Progressive Enhancement Timeline Plugin - jQuery Timestack

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Progressive Enhancement Timeline Plugin - jQuery Timestack

Timestack is a responsive, flexible, progressive enhancement timeline plugin used to display your project events in chronological order. 

It can be used to visualize your project's progress as a bar chart on the timeline interface, so we can also call it a Simplified Gantt Chart.

How to use it:

1. Load the needed jQuery and moment.js libraries in the document.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/cdn/moment.min.js"></script>

2. Generate a simple timeline from a data object.

<div id="timeline"></div>
    span: 'hour',
    data: [
        start: '2022-08-26T09:00',
        end: '2022-08-26T17:00',
        title: 'Bob OOO',
        content: "<p>He's in the Bahamas or something.</p> <h2>Lucky bastard.</h2>",
        color: 'rgb(149, 203, 255)'
        start: '2022-08-26T09:00',
        end: '2022-08-26T10:00',
        title: 'Meeting',
        color: 'rgb(255, 149, 192)'
        start: '2022-08-26T12:00',
        end: '2022-08-26T13:00',
        title: 'Lunch',
        content: "<p>Nom nom at <a href=''>Clover</a>.</p>",
        color: 'rgb(151, 255, 177)'
        start: '2022-08-26T12:30',
        end: '2022-08-26T15:30',
        title: 'Code review',
        content: "<p>Gotta find out if everyone is happy with this timeline component.<p>",
        color: 'rgb(255, 149, 192)'

3. Generate a progressive enhancement timeline from an HTML list where the start/end dates are defined using the data attributes:

<div id="timeline">
    <li data-start="2022-08-26T09:00" data-end="2022-08-26T17:00" data-color="#95e6ff">Bob OOO</li>
    <li data-start="2022-08-26T09:00" data-end="2022-08-26T10:30" data-color="#ff95c0">Meeting</li>
    <li data-start="2022-08-26T12:00" data-end="2022-08-26T13:00" data-color="#97ffb1">Lunch</li>
    <li data-start="2022-08-26T13:00" data-end="2022-08-26T14:30" data-color="#ff95c0">
      Code review
      <p>Gotta find out if everyone is happy with this timeline component.<p>
    span: 'hour',

4. This example shows how to show the event details when clicking on the timeline.

<div id="display">
  <h1 id="title"></h1>
  <h3 id="dates"></h3>
  <div id="content"/>
    span: 'hour',
    click: function(data){

5. This example shows how to use the twix.js library for the more subtle formatting of the time ranges.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/twix.min.js"></script>
    span: 'hour',
    click: function(data){
    renderDates: function(item){
      return moment(item.start).twix(item.end).format({showDate: false})
    data: [
        start: '2012-08-26T09:00',
        end: '2012-08-26T17:00',
        title: 'Bob OOO',
        content: "<p>He's in the Bahamas or something.</p> <h2>Lucky bastard.</h2>",
        color: 'rgb(149, 203, 255)'
        start: '2012-08-26T09:00',
        end: '2012-08-26T10:00',
        title: 'Meeting',
        color: 'rgb(255, 149, 192)'
        start: '2012-08-26T12:00',
        end: '2012-08-26T13:00',
        title: 'Lunch',
        content: "<p>Nom nom at <a href=''>Clover</a>.</p>",
        color: 'rgb(151, 255, 177)'
        start: '2012-08-26T12:30',
        end: '2012-08-26T15:30',
        title: 'Code review',
        content: "<p>Gotta find out if everyone is happy with this timeline component.<p>",
        color: 'rgb(255, 149, 192)'


6. Full plugin options with default values.


  // click handler
  click: function() {},

  // date parser
  parse: function(s) {
    return moment(s);

  // determine how to render dates
  renderDates: function(item) {
    var dateFormat, endFormated, startFormated;
    dateFormat = this.dateFormats[options.span];
    startFormated = item.start.format(dateFormat);
    endFormated = item.tilNow ? '' : item.end.format(dateFormat);
    return this.formatRange(startFormated, endFormated);

  // foramt date ranges
  formatRange: function(startStr, endStr) {
    return "" + startStr + " - " + endStr;

  // 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour'
  span: 'year',

  // date formats
  dateFormats: {
    year: 'MMM YYYY',
    month: 'MMM DD',
    day: 'MMM DD',
    hour: 'h:mm a'
  intervalFormats: {
    year: 'YYYY',
    month: 'MMM YYYY',
    day: 'MMM DD',
    hour: 'h:mm a'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by icambron. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.