Draggable Event Timeline Slider With jQuery - Timespace

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License: MIT
Draggable Event Timeline Slider With jQuery - Timespace

Timespace is a jQuery plugin for creating a dynamic, responsive, horizontal, draggable, touch-friendly timeline to display custom events in a slider manner. Click on the event slot you will sell more details about the event.

How to use it:

1. Load the latest version of jQuery (slim build) and the Timespace plugin's JavaScript in the html page.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="jquery.timespace.js"></script>

2. Load a theme CSS of your choice in the head section of the page.

<!-- Dark theme -->
<link href="css/jquery.timespace.dark.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Light theme -->
<link href="css/jquery.timespace.light.css" rel="stylesheet">

3. Create a container where the event timeline should appear.

<div id="timeline"></div>

4. Call the function on the container element and define your own events displayed in the timeline.


  // 24-hour timeline
  data: {
    headings: [
      {start: 0, end: 6, title: 'Night'},
      {start: 6, end: 12, title: 'Morning'},
      {start: 12, end: 18, title: 'Afternoon'},
      {start: 18, title: 'Evening'},
    events: [
        start: 6.50, 
        title: 'Breakfast', 
        description: 'Eat a healthy breakfast.',
        // width: number
        // noDetails: false,
        // class:string,
        // callback: Function
      {start: 8, end: 10, title: 'Walk', description: 'Go for a walk.'},
      {start: 14, title: 'Lunch', description: 'Eat a healthy lunch.'},
      {start: 14.75, title: 'Meeting', description: 'Meeting with Co-workers.'},


5. All default options to customize the event timeline.


  // max width in pixels
  maxWidth: 1000,

  // max height in pixels
  maxHeight: 280,

  // the amount of pixels to move the Timespace on navigation
  // 0 to disable
  navigateAmount: 200,

  // The multiplier to use with navigateAmount when dragging the time table horizontally
  dragXMultiplier: 1,

  // The multiplier to use with navigateAmount when dragging the time table vertically
  dragYMultiplier: 1,

  // selected event
  // 0 for first event, -1 to disable
  selectedEvent: 0,

  // if the time table should shift when an event is selected
  shiftOnEventSelect: true,

  // If the window should scroll to the event display box on event selection (only applies if the time table height is greater than the window height)
  scrollToDisplayBox: true,

  // jQuery object to use for the event display box
  customEventDisplay: null,

  // or 'date'
  timeType: 'hour',

  // using 12-Hour time
  use12HourTime: true,

  // if a suffix should be added to the displayed time (e.g. '12 AM' or '300 AD')
  useTimeSuffix: true,

  // receives the lowercase suffix string and returns a formatted string
  timeSuffixFunction: s => ' ' + s[0].toUpperCase() + s[1].toUpperCase(),

  // start/end time
  startTime: 0,
  endTime: 23,

  // the amount of time markers to use
  // 0 to calculate from startTime, endTime, and markerIncrement
  markerAmount: 0,

  // the amount of time between each marker
  markerIncrement: 1,

  // width of marker
  markerWidth: 100,

  controlText: {
    navLeft: 'Move Left',
    navRight: 'Move Right',
    drag: 'Drag',
    eventLeft: 'Previous Event',
    eventRight: 'Next Event',


Change log:

v1.3.1 (2018-04-28)

  • Removed background lines for better performance

v1.3.0 (2018-04-28)

  • Fixed y navigation on left or right nav button click

v1.2.0 (2018-04-26)

  • Removed Google font to fix getting incorrect width on text span.
  • Changed navigateTime direction argument to Array [x,y] for shifting both planes.


  • Fixed for IE.
  • Changed transparent colors to rgba


  • Fixed event border and wide event title clamp on nav button hold
  • Fixed transition for wide event title clamp


  • Added controlText option and event box element getter from within callback


  • Fixed mousedown on titleClamp not moving time table


  • Added smoother time shift for end of drag.
  • Added support for Touch events, and converted table to html5 for drag compatibility.
  • Fixed event box overlaying other events.


  • General code tweaks


  • Changed time headings to be static within the thead


  • Added height constraint and Y table shifting


  • Added event navigation.
  • Fixed display time.


  • Added nav button hold and other tweaks
  • Fixed event overhang
  • Added title for events


  • Added Time Heading Clamp for wide headings
  • Fixed heading clamp and Added scrollToDisplayBox option


  • CSS & example update

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by AdventCoding. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.