered lists.
Basic Year Calendar Generator With jQuery - full-year-calendar.js
- Time & Clock - 4210 Viewsfull-year-calendar.js is a really simple jQuery plugin used for generating a year calendar where you can specify start/end months and add custom events/holidays.
Show A Progressbar When Uploading A File - progress-upload.js
- Form - 4093 ViewsThe progress-upload.js jQuery plugin helps you create an easy-to-style progressbar to display the current upload progress when you upload a file to the server.
Easy Multi File Uploader Plugin With jQuery - uploadHBR
- Form - 4085 ViewsThe uploadHBR plugin uses Bootstrap and Font Awesome to create a pretty simple and user-friendly file uploader with support for drag'n'drop, multi-file upload and image preview.
Responsive Animated Timeline Plugin With jQuery
- Time & Clock - 4080 ViewsA responsive, vertical, animated timeline plugin that slides in your stories with awesome CSS3 animations as you scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin For SVG Progress Circle - ProgressCircle
- Loading - 4079 ViewsProgressCircle is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to render animated, dynamic circular progress indicators using SVG and CSS.
Export HTML Table To Excel(XLS) With Bold Headers
- Table - 4061 ViewsJust another jQuery based Table To Excel converter which exports your html table to an XLS file with bold column headers.
Responsive Card Slider (Carousel) Plugin For jQuery
- Slider - 4052 ViewsA responsive, Material Design inspired image carousel slider for jQuery that supports any images with varying heights and works perfectly on both mobile and desktop.
Zoomable & Scrollable Schedule Component For jQuery - skedTape
- Time & Clock - 4030 ViewsThe jQuery skedTape generates a dynamic, zoomable and scrollable timeline to visualize scheduled events/tasks in a timesheet manner.
Clean Touch-friendly Audio Player With jQuery - AudioPlayer.js
- Other - 4024 ViewsA lightweight and dead simple jQuery library to create minimal, clean, responsive, touch-friendly audio players from HTML5 audio tag.
Load More Pagination For Long Content - jQuery loadMoreResults
- Loading - 4020 ViewsloadMoreResults is a jQuery plugin for adding a 'Load More' pagination button to your long web content that allows you to dynamically load more items according to your needs.
Style And Enhance Select Elements With Bootstrap 4 - extendSelect
- Form - 4011 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which makes use of Bootstrap 4 dropdown component to style and add extra functionalities (e.g. live search, max selection) to the regular select box.
Excel Style Editable Table Plugin With jQuery - Excel Table
- Table - 3983 ViewsExcel Table is a jQuery plugin which converts a standard HTML table into an Excel-style spreadsheet with support for edit, paste, undo, drag-to-copy, etc.