User-friendly Multi-select List Plugin With jQuery - multi-list

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License: MIT
User-friendly Multi-select List Plugin With jQuery - multi-list

A convenient jQuery multiple select plugin that transforms any unordered list into a filterable select list with checkboxes for easier item selection.

View more Multi Select plugins at:

How to use it:

1. Add references to jQuery library and the jQuery multi-list plugin's files into the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="multi-list.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="multi-list.js"></script>

2. Create a regular html unordered list as this:

<ul id="list">
  <li value="AF">Afghanistan</li>
  <li value="AX">Åland Islands</li>
  <li value="AL">Albania</li>
  <li value="DZ">Algeria</li>
  <li value="AS">American Samoa</li>

3. Call the function on the list and the plugin will do the rest.


4. API methods.

// Get the selected values from the ul (the "value" attr from the li items): 

// Get both the selected values and their full text field (the "value" attr from the li items and their text): 

// Get the unselected values from the ul (the "value" attr from the li items): 

// Get both the unselected values and their full text field (the "value" attr from the li items and their text): 

// Select an element: 
$("<ul>").multiList("select", "<li> value");

// Unselect an element: 
$("<ul>").multiList("unselect", "<li> value");

// Select ALL the elements: 

// Unelect ALL the elements: 

// Hide an element (accepts an ARRAY, this doesn't affect the selected/unselected property): 
$("<ul>").multiList("hide", "<li> value");

// Show an element (accepts an ARRAY): 
$("<ul>").multiList("show", "<li> value");

// Hide ALL the elements: 

// Show ALL the elements: 

// Disable an element: 

// Enable an element: 

// Change an element name: 
$("<ul>").multiList("setName", "<li> value", "<li> new name");

5. Events.

  • "multiList.elementUnchecked": Triggered when unchecking an item. Params passed: "value" (the "value" attr from the li items) and "text" (the full text)
  • "multiList.elementChecked": Triggered when checking an item. Params passed: "value" (the "value" attr from the li items) and "text" (the full text)

Change log:


  • fixed typo


  • fixed select all with hidden elements



  • label tag now with style "display inherit"


  • Improved the selectable area for each list item

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by koopaconan. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.