Customizable Toast Popup Plugin For jQuery - Toaster.js

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License: MIT
Customizable Toast Popup Plugin For jQuery - Toaster.js

The Toaster.js jQuery plugin let's you create Material Design inspired, highly customizable, snackbar- & toast-like notification popups on the webpage.

Main Features:

  • 5 notification types: success, warning, error, info and notice.
  • Auto dismiss after a certain timeout.
  • Custom notification/close icons.
  • A progress bar indicates the remaining time.
  • RTL support.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery Toaster.js plugin's JavaScript and Stylesheet on the html page.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="toast.script.js"></script>

2. The JavaScript to create a basic toast message on the page. Available parameters:

  • title: toast title
  • message: toast message.
  • type: success, warning, error, info or notice
  • options: options object
// $.Toast(title, message, type, options);
$.Toast("Toast title", "Toast message here");

3. Customize the plugin by passing the following options to the $.Toast function:


  // append to body
  appendTo: "body",

  // is stackable?
  stack: false,

  // 'toast-top-left'
  // 'toast-top-right'
  // 'toast-top-center'
  // 'toast-bottom-left'
  // 'toast-bottom-right'
  // 'toast-bottom-center'
  position_class: "toast-bottom-right",

  // true = snackbar
  fullscreen: false,

  // width
  width: 250,

  // space between toasts
  spacing: 20,

  // in milliseconds
  timeout: 4000,

  // has close button
  has_close_btn: true,

  // has icon
  has_icon: true,

  // is sticky
  sticky: false,

  // border radius in pixels
  border_radius: 6,

  // has progress bar
  has_progress: false,

  // RTL support
  rtl: false


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mehrankhorrami. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.