Cookie Consent Settings Modal With jQuery And Bootstrap

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License: MIT
Cookie Consent Settings Modal With jQuery And Bootstrap

Just another cookie consent plugin that makes your site comply with EU Cookie Law and GDPR.

The plugin uses the Bootstrap 5 framework to show a Privacy Settings modal popup that informs users how your site collects/uses their privacy data and allows them to accept/reject specific cookies like marketing, preferences, Analytics.

How to use it:

1. Load the needed Bootstrap framework in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Load the bootstrap-cookie-consent-settings.js script.

<script src="src/bootstrap-cookie-consent-settings.js"></script>

3. Initialize the plugin and done.

var cookieSettings = new BootstrapCookieConsentSettings(OPTIONA)

4. Edit the language files under the cookie-consent-content folder.

// en.json
  "title": "Privacy Settings",
  "body": "We use cookies and similar technologies that are necessary to operate the website. Additional cookies are only used with your consent. We use the additional cookies to perform analyses of website usage and to check marketing measures for their efficiency. These analyses are carried out to provide you with a better user experience on the website. You are free to give, deny, or withdraw your consent at any time by using the \"cookie settings\" link at the bottom of each page. You can consent to our use of cookies by clicking \"Agree\". For more information about what information is collected and how it is shared with our partners, please read our --privacy-policy--.",
  "privacyPolicy": "Data Protection Statement",
  "legalNotice": "Legal Notice",
  "mySettings": "My Settings",
  "buttonNotAgree": "I do not agree",
  "buttonAgree": "Agree",
  "buttonSaveSelection": "Save selection",
  "buttonAgreeAll": "Agree to all",
  "categories": {
    "necessary": {
      "title": "Necessary",
      "description": ["Required to run the website<"]
    "statistics": {
      "title": "Statistics",
      "description": ["Monitoring website usage and optimizing the user experience"]
    "marketing": {
      "title": "Marketing",
      "description": ["Evaluation of marketing actions"]
    "personalization": {
      "title": "Personalization",
      "description": ["Storage of your preferences from previous visits",
        "Collecting user feedback to improve our website",
        "Recording of your interests in order to provide customised content and offers"]

5. Determine whether to show the Cookie Consent Settings Modal on page load. Default: true.

var cookieSettings = new BootstrapCookieConsentSettings({
    autoShowModal: false

6. More configuration options.

var cookieSettings = new BootstrapCookieConsentSettings({

    // path to privacy policy page
    privacyPolicyUrl: undefined, // the URL of your privacy policy page
    // path to legal notice page
    legalNoticeUrl: undefined,

    // dialog content
    contentURL: "/cookie-consent-content",

    // CSS classes
    buttonAgreeClass: "btn btn-primary",
    buttonDontAgreeClass: "btn btn-link text-decoration-none", 
    buttonSaveClass: "btn btn-secondary",

    // callback function, called after the user has made his selection
    postSelectionCallback: undefined,

    // the language, in which the modal is shown
    lang: navigator.language, 

    // supported languages (in ./cookie-consent-content/)
    defaultLang: "en", 

    // path to language files
    cookieName: "cookie-consent-settings",

    // cookie name
    cookieName: "cookie-consent-settings",

    // 365 days
    cookieStorageDays: 365,

    // modal ID
    modalId: "bootstrapCookieConsentSettingsModal",

    // if true, the settings are stored in localStorage, too
    alsoUseLocalStorage: true, 

    // categories
    categories: ["necessary", "statistics", "marketing", "personalization"]

7. Show the Cookie Consent Settings Modal manually.


8. Get cookie settings.

// get all

// get a specific setting


v4.1.4 (2023-10-16)

  • styling a margin on top of the settings

v4.1.3 (2023-09-13)

  • minor styling change

v4.1.2 (2023-06-03)

  • added "alsoUseLocalStorage" property which enables storing the settings in localStorage

v4.1.1 (2023-05-26)

  • bugfix

v4.0.4 (2023-04-30)

  • removed jQuery dependency.

v3.1.0 (2023-04-29)

  • added PHP helper class

v3.0.8 (2022-06-18)

  • fixed translation bugs

v3.0.7 (2022-06-15)

  • complete rework, using language files

v2.1.1 (2022-02-20)

v2.0.1 (2021-11-23)

  • Better templating

v2.0.0 (2021-08-26)

  • Compatible with Bootstrap 5

v1.1.2 (2021-06-03)

  • bugfix postSelectionCallback

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by shaack. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.