10 Best Toast Notification jQuery/JavaScript Plugins (2025 Update)
What is Toast Notification?
Toast notification is a popular alert/push notification system introduced in Android/Material Design.
The toast displays an unobtrusive and non-block popup box to send informational messages to your mobile and web users. In general, the toast notification will automatically dismiss itself after a timeout you specify.
The Best Toast Notification Plugin
Toast notifications are a great way to grab a user's attention. But developing them might seem hard. Thankfully there are some great JavaScript libraries that you can use to get the job done.
Here we'll explore 10 of the best toast notification plugins in jQuery and/or Vanilla JavaScript that make it simple to create and display Android style toasts in your web pages or web applications. I hope you like it.
Originally Published Dec 22 2017, updated Jan 07 2025
Table of contents:
jQuery Toast Notification Plugins:
Highly Customizable jQuery Toast Message Plugin - Toastr
A simple yet robust jQuery toast notification plugin which lets you create highly customizable toast messages on your webpage.
Responsive Non-intrusive Toast Notification jQuery Plugin
A responsive, customizable, non-intrusive toast notification jQuery plugin that allows you to communicate with users through four distinct notification types: Success, Error, Info, and Warning.
The toast notifications appear smoothly with transitions and fade away after a set duration. Each notification type comes with its own visual style to ensure clear and intuitive messaging.
Create Alert Notifications Using Bootstrap Toasts - Toaster
A jQuery based, developer-friendly Bootstrap Toast Generator that lets you quickly generate highly customizable alert notifications via Bootstrap Toasts component.
Easy Toast Notifications In Bootstrap 5 - jQuery simple-notif.js
A tiny jQuery plugin to create customizable brief feedback messages using Bootstrap 5's Toast Component and Font Awesome 6 icons. It is ideal for displaying success or error messages, alerts, reminders, confirmations, and more.
Customizable Toast Popup Plugin For jQuery - Toaster.js
The Toaster.js jQuery plugin let's you create Material Design inspired, highly customizable, snackbar- & toast-like notification popups on the webpage.
Vanilla JS Toast Notification Libraries:
Elegant Alert/Confirm/Toast Dialog Box In JavaScript – Cute Alert
A Vanilla JavaScript dialog popup library to create alert notifications, confirm popup boxes, and toast messages on the web app.
JavaScript Plugin For Custom Toast Notifications – Simple Notify
A simple notification JavaScript plugin for displaying highly customizable, toast-style alert popups on the page.
Simple Vanilla JavaScript Toast Notification Library – Toastify
Toastify is a simple, lightweight, vanilla JavaScript library used for sending stackable, non-blocking toast messages to end-users.
Create Bootstrap 5 Toasts Dynamically – bs-toaster
A vanilla JavaScript library for dynamically creating and manipulating Bootstrap 5 toasts on the web app.
Smooth Snackbar & Toast Notification In JavaScript – js-snackbar
A pure JavaScript plugin that helps you create Material Design inspired non-blocking snackbars & toast notifications on the web app. With smooth CSS animations and optional duration, status, message and much more.
More Sources:
I hope that this article was helpful in identifying which Toast Notification JavaScript libraries are the best for you. That being said, I’m sure that there are many more JavaScript libraries for Toast Notifications out there. If you have another one to add to our list, let us know in the comments section below!
Seeking more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create awesome toasts on the web & mobile? See jQuery Toast Message and JavaScript Toast sections for more details.
If you like Material Design, you might also like our another list of 10 Best Snackbar Plugins.
Not a jQuery user? Check out the 10 Best Toast Notification JavaScript Libraries for more Material Design Toaster solutions in Vanilla JavaScript.
You might also be interested in the 7 Best Material Design Inspired Toast Components for Vue.js based web applications.