Configurable GDPR Cookie Consent Popup - jQuery popupConsent.js

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License: MIT
Configurable GDPR Cookie Consent Popup - jQuery popupConsent.js

popupConsent.js is a jQuery plugin that allows your page and web app to comply with European Cookie Law and GDPR.

It displays a cookie consent popup on page load that informs users your site uses cookies and provides a cookie settings panel where users can select and accept certain cookies for activation.

How to use it:

1. Insert the jQuery popupConsent.js plugin's files into your document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="popupConsent.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="popupConsent.min.js"></script>

2. Config the GDPR & Cookie consent popup.

var cookieConsentOptions = {

    // Cookie consent text
    'textPopup': 'We use cookies/targeted advertising to ensure you have the best experience on our site. If you continue to use our site, we will assume that you agree to their use. For more information, please see our <a href="#">privacy policy</a>.',

    // Accept button
    'textButtonAccept' : 'Accept all',

    // Config button
    'textButtonConfigure' : 'Configuring choices',

    // Save button
    'textButtonSave' : 'Save choices',

    authorization: [
        textAuthorization: 'Allow access to geolocation data',
        nameCookieAuthorization: 'autoriseGeolocation'
        textAuthorization: 'Allow personalised ads and content, ad measurement and audience analysis',
        nameCookieAuthorization: 'targetedAdvertising'
        textAuthorization: 'Storing and/or accessing information on a device',
        nameCookieAuthorization: 'cookieConsent'

3. Initialize the plugin and done.



v2.0.0 (2021-12-05)

  • Bugs fixed

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by clement-gaudiniere. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.