Cross-browser Custom Scrollbar In JavaScript - jScrollPane

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Cross-browser Custom Scrollbar In JavaScript - jScrollPane

jScrollPane is a jQuery plugin to create cross-browser, fully configurable, highly customizable scrollbars on any container elements.

Supports any scrollable containers such as DIVs, iframes, and even the whole body.

Created for non-WebKit browsers that don't support custom browser scrollbars using pseudo elements.

More features:

  • Supports both horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
  • Supports mouse wheel event. Requires mousewheel plugin.
  • Auto scrolls the content when hovering over scroll arrows.
  • Auto maintains the position whenever it is reinitialised.
  • Fully responsive. Auto reinit on window resize.
  • Auto scrolls the content to the correct place on page load. Smooth scroll is supported as well.

Table Of Contents:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and the jScrollPane plugin's files on the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/style/jquery.jscrollpane.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/script/jquery.jscrollpane.js"></script>

2. Include the mousewheel plugin. OPTIONAL.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/mousewheel.min.js"></script>

3. Include the mwheelIntent.js plugin to detect the user intent. OPTIONAL.

<script src="/path/to/script/mwheelIntent.js"></script>

4. Create a scrollable container.

<div class="scroll-pane">
  ... content here ...
.scroll-pane {
  width: 300px;
  height: 200px;
  overflow: auto;

5. Attach the jScrollPane plugin to the scrollable content and done.

var pane = $('.scroll-pane');
    // options here

6. All plugin options to customize the scrollbar.

// shows scroll arrows
showArrows: false,

// maintains the position whenever it is reinitialised
maintainPosition: true,

// scroll to the bottom even if new content is added to the pane
stickToBottom: false,

// scroll to the right even if new content is added to the pane
stickToRight: false,

// allows to scroll towards the point you click
clickOnTrack: true,

// auto re-init (e.g. new content is added to the pane)
autoReinitialise: false,

// time to wait before auto re-init
autoReinitialiseDelay: 500,

// the smallest height that the vertical drag can have
verticalDragMinHeight: 0,

// the max height that the vertical drag can have
verticalDragMaxHeight: 99999,

// the smallest width that the horizontal drag can have
horizontalDragMinWidth: 0,

// the max width that the horizontal drag can have
horizontalDragMaxWidth: 99999,

// content width
contentWidth: undefined,

// enables smooth scroll
animateScroll: false,

// duration of smooth scroll
animateDuration: 300,

// easing for smooth scroll
animateEase: 'linear',

// enables a link to scroll the pane to specific anchor
hijackInternalLinks: false,

// vertical/horizontal gutter
verticalGutter: 4,
horizontalGutter: 4,

// mousewheel speed
mouseWheelSpeed: 3,

// the amount that the scrollpane scrolls each time on of the arrow buttons is pressed
arrowButtonSpeed: 0,

// the number of milliseconds between each repeated scroll event when the mouse is held down over one of the arrow keys
arrowRepeatFreq: 50,

// auto scrolls the content when hovering over the scroll arrows
arrowScrollOnHover: false,

// controls the amount that the scrollpane scrolls each trackClickRepeatFreq while the mouse button is held down over the track
trackClickSpeed: 0,

// the number of milliseconds between each repeated scroll event when the mouse is held down over the track
trackClickRepeatFreq: 70,

// split|before|after|os
verticalArrowPositions: 'split',
horizontalArrowPositions: 'split',

// enables keyboard navigation
enableKeyboardNavigation: true,
keyboardSpeed: 0,

// hides focus outline
hideFocus: false,

// Delay before starting repeating
initialDelay: 300,

// Default speed when others falsey
speed: 30, 

// Percent of visible area scrolled when pageUp/Down or track area pressed
scrollPagePercent: 0.8,

// always shows vertical scrollbar
alwaysShowVScroll: false,

// always shows horizontal scrollbar
alwaysShowHScroll: false,

// auto re-init on content resize
resizeSensor: false,

// time to wait before re-init on resize
resizeSensorDelay: 0,

6. API methods.

var api ='jsp');

// re-init the instance

// scrolls to a specific element
api.scrollToElement(ele, stickToTop, animate);

// scrolls to a specific point
api.scrollTo(destX, destY, animate);
api.scrollToX(destX, animate);
api.scrollToY(destY, animate);
api.scrollToPercentX(destPercentX, animate);
api.scrollToPercentY(destPercentY, animate);

// scrolls the pane by the specified amount of pixels
api.scrollBy(deltaX, deltaY, animate);
api.scrollByX(deltaX, animate);
api.scrollByY(deltaY, animate);

// Positions the horizontal drag at the specified x position
api.positionDragX(x, animate);

// Positions the vertical drag at the specified y position (and updates the viewport to reflect this)
api.positionDragY(y, animate);

// animates to a new position
api.animate(ele, prop, value, stepCallback, completeCallback);

// scrolls to the bottom

// hijacks the links on the page which link to content inside the scrollpane

// get data

// destroys the instance

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vitch. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.