Tiny Dynamic Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap 5 - Raytable.js

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License: MIT
Tiny Dynamic Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap 5 - Raytable.js

Raytable is a lightweight yet feature-rich data table / data grid plugin styling with the popular Bootstrap 5 framework.

Features paging, row sorting and has the ability to interact with the tabular by clicking on a row or an action button you specify.

Basic usage:

1. Load the necessary Bootstrap 5 framework and Bootstrap Icons in the document.

<!-- Bootstrap 5 Framework -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

<!-- Bootstrap Icons -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap-icons.min.css" />

2. Download the package and import the RayGrid class.

<script type="module">
  import RayGrid from "./dist/raygrid.js";

3. Create a DIV container for the generated data table.

<div id="dataTable"></div>

4. Define your tabular data in an array of objects as follows:

    "title":"Senior Cost Accountant",
    "email":"[email protected]",
  // more data here

5. Create a new RayGrid instance, define your columns, and pass other options as follows:

dataTable = new RayGrid(document.getElementById("dataTable"), {
  keyfield: 'id',
  styleClasses: ['table-bordered', 'table-hover'],
  columns: [
      { title: "Info", icons: [{ glyph: "info-circle-fill", handler: iconAction, data: "color" }], renderIf: isManager },
      { field: "firstName", title: "First Name", sort: true },
      { field: "lastName", title: "LastName", sort: true },
      { field: "title", title: "Title", sort: false },
      { field: "email", title: "Email", format: formatHyperlink },
      { field: "grade", title: "Grade", sort: true },
      { field: "ssn", title: "SSN", sort: false },
      { field: "dob", title: "DOB", sort: true, format: (item) => { return new Date(item.dob).toLocaleString('en-CA', { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit' }); } },
      { title: "Delete", icons: [{ glyph: "trash", handler: deleteRecord, data: "color" }] }
  rowNumbers: { visible: true, styleClasses: ['rowNumStyle'] },
  pageSize: 11,
  maxPageButtons: 5,
  rowClickHandler: rowAction

6. All possible options to customize the data table.

dataTable = new RayGrid(document.getElementById("dataTable"), {

  // the field to use as the ID of the row
  keyfield: '',

  // your tabular data
  data: [],

  // CSS classes to set on the table element itself
  tableStyleClasses: [],

  // column definitions
  columns: [],

  // the enclosing parent element to put the table inside
  parentElem: null,

  // whether to display row numbers
  rowNumbers: { visible: true, title: "Row" },

  // how many rows per page
  pageSize: 25,

  // current page index - zero based
  currentPageIdx: 0,

  // the maximum number of pager buttons to display
  maxPageButtons: 5,

  // event hanlder when a row is clicked
  onRowClick: null,
  // the label to display when there is no data
  noDataLabel: "no data",

  // sort ascending icon
  sortAscIcon: 'sort-numeric-down',

  // sort descending icon
  sortDescIcon: 'sort-numeric-up-alt',

  // current sort field and direction where asc = 1 and desc = -1
  currentSort: { field: null, direction: 1},
  // last clicked row - the data record itself
  currentSelection: null,


7. Load your data into the data table.

dataTable.data = myData;



  • add set selected to the dropdown menu


  • added dropdown control


  • Fixed a bug when no data


  • Updated for Bootstrap 5+



  • Bug fix in the page conntroller


  • bug fix with the cell width


  • Fixed paging.


  • Added maxPagerSize option


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by GrumpyCockatiel. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.