7 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #41 (2017)

by jQueryScript,

Here's our #201 hand-picked collection of 7 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (Oct 6th, 2017 ~ Oct 12th, 2017). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

jQuery js-affix

Creating an affixed navigation with CSS & JavaScript.

jQuery js-affix

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery bala

bala.js is a function that allows you to select elements on a web page and get rid of jQuery in most of cases. Think of it as document.querySelectorAll on steroids.

jQuery bala

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery storygist

A jQuery plugin for generating a quick mobile-first gist of a longform story or a package of stories.

jQuery storygist

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery card-flip

Creates a flip card animation using HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.

jQuery card-flip

[Demo] [Download]


URL routing jQuery plugin.



jQuery super_select

Super_Select - The best multiple selector you're ever going to use. The selected options do not get cleared away when the select box is refreshed or populated with new data.

jQuery super_select

[Demo] [Download]

JQuery manga-tracker

A cross-site manga tracker.

JQuery manga-tracker

[Demo] [Download]