10 Best Accordion Menu Components In jQuery/JavaScript/CSS (2024 Update)
The accordion menu component enables the visitor to vertically expand/collapse sub menu items just like an accordion.
In this post you will find out the 10 best jQuery/JavaScript/CSS accordion menu components to organize and display your large multi-level navigation system in an elegant way.
Originally Published May 19 2019, updated Feb 05 2024
Table of contents:
jQuery Accordion Menu Plugins:
jQuery Accordion Menu Plugin For Bootstrap 4/3 - metisMenu
metisMenu is a simple jQuery menu plugin for Bootstrap 3 that help you create a collapsible menu with animated accordion effects and auto collapse support.
Hierarchical Tree & Multi-level Accordion Plugin - mgAccordion
A lightweight, SEO-friendly jQuery content toggle plugin to generate a hierarchical tree or multi-level accordion menu from nested HTML unordered lists.
Tiny Vertical Accordion Menu In jQuery
A minimal, clean, smooth, SEO-friendly accordion menu component built using jQuery, CSS/CSS3, nested HTML lists, and Font Awesome iconic font.
Minimal Vertical Accordion Menu With jQuery And CSS3
This is a tiny jQuery snippet that helps you create a vertical accordion menu (FAQ system) with smooth expand and collapse animations.
Multi-level Vertical Accordion Menu With jQuery
A vertical accordion menu jQuery plugin that enables the user to collapse and expand sub menu items just like an accordion.
Vanilla JS Accordion Menu Libraries:
Overlay Accordion Menu For Bootstrap 5
An overlay nav system for Bootstrap 5 that enables a hamburger button to toggle a sidebar menu sliding from the left edge of the screen.
Nested Accordion Menu With Vanilla JS
An animated multi-level accordion menu built with nested nav list and vanilla JavaScript.
Smooth Vertical Accordion Menu With JavaScript And CSS3
A smooth vertical accordion menu created with JavaScript, CSS, CSS3 transitions, Font Awesome, and nested HTML lists.
Pure CSS Accordion Menus:
Multilevel Accordion Menu with Plain HTML & CSS
A simple Html5 / CSS3 approach to making a multilevel sliding accordion menu from nested html lists. It uses checkbox+label hacks for toggling hierarchical menus and several CSS3 properties for smooth sliding effects.
SEO-friendly Accordion Menu In Pure CSS/CSS3
A smooth, semantic, SEO-friendly accordion menu (dropdown menu) built with HTML unordered list and CSS/CSS3.
Seeking more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create awesome Accordion Menus on the web & mobile? See jQuery Gauge and JavaScript/CSS Gauge sections for more details.
See also:
- Best Accordion Components In Pure JavaScript & CSS
- Best Accordion Sliders In JavaScript Or Pure CSS
- Best Responsive Dropdown Menus
- Best Responsive Menu jQuery Plugins
- Best Circle Menu Plugins
- Best Mega Menu Systems
- Best Off-canvas Mobile Menus
- Best Floating Action Button (Popup Menu) Plugins