Customizable File Input Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - FileStyle

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License: MIT
Customizable File Input Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - FileStyle

FileStyle is a lightweight jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4 which allows to beautify the normal file upload input with Bootstrap button styles.

Install the FileStyle plugin via NPM:

npm install bootstrap-filestyle

How to use it:

1. Import the bootstrap-filestyle into your web project or directly include the JavaScript file bootstrap-filestyle.js after jQuery library as this:

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap-filestyle.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the normal file input field and done.


3. Customize the file input with the following options.


  // button text
  'text' : 'Choose file',

  // custom icon
  'htmlIcon' : ''

  // CSS class of button
  'btnClass' : 'btn-secondary',

  // lg, nr, sm
  'size' : 'nr',

  // enables input
  'input' : true,

  // enables badge
  'badge' : true,

  // CSS class of badge
  'badgeName': 'badge-light',

  // place button at the beginning of the input field
  'buttonBefore' : false,

  // disabled input field
  'disabled' : false,

  // custom placeholder
  'placeholder': '',

  // callback
  'onChange': function () {}

4. API methods.

// Clear selected files.

// Destroy the plugin

// disable the input field
$(":file").filestyle('disabled', true);

// set or get the value of the input option.
$(":file").filestyle('input', false);

// Set or get the value of the icon option.
$(":file").filestyle('htmlIcon', '<span class="oi oi-random"></span>');

// Set or get the text of the button.
$(":file").filestyle('text', 'Loading...');

// Set or get the class of the button.
$(":file").filestyle('btnClass', 'btn-danger'};

// Set or get the badge
$(":file").filestyle('badge', true);
// Set or get the class of the input text. $(":file").filestyle('size'); $(":file").filestyle('size', 'lg'); // Set or get button position. $(":file").filestyle('buttonBefore'); $(":file").filestyle('buttonBefore', 'true'); // Set or get placeholder text. $(":file").filestyle('placeholder'); $(":file").filestyle('placeholder', 'My file text');

Change log:


  • v2.1.0: Fixed bug onchange duplicate


  • v2.0.0: Supports Bootstrap 4


  • drag and drop support.


  • fixed vals

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by markusslima. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.