10 Best Gauge Plugins In jQuery And Pure JavaScript/CSS (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

A gauge meter (also known as gauge chart, gauge graph) is an online tool which can be used to represent data values in full-radial, semi-radial & arch dials.

In this post you will find the 10 best jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, and Pure CSS gauge plugins to help web developers generate dynamic gauge meters for dashboard, resume, study, scientific paper, and much more. Enjoy!

Originally Published May 18 2019, updated Jan 08 2024

Table of contents:

jQuery Gauge Plugins:

Customizable & Animated jQuery / HTML5 Gauge Meter Plugin

GaugeMeter.js is a versatile jQuery gauge plugin which takes advantage of HTML5 canvas to render animated gauge meters and dials with plenty of customization options.

Customizable & Animated jQuery / HTML5 Gauge Meter Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

Graphical Gauge Meter With jQuery and Dx.js

An elegant, animated, graphical gauge meter/chart that uses jQuery and dx.js libraries for SVG drawing.

Graphical Gauge Meter With jQuery and Dx.js

[Demo] [Download]

Simple jQuery Plugin For Creating SVG Based Gauges

A lightweight (~5kb minified) jQuery plugin which allows you to draw a simple customizable gauge using SVG element.

Simple jQuery Plugin For Creating SVG Based Gauges

[Demo] [Download]

Analog/Digital Gauge Plugin - jQuery simplegauge.js

A simple-to-use jQuery plugin that uses SVG and JavaScript to draw customizable Analog Gauges or Digital Gauges on the page.

Analog/Digital Gauge Plugin - jQuery simplegauge.js

[Demo] [Download]

Smooth Progress Gauge Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - simpleGauge.js

simpleGauge.js is a small jQuery plugin which lets you create minimal, clean, smooth gauge meters to represent percentage values on the webpage.

Smooth Progress Gauge Plugin With jQuery And CSS3 - simpleGauge.js

[Demo] [Download]

Vanilla JS Gauge Libraries:

Animated Gauge Plugin In JavaScript - JustGage

JustGage is a JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting.

Animated Gauge Plugin In JavaScript - JustGage

[Demo] [Download]


A powerful JavaScript library to render customizable, animated gauges on an HTML5 canvas element.

Customizable Gauge Library With JavaScript And Canvas – Gauge.js

[Demo] [Download]

Create Animated Gauges With JavaScript – SVG Gauge

SVG Gauge is a dependency-free JavaScript library for drawing customizable, animated gauges using JavaScript and SVG.

Create Animated Gauges With JavaScript – SVG Gauge

[Demo] [Download]

Pure CSS Gauge:

Creating Fast and Responsive Gauges with Pure CSS

A pure CSS solution to create pretty, fast and responsive bar gauges which can be used for counter, progress bar, or anything else.

Creating Fast and Responsive Gauges with Pure CSS

[Demo] [Download]

Minimal Gauge Meter In Pure CSS

A CSS only gauge component to visualize numeric values in minimal clean gauge meters.

Minimal Gauge Meter In Pure CSS

[Demo] [Download]


Looking for more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create awesome gauges on the web & mobile? Check out the jQuery Gauge and JavaScript/CSS Gauge sections.

See also: