Create Custom Tooltips From Title Attribute - Tooltiper

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License: MIT
Create Custom Tooltips From Title Attribute - Tooltiper

Yet another jQuery tooltip plugin that generates custom tooltips from title attribute of any elements. Supports both plain text and HTML tooltip content.

More features:

  • Follows cursor move.
  • Configurable show/hide animations.
  • Custom CSS styles.
  • Lightweight and easy to implement.

How to use it:

1. To use the plugin include jQuery library and the Tooltiper plugin on the html page.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/tooltiper.js"></script>

2. Attach the plugin to the target element and define the tooltip content in the title attribute. That's it.

<a href="#" title="Tooltiper jQuery Plugin">
  Hover Me

3. To insert rich text into the tooltip, follow these steps.

<a href="#" title="<b>Tooltiper</b> jQuery Plugin">
  Hover Me
    tooltipType: 'html'

4. Customize the animations when the tooltip appears/disappears.

    tooltipAppearenceMode: 'fadeIn', // jquery animations
    tooltipDisappearenceMode: 'fadeOut',
    ShowSpeed: 'fast',
    HideSpeed: 'fast'

5. Make the tooltip always follow the cursor move.

    tooltipBound: 'cursor'

6. Change the markup and styles of the tooltip.

    tooltipClass: 'js-tooltiper',
    tooltipOffset: 10,
    tooltipElement: 'span',
    tooltipCss: {
      // CSS rules here

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by xcurveballx. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.