10 Best JavaScript Plugins To Sort Table By Columns (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

What Is Table Sort

Table sort is a commonly used data management functionality that enables the user to sort tabular data in an HTML table by ascending or descending order.

Suppose you have an HTML table and want to sort data based on user name, age, email address, you need a table sorting plugin to achieve this function.

The Best Table Sort Plugin:

Here are the 10 best jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript table sorter plugin that makes HTML table sortable and improves the reading experience of large tabular data in your web app. Have fun.

Originally Published Sep 15 2020, updated Jan 19, 2024

Table of contents:

Best jQuery Table Sort Plugins

Paginate, Filter, And Sort Dynamic Data In A Table - Table Sortable

The Table Sortable jQuery plugin helps you render a customizable dynamic data table from JSON or JavaScript objects, with paginate, live filter, and data sort capabilities.

Paginate, Filter, And Sort Dynamic Data In A Table - Table Sortable

[Demo] [Download]

Enable Sorting, Filtering And Pagination For Table - jQuery fancyTable

The fancyTable jQuery plugin adds blazing fast, client-side sorting, pagination, and live searching functionalities to your large data table.

Enable Sorting, Filtering And Pagination For Table - jQuery fancyTable

[Demo] [Download]

Sort Table Data By Selected Column - jQuery tableSortable

A lightweight and fast sortable table jQuery plugin that allows for quick sorting of table columns by clicking header cells.

Sort Table Data By Selected Column - jQuery tableSortable

[Demo] [Download]

Enhance HTML Table With Pagination Sorting Filtering - tableManager

A simple yet powerful jQuery table management plugin that provides an easy way to sort/filter/paginate tabular data in an HTML table.

Enhance HTML Table With Pagination Sorting Filtering - tableManager

[Demo] [Download]

Highly Customizable Table Sort Plugin With jQuery - Stupid Table

A lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery html table sorting plugin that makes any table columns sortable by custom data type you specify.

Highly Customizable Table Sort Plugin With jQuery - Stupid Table

[Demo] [Download]

Best vanilla JS Table Sort Plugins

Ultra Fast HTML Table Sorting Library – sortable.js

The sortable.js JavaScript library enables any static or dynamic HTML table to be sortable. Blazing fast and simple to implement.

Ultra Fast HTML Table Sorting Library – sortable.js

[Demo] [Download]

Sort An HTML Table By Clicking The Header Of A Column – tablesort

A vanilla JS table sorter that allows you to sort data in an HTML table by clicking the header of a column.

Sort An HTML Table By Clicking The Header Of A Column – tablesort

[Demo] [Download]

Make HTML Table Sortable With sort-table Library

A small JavaScript library which applies the sorting functionality to your HTML table.

Make HTML Table Sortable With sort-table Library

[Demo] [Download]

Sort An HTML Table In Alphabetical Or Numerical Order – Sortable Tables

A JavaScript plugin for sortable tables which enables the user to sort the table columns in alphabetical or numerical order.

Sort An HTML Table In Alphabetical Or Numerical Order – Sortable Tables

[Demo] [Download]

Minimal Table Sorter In JavaScript – table-sort.js

A minimal table sorter that is easy to implement by simply add the CSS class table-sort to the table tag.

Minimal Table Sorter In JavaScript – table-sort.js

[Demo] [Download]

More Resources:

Want more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create sortable HTML tables on the web & mobile? Check out the jQuery Table Sort and JavaScript Table Sort sections.

See Also: