26 Fresh New Free jQuery Plugins For This Week

by jQuery Script,

Here's the #12 hand-picked collection of 26 Free jQuery Plugins we found around the web from last week (13/01/2014-25/01/2014). Have fun with it and don’t forget to spread the word!

jQuery rss

A Simple RSS Reader Using SimplePie & Jquery

jQuery rss


jQuery response.js

Response is an experimental jQuery/Ender/Zepto plugin that gives web designers performant tools for building mobile-first responsive websites. It can dynamically swap content based on breakpoints and data attributes.

jQuery response.js

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery superfeedr

A Jquery plugin to access Superfeedr's retrieve API. It allows anyone to quickly and easily embed the content of any feed on their site.

jQuery superfeedr


jQuery Geolocation

A small jQuery plugin which acts as a simplification of the Geolocation API.

jQuery Geolocation

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery switchButton

jQuery iPhone-like switch button meant to be used on a <input type="checkbox">.

jQuery switchButton

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery poplockit

A jQuery plugin for 'locking' short content in place as the user scrolls by longer content. For example, it will lock metadata and share buttons in place as the user scrolls by a long essay or series of images.

jQuery poplockit

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery ingrid

Datagrids don't have to be difficult to use anymore - say hi to Ingrid. Ingrid is an unobtrusive jQuery component that adds datagrid behaviors like column resizing, paging, sorting, row and column styling (and more) to your tables.

jQuery ingrid

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery 3dbook

Jquery plugin that creates a 3d simulation of a book based on the number of pages and other factors

jQuery 3dbook

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Full Page Image slideshow

This is a supersized slideshow that automatically expands to fill up the container it's in to let you display a slideshow that either covers the entire visible screen, or a certain section inside the page. Each image is panned or zoomed in and out into view, adding intrigue and flare.

jQuery Full Page Image slideshow

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Facebook

Facebook wrapper

jQuery Facebook

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery alertmessages

This is a jQuery based confirm plugin module that will act as the build in confirm-function in javascript but with the ability to style the dialog window. Only using built in jQuery and jQuery UI functions. This plugin makes it easy to pop up a standard dialog (jQuery UI) box that prompts users for confirmation or informs them of something.

jQuery alertmessages

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery joliSelect

The jQuery joliSelect Plugin allows to skin in a cute way your HTML Select element.

jQuery joliSelect

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery lightbox

A lightbox plugin for jQuery

jQuery lightbox

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery scrollstory

A jQuery UI widget for building simple, scroll-based pages and interactions.

jQuery scrollstory

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery customSelect

A simple jQuery UI widget to pretty up select elements.

jQuery customSelect

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery facebook like chat

A small script to demonstrate facebook like chat application using html jquery and css.

jQuery facebook like chat

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery ytShownotes

Plugin for jQuery that lets you embed a Youtube video a certain length.

jQuery ytShownotes

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery evergreen

Small & fast DOM and event library for modern browsers. Having the same familiar API as jQuery (but without the extra "weight" of modules like $.ajax, $.animate, and $.Deferred), it works great stand-alone or paired up with e.g. Backbone. The full version is only 7KB minified (2KB gzip), but it's easy to create a custom build to exclude parts you don't need.

jQuery evergreen

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery imagefit

A simple, lightweight plugin to make images fit anywhere and anyway.

jQuery imagefit

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Placecomplete

A Select2/jQuery plugin for location autocomplete powered by the Google Maps API

jQuery Placecomplete

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery rich textarea

Rich_TextArea is a jQuery plugin replacement for the venerable HTML TEXTAREA that adds arbitrary triggered autocompletes along with the insertion of rich “embedded objects” included images, links, or any other markup.

jQuery rich textarea

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery language select

Show/hide elements in the page using one jQuery call.

jQuery language select

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery USOS

This is a set of jQuery utilities and simple widgets, intended to help web developers with their work with USOS-related projects (primarily, the USOSweb project).

jQuery USOS

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery HTabs.js

JQuery plugin to render Tabs and navigation content by applying it to div.

jQuery HTabs.js

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery optgrouper

Automatically group <option>'s into <optgroup>'s using a custom data-optgroup attribute

jQuery optgrouper

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery qoopido.js

Collection of classes, plugins, functions and extensions for Javascript and jQuery.

jQuery qoopido.js

[Demo] [Download]