Lightweight GIF Tooltip Plugin With jQuery - toolgif

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License: MIT
Lightweight GIF Tooltip Plugin With jQuery - toolgif

toolgif is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to embed any animated GIFs into a customizable tooltip popup when hover over a given element.

How to use it:

1. Include both jQuery library and the jQuery toolgif plugin's script on the webpage. I recommend you to include them at the end of the document for faster page loading time.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="src/toolgif.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin and we're ready to go.


3. Display a random GIF form inside the tooltip when the user hovers over the element 'toolgif'.

Random GIFs: <span class="toolgif">Hover Me</span>

4. Set the GIF tag you want to fetch from using the "data-tag" attribute.

<span class="toolgif" data-tag="fitness">Hover Me</span>

5. Use your own GIF file.

<span class="toolgif" data-toolgif-url="1.gif">Hover Me</span>

6. Position the tooltip at the bottom of the element.

<span class="toolgif" data-toolgif-place="bottom">Hover Me</span>

7. Customize the GIF tooltip with the following options.


  // width / height of tooltip

  // animation speed

  // border radius

  // text color

  // If you make it false , one random gif limited by your tag will be found on Giphy.
  // Gif won't change when you hover over your text again unless page reload is made.

Change log:


  • update data attribute names


  • Fix Uncaught TypeError: $(...) is not a function


  • Don't hide gif when hover over it


  • fix fadeIn/fadeOut repeating over multiple hovers

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mburakerman. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.