10 Best JavaScript Plugins For Responsive Text (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

When you're developing a cross-platform website or web app, you need to manipulate the font size of your text on different screen sizes.

In some cases, your text appears to be the right size on the web but may appear too small on small screens like mobile devices.

In order to ensure the visual consistency of the font size on the mobile and web, you might need a responsive text plugin to adjust the text size according to the screen size.

Here is a list of 10 best jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript solutions that automatically enlarge and reduce the text size to fit their content.

Feel free to download & use them in your next responsive web design project to make the text fully responsive and fluid on any screen size. Have fun with it.

Originally Published Sep 16 2020, updated Feb 22 2024

Table of contents:

Best jQuery Responsive Text Plugins

jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing Text - textfill

An useful jQuery text plugin that automatically resizes your text within a container to make the font size of the text as big as possible. You can also set the minimal or maximum font size of the text to fit your need.

jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing Text - textfill

[Demo] [Download]

Fit Text To The Width Of Its Container - jQuery FitToParent.js

A jQuery responsive text plugin that dynamically changes the font size of the text (single line) to fit the width & height of its parent container.

Fit Text To The Width Of Its Container - jQuery FitToParent.js

[Demo] [Download]

Shrink & Truncate Text To Fit Its Container - jQuery Textfit.js

A lightweight responsive text solution that intelligently resizes and truncates your long text block to fit within its parent container.

Shrink & Truncate Text To Fit Its Container - jQuery Textfit.js

[Demo] [Download]

FitText - Flexible Font Size Plugin

A jquery plugin that can make font-sizes flexible on your your fluid or responsive layout. For instance, you can use the plugin to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.

FitText - Flexible Font Size Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

Responsive Performant jQuery Text Resizing Plugin - FancyTextFill

A responsive and high-performance jQuery text resizing plugin that automatically increases and shrinks the font size of your text to fit its container.

Responsive Performant jQuery Text Resizing Plugin - FancyTextFill

[Demo] [Download]

Best vanilla JS Responsive Text Plugins

JavaScript Plugin For Fitting Text To Its Container - textFit

A simple and fast JavaScript plugin that automatically scales the text to fit the width or height of its container.

JavaScript Plugin For Fitting Text To Its Container - textFit

[Demo] [Download]

Minimal Text Resizing JavaScript Library – fitty

A small, zero-dependency JavaScript library that dynamically scales the text to fill its parent container.

Minimal Text Resizing JavaScript Library – fitty

[Demo] [Download]

Flexible & Responsive Curving Text - CircleType.js

A smart and lightweight JavaScript library that allows you to arrange each letter of your text along a curved path based on Lettering.js.

Flexible & Responsive Curving Text - CircleType.js

[Demo] [Download]

Resize Text Fonts Based On The Screen Width – font-master

Just another text resize library written in pure JavaScript that dynamically scales font sizes of your text to fit the parent container.

Resize Text Fonts Based On The Screen Width – font-master

[Demo] [Download]

Responsive & Flexible Text with FluidFont.js

A standalone JS library which makes the font size of your text as large as possible to fit within the container’s width. Great for responsive web layout.

Responsive & Flexible Text with FluidFont.js

[Demo] [Download]

More Resources:

Looking for more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create responsive text on the web & mobile? See jQuery Responsive Text and JavaScript Responsive Text sections for more details.

More About Responsive Design: