7 Best Tree Table Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

Ever wanted to implement a tree structure on your HTML table to present your hierarchical tabular data in a convenient way?

Here is a list of the 7 best jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript Tree Table plugins that make HTML table rows collapsible and expandable just like a hierarchical tree. Feel free to download and use them in your next project.

Originally Published Nov 25 2020, updated Feb 29 2024

1. Create Tree Structure In HTML Table - simple-tree-table

A simple tree table plugin with jQuery to create a tree structure in your HTML table that enables you to collapse & expand nested table rows with minus and plus buttons.

Create Tree Structure In HTML Table - simple-tree-table

[Demo] [Download]

2. Accessible Expandable Tree Table In JavaScript

An accessible expandable HTML enhancement script that allows the user to toggle (expand/collapse) table rows just like a tree structure.

Accessible Expandable Tree Table In JavaScript

[Demo] [Download]

3. Convert Hierarchical Data Into A Tree Table View - tree-table.js

A small and simple jQuery plugin that converts hierarchical data defined in an array of objects into a collapsible/expandable tree table view with tree lines through on the rows.

Convert Hierarchical Data Into A Tree Table View - tree-table.js

[Demo] [Download]

4. Collapsible Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Treegrid

A jQuery plugin which converts a standard Html table into a collapsible data grid like the tree structure.

Collapsible Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Treegrid

[Demo] [Download]

5. jQuery Plugin To Create Multilevel Collapsible Table Rows - Tabelizer

A simple jQuery plugin used to create treeview-style multilevel, collapsible, hierarchical table rows with grouping indicators.

jQuery Plugin To Create Multilevel Collapsible Table Rows - Tabelizer

[Demo] [Download]

6. Dynamic Tree Table Plugin With jQuery - QiangTableTree

A jQuery plugin which helps you render a configurable, collapsible tree table from dynamic data sets you define in the JavaScript.

Dynamic Tree Table Plugin With jQuery - QiangTableTree

[Demo] [Download]

7. jQuery Plugin For Creating Collapsible Table Rows - aCollapTable

A lightweight jQuery plugin used to make your table rows collapsible and expandable like an accordion. Great for data table containing tons of data rows.

jQuery Plugin For Creating Collapsible Table Rows - aCollapTable

[Demo] [Download]

More Resources:

Want more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to implement Spilt View on your web app? Check out the Tree Table and JavaScript Tree Table sections.

See Also: