10 Best Custom Scrollbar Plugins In jQuery And Vanilla JS (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

These 10 Best Custom Scroll Bar plugins enable you to beautify and enhance the native & ugly browser scrollbars.

Some of these plugins also supports scrollable container and horizontal scrollbars. I hope you like it.

YOU MIGHT NOT NEED JavaScript! You can also apply your own CSS styles to the native browser scrollbars the ::-webkit-scrollbar CSS pseudo-element.

/* width */
::-webkit-scrollbar {
    width: 10px;

/* button */
::-webkit-scrollbar-button {
    background: #222;

/* Handle */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
    background: #333;

/* Handle on hover */
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
    background: #666;

/* Track */
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
    background: #000;

/* The track NOT covered by the handle.
::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece {
    background: #000;

/* Corner */
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner {
    background: #999;

/* Resizer */
::-webkit-resizer {
    background: #111;

Originally Published Dec 22 2017, updated Jan 25 2024

Table of contents:

jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugins:

Highly Customizable Custom Overlay Scrollbar Plugin With jQuery

The jQuery OverlayScrollbars plugin provides a simple way to create customizable, themeable overlay scrollbars on any scrollable element while preserving the native scroll functionality.

Highly Customizable Custom Overlay Scrollbar Plugin With jQuery

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugin - malihu

malihu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to beautify your content scrollbar with CSS and jQuery UI.

jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugin - malihu

[Demo] [Download]

Mobile-friendly Custom Scrollbar Plugin With jQuery - NiceScroll

An easy yet robust jQuery plugin that allows to append pretty nice, touch-enabled and highly customizable scrollbar to any scrollable area such as browser window, DIV container, iframe, textarea and much more.

Mobile-friendly Custom Scrollbar Plugin With jQuery - NiceScroll

[Demo] [Download]

Cross-browser Custom Scrollbar In JavaScript - jScrollPane

A jQuery plugin to create cross-browser, fully configurable, highly customizable scrollbars on any container elements.

Cross-browser Custom Scrollbar In JavaScript - jScrollPane

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugin For Custom Scrollbar - scrollbox

A lightweight jQuery plugin that applies a custom Scrollbar to your content, which triggers events when reached the defined point.

jQuery Plugin For Custom Scrollbar - scrollbox

[Demo] [Download]

Vanilla Custom Scrollbar Libraries:

Performant Custom Scrollbar JavaScript Library – SimpleBar

A simple, standalone JavaScript library that appends a custom scrollbar to any scrollable container which has overflowing content. Works with CSS overflow: auto property and keeps the native scroll behavior.

Performant Custom Scrollbar JavaScript Library – SimpleBar

[Demo] [Download]

Customizable Scrollbar With Smooth Scroll – smooth-scrollbar

A JavaScript library used to create a customizable, performant scrollbar with smooth scrolling effects for scrollable content.

Customizable Scrollbar With Smooth Scroll – smooth-scrollbar

[Demo] [Download]


OverlayScrollbars is a JavaScript library used to create elegant, customizable and themeable scrollbars on any scrollable elements.

Elegant Themeable Custom Scrollbar OverlayScrollbars

Demo Download

Tiny JavaScript Plugin For Beautifying Scrollbar - perfect-scrollbar

A lightweight JavaScript plugin that allows you to beautify the default scroll bars without changing or adding any style on original elements.

Tiny JavaScript Plugin For Beautifying Scrollbar - perfect-scrollbar

[Demo] [Download]

Beautify Native Scrollbar With Custom CSS – Slim-scroll

A Pure JavaScript plugin to replace the native browser scrollbar with one that can be easily customized via CSS.

Beautify Native Scrollbar With Custom CSS – Slim-scroll

[Demo] [Download]


Seeking more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create awesome Custom Scrollbars on the web & mobile? See jQuery Scrollbar and JavaScript Scrollbar sections for more details.

See also: