JavaScript Library For Zoomable & Pannable Html Elements - Big Picture

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JavaScript Library For Zoomable & Pannable Html Elements - Big Picture

bigpicture.js is a jQuery based JavaScript library which allows you to zoom in/out, pan and live-edit a group of Html elements with mouse and keyboard interactions.


  • Search : F3 or CTRL+F
  • Pan : click and drag
  • Move text : CTRL+click and drag
  • Zoom In : PageDown  or CTRL+ or mousewheel  or double-click
  • Zoom Out : PageUp  or CTRL- or  mousewheel  or CTRL+double-click
  • Biggest picture : F2 

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and the bigpicture.js library in the document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="bigpicture.js"></script>

2. Wrap your Html elements into DIV elements as follows. Use Html5 data-* attributes to specify the size & position options for each element.

<div id="bigpicture-container">
  <div id="bigpicture" data-zoom="1" data-x="721" data-y="480">
    <div contenteditable="true" class="text" data-size="57" data-x="941" data-y="735">Element 1</div>
    <div contenteditable="true" class="text" data-size="11" data-x="977" data-y="812">Element 2</div>

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by josephernest. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.