Highly Customizable jQuery Toast Message Plugin - Toastr

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License: MIT
Highly Customizable jQuery Toast Message Plugin - Toastr

Toastr is a simple yet robust jQuery toast notification plugin which lets you create highly customizable toast messages on your webpage.

Main features:

  • Can be placed anywhere on the webpage.
  • 4 built-in toast types: success, info, warning and error.
  • Custom show/hide animations.
  • Auto dismiss with progress bar.
  • Allows to prevent duplicates.

Basic usage:

1. Download and include the jQuery Toastr plugin's files into your webpage which has jQuery library installed.

<link href="toastr.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="toastr.js"></script>

2. Display toast messages with default options on the webpage.

// with no title
// with a title
toastr.error('Error', 'Error Title')

3. Override the default configuration options.

toastr.error('Error', 'Error Title',{

  // tap to dismiss
  tapToDismiss: true,

  // toast class
  toastClass: 'toast',

  // container ID
  containerId: 'toast-container',

  // debug mode
  debug: false,
  // fadeIn, slideDown, and show are built into jQuery
  showMethod: 'fadeIn', 

  // duration of animation
  showDuration: 300,

  // easing function
  showEasing: 'swing',

  // callback function
  onShown: undefined,
  onHidden: undefined,

  // hide animation
  hideMethod: 'fadeOut',

  // duration of animation
  hideDuration: 1000,

  // easing function
  hideEasing: 'swing',
  // close animation
  closeMethod: false,

  // duration of animation
  closeDuration: false,

  // easing function
  closeEasing: false,

  // timeout in ms
  extendedTimeOut: 1000,

  // you can customize icons here
  iconClasses: {
    error: 'toast-error',
    info: 'toast-info',
    success: 'toast-success',
    warning: 'toast-warning'
  iconClass: 'toast-info',

  // toast-top-center, toast-bottom-center, toast-top-full-width
  // toast-bottom-full-width, toast-top-left, toast-bottom-right
  // toast-bottom-left, toast-top-right
  positionClass: 'toast-top-right',

  // set timeOut and extendedTimeOut to 0 to make it sticky
  timeOut: 5000, 

  // title class
  titleClass: 'toast-title',

  // message class
  messageClass: 'toast-message',

  // allows HTML content in the toast?
  escapeHtml: false,

  // target container
  target: 'body',

  // close button
  closeHtml: '<button type="button">&times;</button>',

  // place the newest toast on the top
  newestOnTop: true,

  // revent duplicate toasts
  preventDuplicates: false,

  // shows progress bar
  progressBar: false

4. Clear current toast messages.

// Without using animation

// Using animation



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by CodeSeven. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.